For the past week we have been babysitting a friend's fish while they were on vacation. I thought it would be fun for Easton to have something new around. Plus, fish are the only pet that we will ever be allowed to have, so I thought it would be good practice for us. We aren't exactly dog or cat people. The only other pets I have ever had are hamsters, guinea pigs, or some other rodent-like animal that my husband had to inform me were not, in fact, pets. I think it was the cool pet to have when I was younger, because a lot of my friends had them, my brother had a gerbil...anyway, my hamster (I think his name was peanut butter...already showing my preference to that over chocolate) met a sad, slow death from heat stroke when I left him outside one hot, summer day. Obviously, I should not be the owner of animals.
My friend made it clear before she left that she wouldn't be at all sad if one or all of the fish died. These guys have outlived any other goldfish I've ever heard of. But, I have done good and kept them alive for an entire week. Sorry Chelsie!
THose fish are here for a special purpose because they keep cheating death. I seriously was waiting for you to say that they were dead. Way to be a good babysitter!
Pretty cool! Did E just want to reach in a grab them all the time? Cade is mesmorized by fish so that's neat for E to have had them around for a while! And way to go Em for NOT killing them! :)
Did we ever tell you about our goldfish, MC Hammer? I loved that fish!
Hannah loves our fish. Damon got them before Hannah was born to "practice" on. I'd have to say he's doing a much better job with Hannah than the fish because he's killed (or neglected until dead) countless fish. Oh well! Good thing they're not too expensive!
I love the Valentine picture of Eastin. He's such a cutie!
Emily Dawn... has your memory been warped?!?!?! You are aware of the fact that Peanut Butter was indeed MY hampster and that I killed him right?! hahahahahaha!! Yes, it's true. Teddy and I had matching hampsters, her's was butter scotch and mine was peanut butter. I used to roll him down the stairs in his ball hahahaha!!!!
I just had to clear that up because peanut butter would want his TRUE mother to claim him.
hahahah jk jk, but seriously- us jolleys were not born to own animals. I could care less about them... woops! haha, good luck witht he fish!!!
I have to admit that the mention of pets brings a flood of memories back to when we had 2 pet gerbils. I remember how you said just one sage thing to me when I announced we would be purchasing rodents... "they get out." Oh boy did they ever! I remember it being so difficult to get Steve to visit us at our house after he found out that we had "vermin" -I think that's what he called them. He was Ok with just visiting in the front room until he realized that they had gotten out and they had crawled all around. Oh he was so creeped out and announced that you guys had to leave. It was so funny!
I'm not pet material either. Jackson asked for a pet today which is laughable since he hates getting near cats and dogs. Perhaps he would do a fish but they CREEP me out. Seriously, I get a bit disturbed when I look at fish. I have a hard time eating fish too.
So, maybe if you get a fish I can send my kids over to play with it.
Becauase you can do a lot of playing with a fish, right?
When we were building our house, we had to put the fish tank on a bottom shelf.We found Kirsten with a gold fish in her hand petting it. The poor thing was probably so tired from being chased as she tried to catch it. I'm surprised the poor fish survived her loving attention! Lani
Good job at keeping them alive. They would have been dead in the first 5 minutes at my house . . .
Isaac absolutely loves fish and maybe someday I'll go and buy one for him. But let's face it...taking care of a kid is already hard work so why throw a pet into the mix? :o) At least fish are easy (and cheap) to replace if ever tragedy should occur! Lol!
By the way...LOVE the new header! SO CUTE! :o)
I love pets! Especially dogs, they are the greatest. My husband would disagree, he likes Horses, bet you couldn't guess that.
Love the new picture of Easton in your header. What a handsome little boy.
Love ya
Jenni: Why do I remember the name of your hamster and not mine? That's weird...and why did we have so many freaking rat-like monsters at our house?!?!
Aimee: I tried to warn you.
Good luck with the fish! Derek's Mom loves to tell the story of how when Derek was a little kid he squeezed a fish to death. So, don't let Easton get too close!
Um. . Holy Cow! How long have you all been in Vegas? This is Kawika by the way. I just recently started snooping around Michelle's (My wife)Blog links because Paka and Mandy have one, and I saw a link for "Emily". I thought it was someone from BYUI or something so I never clicked on it. Come to find out It's Emily & Steve, and your in Vegas?! We live in Vegas! WOW, what a small world. Anyway, what side of town do you all live?
Emily you are so Lorelai Gilmore, what with the killing animals and all. :)
Ral really wants a dog someday and I am just anti. Because you know who would be taking care of that dog? ME. No thanks!
Emily, Thanks for watching the fish, even though they are still alive! Anjie I am bringing them to your house next time!
my luck with pets is much the same as yours. :) my last fish got its gills stuck to one of those little toy reed things... and died cause it couldn't move. Sad. :) Looks like Eastin loved! :)
I love your new page heading with the picture of your adorable son!! I am so not a pet person to the piont where even a fish seems like a lot of work. My poor kids will never have pets. It sounds like maybe they won't be the only ones.
Reagan loved the fishies too :) So are you saying you don't like Maverick :P
Alright, well we are at Durango and the 215, only a couple mile away. Are you guys in the South Stake? This is all too funny, how long have you lived there?
Yeah everything is great! Michelle is teaching high school and I am working my life away.
Eastin sure is a good looking boy. Well, we will defintely have to meet up sometime.
The name of the fish was MC Middler. Steve got to name half and I got the other half. You need to send me E's Valentine in a file, cause I designed the cutest scrap page for it!!
Love ya
Good job keeping the fish alive! It's true that Jolleys are not pet people. The more pet stories I hear, the more I'm ok with that. Kids are enough work! I think fishies will be the extent of our pets as well. Love the pic, though! Easton looks like he's enjoying his visitors.
Easton is so cute! He's becomign a little boy instead of the baby body? ha- you knwo what i mean. he is so cute. I didnt' know you weren't a pet person! That is so cool! I always feel like the arnold's are out of the loop on the not liking pets thing. That is really funny about your gerbil or rodent- I am so scared of rodents- I could never hold one. I used to think I liked fish- BUT- one day on TBS on "Dinner and Movie" remember those? anyway- one of the poeple put a goldfish in a blender...and then you can figure it out- I can't even type it- ever since then I want to gag when I see a goldfish. I hope this hasn't affected you.
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