Friday, March 14, 2008

First Ice Cream Cone

Lately I have been worried about Easton. He hasn't shown a love for ice cream at the level I would like. But yesterday he did better, when he had his very first ice cream cone. I think he just didn't want us feeding him, he wanted his own...which makes him even more like me! Thanks for having a birthday Alison and giving us a reason to go out!

LOST: Michael is back! Craziness! I feel so sad for Sun. I figured there was a flash forward/flashback thing going on, because only one of them could survive and be the last of the Oceanic 6. But it's just so sad that Jin dies. I love that Hurley came to see Sun too. And what in the world was up with that chic randomly jumping off the boat in chains? That was so weird. Can't wait until next week!!!


Aimee said...

You sure have one adorable kid! And I miss him sooo much, too bad April is so far away. I'm counting down the days. Love you guys!

Bringhursts said...

I love Easton and his ice cream cone! I need to give Ethan his first too.

Margaret said...

Ok cute moving on to LOST. I'm totally kidding. Did that sound unfeeling?! Oh for shame...he really is cute and I love ice cream! I didn't like in Europe how they gave you these tiny scoops. Like getting a kiddie cone at McDonalds...what a rip off.

Anyway, I LOVED LOST last night! Oh my goodness. SO GOOD! You were so right on Michael and poor Jin...what happens to Jin, Sawyer, Claire, Locke, Juliett ????!!! Did they stay on the island or will they meet their demise? They weren't part of the Oceanic 6! And if Sun is three weeks from having maternal death issues then how will the Lost creators stretch this. When is Lost slated to end for good? More and more questions.

the splendid life of us... said...

ice cream...YUCK!!!

Alifinale said...

He is so cute, I am glad he found the love for ice cream. It makes me happy so it must do the same for others. Thanks for the birthday lunch! It was so fun and oh so yummy.

Ok, I know I have pregnancy brain but I thought only 5 of the Oceanic 6 have been revealed now. Kate, Jack, Hurley, Sayid, and now Sun. Desmond and Ben weren't on the flight so they can't be considered part of the 6.

I am sad if Jin is really dead in the future, but I was thinking about it and part of me thinks he is alive and back on the island and that they are saying he is dead because that is part of the 6's story (that there were the only 6 survivors). I could see Jin sacrificing himself to stay on the island to give Sun and his baby a chance to get off. Anyway, I am intrigued about Micheal and can't wait til next week.

Carol and Bruce said...

Oh, he's going to birthday parties?! That is for big boys and his hair makes him look so grown up now too. Hopefully the ice cream isn't what made him not feel well, that would stink.

I was a little envious of your warm weather but then I realized,ahhhhh but,we have green! It is cold and pouring today.

Christi said...

Easton was sooo cute eating his ice cream cone. I loved his expressions. I am sure that he will develop the love of ice cream at your same level, give it time!

Tara said...

Gosh I love that kid! He is so cute. Unfortunately I don't watch Lost (I think I am the only one in the world who doesn't!), so I can't comment on that. So I'll just say it again - cute kid!!

*Stephanie Lance* said...

GO Easton!!!! thats great that he's finally learned a love for Ice cream!! that's something that would have worried me too!!! glad to hear that it's ok now though! :) love ya

Jenn said...

What a cute picture of Easton and the ice cream cone. I am glad he finally warmed up to ice cream. I don't think that I go a day without it!

Kara said...

That was so funny watching Easton eating his ice cream. I cannot imagine anyone not liking ice cream! I could eat it for every meal. Nathan will inherit that from me I'm sure. He already shares my love for chips and salsa!

lindsay coudron said...

Rylee is the same way. She has to have her own cone and we are not allowed to touch it:) He is so cute. It's so much fun to see him grow even though we are so far apart:)

Chelsea said...

I love the spiked hair. That is too cute!

Ilene said...

Jackson loves cones but I hate them because he takes like an hour to eat one. Poor guy rarely makes it through a cone before I throw it away or eat it myself.

I'm such an awesome mom.

I haven't seen Lost yet! Thanks for giving it all away. But I think we all know Michael was going to be the guy on the boat, right?

I don't know when I will be out in Boise yet. It all depends on the house selling here and when we close on a house down there. I will let you know and am super excited that you will be around for a visit now and again!

Kim said...

So cute! I'm glad you're introducing ice cream at this age. Ice cream should be part of everyone's diet. :o)

I love LOST!! I'm so mad that there won't be any more new episodes until the end of April! LAME! Ok, and for awhile I wasn't sure if Aaron counted as one of the Oceanic 6 but I guess he does. And Michael's whole story? Him trying to kill himself and stuff? Crazy!

Paul & Ashley Justensen Family said...

Yes Emily, there is no one who loves ice cream more than you! I am glad he is a boy after your own heart. What a cutie.