Thursday, July 12, 2007


This is Easton's version of feeding the ducks.

I don't know why, but I have always liked going to feed ducks, and I love taking little kids to do it too. I guess I feel like it's sort of a rite of passage. I mean, everyone has to feed the ducks, right? Obviously Easton's too young to really grasp the concept. He's probably wondering why on earth I'm giving his food away. He thought they were cool and interesting...I mean, he looked at them and made cute noises, but he's a ways away from throwing bread at them. He'd much rather eat it himself.


Anonymous said...

You loved to feed the ducks too!

Tara said...

I'm with Easton, I get very upset if people are throwing my food away and I'd rather just eat the bread myself.

That picture is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Can we infer from the fact that Easton doesn't want to give his food to Ducks, that he doesn't like Ducks? Maybe if it were a Bronco, he would be more willing to feed it???? I think he is trying to tell us something here!

Ilene said...

That picture made me laugh out loud! He is so cute. I love how he is out in a onesie. I don't know why I bothered buying Thomas "summer" clothes. It is too dang hot to get him dressed.

Who doesn't love a Duck? Broncos and Ducks happily co-exist. It is those Beavers, Huskies, and Utes that cause all the trouble.


Oh my gosh! He is so freakin cute! I love him. And from what I observed at church- he seems so calm and well-behaved. Ok- so don't you live in Idaho? Isn't it hard to leave so much? Do you drive or fly? I hate traveling! How many hours is it? I'm happy for you though that you get to come home and visit. But do you live in Idaho? or am i crazy?

Anonymous said...

I have to say that Easton is a brave little boy (cute for that matter too). I am so afraid of the ducks. I have been chased by them too many times! You will have to Reagan sometime :)

destiny said...

When we first moved there and Joc was only 3 years old she loved to go feed the ducks! She had a funny way of telling us. She would say "I want to eat the ducks." We thought it was hilarious! She would "eat the ducks" everyday if she could!

Emily said...

Dang beavers...and what the heck is a ute anyway?

the splendid life of us... said...

Go Beavers!!!

That is a way cute picture of Easton!

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

Too perfect! His face stuffed with bread is priceless! I too take Cade to feed the ducks, he's 14 months and still doesn't throw the bread but eats it. SO I just let him. Someday they'll get it. Oops, that's my boy up from his SHORT nap. Gotta go!

John said...

I do not really miss the ginormous ducks at Alton Baker Park. Usually when you go to a park to feed ducks, you get the sense that they appreciate your kindness, but the ducks in Eugene were huge and fat and big bullies from being fed so much. It was as though they felt entitled to it. Indeed, the ducks in Alton Baker Park were kind of symbolic of the socialistic peoples of Oregon in general. I swear, if you looked into the eyes of the ducks and geese in Alton Baker Park, you could see all that is wrong with the welfare system in this country.

Emily said...

Wow, I didn't know feeding the ducks could be so political. Interesting insight John. Good thing we fed the ducks in Nampa...they were very appreciative. How are the ducks in LV?

John said...

Thank you for putting up with my political duck rant. Don't get me wrong, not all people on welfare are abusers like the Alton Baker ducks. I for one was very appreciative of social welfare while I was in Oregon.

To answer your question, I haven't seen any ducks in LV yet. I honestly think it is too hot for them here; they would get roasted before too long. Plus, there is hardly any water anywhere for them to float on.