Friday, June 15, 2007

Easton's First Moves

We were finally able to capture Easton making some progress with his crawling. All day he tries and tries; going small distances very slowly and wobbly. But then Dad comes home from studying and Easton just takes off trying to get to him. It was so dang cute how excited he was to see him. So I grabbed the camera and he did it fun! Of course now we have to get into baby proofing, which is the whole reason I didn't want to encourage this whole crawling thing, but oh well, it's cute. My favorite is how when he's getting ready to go he gets on his feet and looks like he's ready to run the hundred meter dash. On your mark, get set...go!


Alifinale said...

Holy cow! He did so good! He is so big. I love how happy he was at his accomplishment. Way to go E!

Lizzy said...

That is so stinkin cute! I love the huge grin at the end! How fun.

Carol and Bruce said...

We are all standing around the computer together watching and screaming and laughting and crying.
He is so adorable! It was worth it however long it took...we love it!
mom,dad and jen

Danielle said...

So cute. That smile at the end was priceless! I am glad you are obsessed with Harry Potter. I have checked out the leaky cauldron as well. There are some good sites out there! I am hoping to get through 4,5, and 6 in 35 days. Hmmm...we'll see. Anyway, your family is so adorable, keep up the cute pics and videos!

Ilene said...

Easton is TOO cute! I don't know about you but I get so excited when my boys show excitement for their dad. I don't know why, I just like seeing my boys, young and old, excited to be around each other. Mommy syndrome, I guess.


Chelsea said...

Baby proofing? You know I can't even get out of a baby proofed house. You know those little plastic door knob covers you have to squeeze to turn...yeah can't open those. And, those little plastic things that keep cupboards shut, can't open those too well either.

destiny said...

OH! That was the cutest thing I have ever seen! I can see how he was concentrating on every move he made! That smile at the end was great too! Oh I want to meet this cute boy of yours someday!!!

Anonymous Voter said...

Personally, I HATE those dumb electrical outlet covers. I can't remove them.

I have, literally, 8 things plugged in on my side of the bed (computer charger, phone charger, lamp, alarm clock, MP3 player charger, battery charger, baby monitor - yeah we know Emily - , and a printer). Emily, maybe you can eliminate the clutter of cords on my side of the bed by using electrical outlet covers. I would be like Chelsea trying to open a door.

Tara said...

Yay Easton! He is such a cute baby!

Lindsay Coudron said...

Have I told you yet that Easton looks just like you, he is just so dang cute!!! Miss ya

Lizzie said...

He is so cute! How old is he? I'm glad you talked (barely) on the was so fun to here your voice! And I agree with Danielle, his smile at the end is soooo cute!