Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

I'll admit that I don't know a ton about Good Friday. Isn't it the end of Lent or something? Anyway, I think every Friday is good, but hey, whatever gets people a half day off work. The big news is that it's Easter this weekend! I always loved Easter growing parents did a good job of making it a fun holiday for us. This year Steve's parents will be coming and we're all headed down to Phoenix for a little Spring Training. I'm SO EXCITED!

I'm grateful for the real reason that we celebrate Easter (our Savior), and also for the traditions that my family and Steve's family have, and the ones that we will hopefully start with our own little family. I hope all of you have a great Easter lots of candy...but not those giant chocolate bunnies, those are gross.


Aimee said...

Do you have something against giant chocolate bunnies, Em? I hope you make it to the game in time so the drive isn't a waste. Hooray for baseball and Happy Easter to you too! And I'd like to point out that I'm numero uno once again.

Mary said...

Fun times! Fun to catch up and hey--when did Easton grow up? Seriously, I'm turning into an old lady because I keep wondering where the time went. He has the cutest little twinkle in his eye. So what traditions to you have? Nick and I were just realizing we are the parents and should probably be doing something. We find we are continually discovering this. Christmas, like two days before, I realized I was supposed to do something for a stocking for Bridget. Oops! So, I'd love to hear what fun things you did for Easter! Have a great time in the land of the sun (although you live in that too--geez I get jealous of you all)!

Tara said...

Sounds fun Em!

And girl, giant chocolate bunnies dipped in Peanut Butter are sometimes just what the Dr. ordered! YUM!

Teresa, mom, Deitz, Aunt Dee Dee said...

Sounds like fun. I hope you all have a great time. Be careful and stay warm, oh wait, you're in warm country, I almost forgot. Well I'll stick with, have fun.

Love ya all

Eischens said...

Thanks Em...Happy Easter! And enjoy more SUN in Arizona!!

Margaret said...

Emily~ I know LOST was so good again! I was so sad they got cut out of the show too... :-( It's that evil Ben.

And what did a chocolate bunny ever do to you?

Lizzy said...

Happy Easter to you, too! I hope you have fun at spring training. Whatever that means. Don't tell me, I'm sure I'll find out in a few years. I'd like to live the next few years baseball free. While I can!

And you do need to let us know what traditions your family has. I don't know what to do other than a new church outfit and the easter basket. I'm not letting Ben near egg die quite yet...

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

Baseball is a FUN way to spend Easter weekend! So perfect for you guys! Hope you have fun!

And just so you know, I updated my blog so check it out!

Happy Easter!

Christi said...

I hope that you guys have a great time at Spring training! That seems like the perfect trip for your family!!! Happy Easter.

Jonathan and Michelle said...

Happy Easter! That sounds like so much fun to go down to Spring Training, not to mention it sounds very warm!

Alifinale said...

Happy Easter! Ok, sad days that you leave town right before I get back. I hope you have fun in the hotter AZ sun - seriously it was hotter there. Hurry back!

Kim said...

Okay, instead of giant chocolate bunnies we ate a lot of Cadbury Mini Eggs! YUMM!! Hope you had a great Easter! :o)

Unknown said...

Emily- I'm so confused. I thought you guys were in Boise. Anyways how is LV? Great to hear from you. Calvin is great! We have baby #2 coming in September. Easton looks adorable!

Paul & Ashley Justensen Family said...

Happy Easter. I hope the holiday was wonderful and that you have fun in AZ. Enjoy the warm weather!

Chelsea said...

You and your severe aversion for chocolate. Honestly! And, I hear ya on the every Friday is good friday thing.

Margaret said...

I just read your post on my blog. Yes it is funny now. But yeah I am always wondering "who else does this kind of stuff happen to?" I can't wait to see your future spring break post. :-)

The photoshop class is a LOT of fun!!! Thanks for the can come to my blog anytime. Ha Ha.

Jill said...

Happy Easter! I hope you guys have had a fun trip. I'm so sorry I haven't commented on your blog forever. I fell off the blogging world for a little while. So if you eat Easter candy, is it just jelly beans and peeps to avoid the chocolate? How sad. You're really missing out. Although, giant chocolate bunnies are a little much for me, too. Love you!