Saturday, March 1, 2008

Return of the Dad

I am happy to report that Steve has made himself part of the family again. Okay so he never actually left, it just seemed like it since he was gone a lot. He just finished taking another bar exam and Easton and I were OH SO EXCITED for him to be done! He wasn't usually gone too much later on the weeknights...he was good about coming home from work and hanging out with us for awhile before hitting the books again. But the weekends were killer. Usually I look forward so much to the weekends because it's somewhat of a break for occasional shopping trip by myself, shower with a closed door, and even a nap every now and then. While Steve studied for the bar those things were pretty much nonexistent. I tried to do it with a loving, supportive attitude, but I won't deny that once in awhile I broke down.
Home on a Saturday morning!!

Going through it a second time made me realize how lucky I was the first time around. We were living with Steve's family when he took the test in Idaho, so I had lots of people around all the time and tons of help. It was awesome! This time I learned what it's really like. While Easton and I missed him a ton, I am super proud of how hard he worked and how disciplined he was. We're so proud of him, and SO GLAD HE'S BACK!!!

*Thanks to all my good friends here for letting me bug you day after day when I needed a break, or for giving up your Saturdays with your own husbands to play with us and keep me sane. *


Christi said...

AMEN to that!!!! I am so glad that the boys are back. I took a shower with the door closed this morning. It was nice!!!!

Kara said...

I hear ya on this one - only one more week til spring break, then I can have my husband back, but it is always fun to hang out with friends and not feel like you're depriving your husband while you play!

Jenni.Woodmansee said...

YAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations Steve-O! That's so great guys!!! I love that picture of STeve and Easton. now you guys better do real fun things on weekends.

i can't wait to go to VEGAS I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't wait to see you guys.

i love you!

Lizzy said...

Oh,I'm so happy for you that he's done! Taking the bar is something the whole family goes through, not just the husband. Although they definitely have the worst of it! I'm so glad you have your husband back and can shower with the door closed at least twice a week now (sat and sun)! It's the small things that make life great.

Paul & Ashley Justensen Family said...

The bar doesn't sound like much fun and we are not looking forward to it. However, I am proud of him and hope he passes with flying colors!

Alifinale said...

YAY for the bar being over! I am not a patient enough wife to handle that as well as you and Christi did. I am glad he is back. Maybe we can do a chick flick some Saturday now!

Lindsay Coudron said...

I understand completely. I can't waite for Jonathan to be finished with school. I'm glad you have Steve back:)

Ilene said...

When I figured out we were moving to Boise, I did think of your in-laws and it made me super happy that I will see you again! Now you don't have to move to Weezer!

I'm glad you got your husband back. It is so annoying when they are gone.

The Grahams said...

So glad you have your hubbie back. John has to take the CPA exam in July and August while also just starting work at the beginning of July, so i'm pretty sure he is going to be MIA too. :( Any advice for how to survive through it?

Tara said...

Oh man I am not looking forward to this in a few months. I'm glad it is finally over for you!!

Teresa, mom, Deitz, Aunt Dee Dee said...

Congrats Steve. You are a good example for my kids to follow, getting all the education that you can. I hope that my children do as well. Awesome job!

Emily, you are a terrific mother. Take some time for yourself - you deserve it.

Have a great day, ya'll. Love ya

Aimee said...

Em, I'm glad you survived! I'll be hoping and praying that he doesn't take the California bar anytime soon, for your sake of course.

Carol and Bruce said...

I'd like to suggest the Oregon Bar be next on the schedule and I know that Grandpa will second that motion. We would be happy to tend Easton while you take breaks! He probably wouldn't even have to study he is getting so smart.

Adorable heading and photos!!!!

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

Hooray for Steve to have finished and hooray to you Em for sticking it out, being supportive and enjoying him now that he's "back". Way to go Steve!

Jill said...

Hooray! So glad it's over. Now good luck on the long wait to hear the news. At least you'll be able to play with Steve until then. I'm sure he passed. He's brilliant, just like my hubby. :)

the splendid life of us... said...

I am so glad that you have your husband back! Yippee! Makes for a happy mom and baby!

Aimee said...

I love the new pictures! He is such a handsome little man. Love you guys.

Bringhursts said...

Ummm, my husband has been in school for seven years now so I can totally relate. One more year and maybe Ethan and I will have the dad back . . .

Aimeeable said...

Oh my goodness! What an adorable banner!

I have to admit that I get fed up with Tygh b/c I don't think that he does enough to help. But every time he can't be around I realize just how much he really does. There is no way I'd ever get divorced just b/c there is no way I could take care of all us alone!

*Stephanie Lance* said...

ok CUTE picture of your boys! WOO HOO for Steve!!!! Good job! I'm so glad you are able to spend more time together now! Thats so great to hear! And ummmmmm-can i just say HOLY CUTE BLOG TITLE!!!!!!!!!! Those pictures just kill me they're so cute!!!! You sure know how to make a cute kid!!! :) love you!


I'm so happy for you that your hubby is back! especially with a kid! holy cow- when I'm with my sisters I think "how will I ever do this! it looks so hard!" I couldn't imagine having to do all that with Steve gone- but I'm so glad that he did the exam- and is closer to be done? or is done? that's so wonderful.