Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Audrey...you... are safe

I was recently thinking that this has been my least favorite season of 24. Jack was all out of it after being tortured for a long time by the Chinese, I don't really like Wayne Palmer as President (and by the way, how the heck did that happen anyway?), and I hate hate hate hate hate the monkey faced VP...he drives me totally crazy. Plus, I just can't take Tom Lennox seriously; he was the creepy bad guy in Ghostbusters II, so every time I look at him I just want to laugh. But last night was such a good episode and sucked me right back in. I thought it was way too early for them to find the nukes, so I wondered what could possibly be next. But they came through with the always reliable plot of the Chinese being pissed at Jack. What is it like the 3rd season they've been after him? I was okay with this because I was right all along. Audrey is still alive. I realize that no one is safe on this show (except maybe Jack), but killing off Audrey just seemed too cruel. After everything Jack's been through...why kill off his girlfriend? It just wouldn't be right. So i feel better now and i'm back to being a die hard fan.


Anonymous Voter said...

Sweet blog name.

Tara said...

Well I don't watch 24 but I can say emphatically that I hate the Chinese.

Tara said...

I'm kidding. How could I hate the Chinese? they make awesome food!

Alifinale said...

I too was getting pissed off at a lot of 24. Seriously how did Palmer become Pres. He is the worst president TV has ever seen and don't get me started on the VP. I did love this weeks episode. But did you think it was a bit ironic that minutes after he saved the day about the nukes he gets a phone call from the chinese? But I am glad Audrey is alive. Phew.

Anonymous Voter said...
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Ilene said...

So who is Audrey? Is she from Season 2? I ask because I have only seen the first two seasons (watched the DVDs during those late night feeding hours after Thomas was born). However, I just ended up being too frustrated to continue the series. I can only handle one frustrating series at a time- Lost is it for me. Anyway, what happened to Jack's super duper annoying daughter, Kim? I think she is the main reason why I stopped watching the show. That, in addition to every other female character being in some way a mental case (at least for the first 2 seasons).

Ilene said...

So who is Audrey? Is she from Season 2? I ask because I have only seen the first two seasons (watched the DVDs during those late night feeding hours after Thomas was born). However, I just ended up being too frustrated to continue the series. I can only handle one frustrating series at a time- Lost is it for me. Anyway, what happened to Jack's super duper annoying daughter, Kim? I think she is the main reason why I stopped watching the show. That, in addition to every other female character being in some way a mental case (at least for the first 2 seasons).

Anonymous Voter said...

More pictures of Easton, less talk about tv.

Anonymous said...

Time to update your blog.

Aimee said...