So I just wanted to update everyone on our lives, since I know you have all missed me so much.
* The weather here in Las Vegas changed overnight, and it now feels like fall. The sun is still shining and it is beautiful, but the air is cooler and the wind can be brutal. I don't know if I acclimated so quickly to the weather here and that's why 55 feels cold to me, or if it was the wind, or what...but either way, it's chilly.
* Last Saturday the three of us went out to lunch, and Easton discovered that he was in love with Steve's hat. He wouldn't take it off for the rest of the day, and whenever possible, he was holding onto it, only to let go if I put a fry close to his hand. Sorry, these pics are all from my phone, so they aren't very clear...but isn't he cute?

* That night my pal Christi was too kind and gave me one of her tickets to Phantom of the the two of us went. It was AWESOME!! I loved every second of it. Apparently they made the theater specifically for this show, so it was just perfect...the costumes, the props, the special effects, the sets...I was in awe the whole time, and of course, haven't been able to get the music out of my head. Thanks Christi!
* Upon returning home from the play, Steve and I were watching a movie and Easton was waking up, coughing. So Steve went to check on him and he had thrown up. This was a first for us; we have never really had a sick baby. But, he threw up all night Saturday and all day Sunday. It's weird when it's your own kid...I didn't even think twice about picking him up- throw up in tact, changing sheets, wiping the floor...the vomit in my hair I minded a little, but not too much. I just felt so bad for him...I couldn't understand how his tiny little body could produce that much throw up. Okay sorry if this is gross. Anyway, so even still he is not himself. He is past the throw up stage, but he's still lethargic and whiny. And I think he's getting a tooth, so that really helps things. We spent a lot of the week snuggling on the couch and hanging out in our pjs. I can't wait until he's all better, it makes me sad to see him like that.

* And that brings us to now...Thanksgiving weekend. I have loved having Steve at home for 3 days, and I'm getting excited about Christmas and all of the fun that, music, decorations, friends, family...and of course, food.
It feels good to be back!
Wow I'm the first to comment! How sad that Easton was throwing up so much. Sounds like you've been a good mommy though. The pics were cute even though they were from the cell phone! Happy thanksgiving! Good luck with the sick baby:(
Missed you Em!!! We will pray for your little Easton that he feels better still. Maddie I think has a little tooth on the way...thus the sleeping isn't as glorious as it has been! You are such a rock star mommy!
Hope you guys had a good Thanksgiving. Sorry to hear about Easton. :o( It's no fun to have a little one at home feeling sick. I always wish that it could be me instead of them. :o( Lucky you to see the Phantom of the Opera! I'm so jealous!! Someday I'll see it, too. :o) Until then I'll just have to remember how fun it was to see Les Mis. :o)
Sure missed you guys this year!! Especially when we were playing Catch Phrase. Bruce AND Darren think you are supposed to act out the clues! It was a blast!
I love the pictures of E he is getting SOOO big.
P.S. check out my new blog!
Ugh, I'm so sorry E has been so sick. It's NO FUN when they're not themselves. But enjoy the cuddling while it lasts. that's a plus, at least! :)
Hi, it has been a busy week end and an extra great one but I'm just checking the blogs. It is so sad to see Easton sick and I am grateful he is feeling better. Hope your thanksgiving was fun, we had a great time but sure missed you here in the neigborhood. We are grateful for you guys!!!
My sister and I went to see Phantom several years ago at the Capital Theater In SLC. It was fantastic. I'm glad you got to see it. I'm glad Eaton is feeling better. We sure missed you guys this weekend! LOVE you lots!
Wow, what a crazy week for you. It is no fun having a sick baby. As a mom, all you can do is just sit there and watch, and that sucks! I hope he is feeling better. I am glad you enjoyed Phantom. I saw it a few years ago, but I hope we can see it again in Vegas.
I am glad that your internet is back and running and Easton is feeling better and best of all I AM BACK and we can play. Thanks for the update - blogging missed you as much as you missed it.
Oh poor little Easton! He is such a doll. I'm sorry he has been sick. I bet that sucks.
I am so jealous that you got to go to Phantom! I have wanted to see that for so long! I love it!
Supermom! You're awesome, seriously.
I love how Easton loved Steve's hat, that's so cute, especially since it's HUGE on him. Hope you're Thanksgiving was great, and glad you're internet is working : ) Happy Christmastime....yay!
Poor Easton! That's no fun being sick. When Allie is sick it's the only time she slows down enough to cuddle though, so we take full advantage of that. How did Thanksgiving go?
Good to know the mom gene can kick in when disgusting kid goo erupts, you know?
I typically do okay with it but the other week when Jackson threw up pepperoni pizza I gagged and almost became sick myself. Somehow the mommy in me held my stomach together.
happy thanksgiving :) hope everyone is feeling better soon!
It's good to be back and to have you back!!! It's the sign of true motherhood that we care more about them than ourselves. I think it shocks us at times like that how much we love our kids. The amazing thing is that it never leaves!!! The pains just get bigger and your heart hurts more.
I LOVE Phantom of the Opera!!!!! I love the opening scene when the chandalier drops. Steve and I saw it in a small theater in London. It felt like the chandalier was going to drop on my head, we were about 2 rows back. It was great!
Easton is soooo cute. and You are so beautiful.
love you!!!
so much to say I don't know where to start! ok, i LOVED all those pictures of Easton with the hat on... for real- it was especially cute that he was sick and he still wanted the hat.... ohhh bless his heartttttt i'm so sorry he was sick.
and also, i missed you SOOOOOOOO much this thanksgiving. please please come at christmas. But I'm glad things went well for you over there and that you got some time with Steve-O.
I hate when little ones are sick and you can't do anything for them. But you gotta love the snuggles! I love the whole hat thing, very cute!
I didn't know you got to go to the play! I'm so jealous. I guess Easton will be getting a baseball cap for Christmas, huh? What a cutie. I hope hope hope he gets better soon! Sick babies are not fun for anyone in the house.
Here's what Joseph has to say:
luluuioouiyihdsezkujhuykdffddxjiijijufdddv dxlikiuduydhvyvvhbvjfjvjcccjjdjjdncnddndndjjcndjd
Oh, sick babies are so sad! When Gavin was little he'd just look at you like "Why are you doing this to me???" I always felt so bad! Hope he's perking up.
oh my gosh em!!! How sad! i feel so sad for Easton boy but i'm glad that he is feeling better!!! I hope i'm that way when i'm a mom...ya know, not caring about the vomit!!! You know how i feel about that!!! IM TERRIFIED!!!!!! anyway he is just tooooo cute!!! Yes i have to move...this living situation is just NOT workin out for me too well...if ya know what i mean! And plus i'm far away from school and i wanted to be closer but that meant that i would have to live further away from jenni and was a really hard decision for me but i made it and yes i'm moving!! i thought i had found a place but the people kind of flaked on me so now i'm frantically looking for a place to call home for the remainder of my stay in rexburg! Are you coming home, or i guess i should say Oregon for christmas? Jenni and I are going home on the 15th to the 7th of January! I CAN'T WAIT!!! i'm soooo excited for Christmas and to just be with's the best!!! and plus, i am WAYYYYYY homesick!!! but it's cool!!! anyway i love you and hopefully will see you around christmas time!!!
I hope that Easton is feeling better, it's always sad to see your kids sick, even though it's nice to have them slow down for a little bit.
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