Sunday, March 16, 2008

St. Patrick's Day Parade

Easton experienced his first parade this weekend. Henderson had a St Patrick's Day parade that a friend told me about, and I knew I had to be there. I LOVE parades. Growing up we always went to the parades in Springfield; Christmas, 4th of name it, we were there. We totally brought out the lawn chairs, arrived early to get a good spot, and pushed and shoved smaller kids to get as much candy as possible.
One year, a very fond memory of mine, my brother in law (at the time) was a truck driver, and there was a big field right next to our house. The 4th of July parade was going down a main road right by the field, so he parked his huge semi truck in the field and we all sat on top and watched. We were the coolest...or the white trashiest-take your pick. It was good times.Here we are, Jolleys and Mitchells on the semi-truck...I'm the second from the right. I'm so glad my dad is wearing his awesome red and white striped pants. We have since hidden those things from him, but I am glad they made it on the blog.

I just love the atmosphere at parades...big crowds, excited kids, high school marching bands, local "celebrities", candy (although someone made up a rule that you can't throw candy anymore, you can just hand it to them...totally lame, Easton got a sucker and some nerds.). There was so much going on, Easton just loved to look at everything. He sat on dad's lap almost the entire time, and by the end he even had the clapping and the waving down. It was such a beautiful day and I had a blast! Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Lizzy said...

I am dying over that picture of you guys on the flatbed. Hilarious! You guys look like Springfield's Royal Family. I'm glad you're able to carry on parade traditions with Easton!

Aimee said...

I want to see those red and white stripe pants up close and personal, they look rad! Oh and I choose 'the coolest family in Springfield', and I just love how excited E looks.

Margaret said...

I bought that same shirt for Bennett at Old Navy. They could be twins now! :-)

Christi said...

I am so jealous that you got to go. I wish that we could have gone. I love that picture of you guys on the flatbed too! Awesome.

Jonathan and Michelle said...

That looks like so much fun! And I am super jealous that it was warm enough for you guys to be sitting outside!

Alifinale said...

You never cease to surprise me. Glad you love parades so much and I am especially glad you shared the pic of your family watching the parade. Hilarious. But seriously, I don't mind parades as long as I am with fun people waiting for it, but I don't think you could pay Brian enough to go. Sad for me.

Emily said...

Liz: 2 huge families sitting on a flatbed truck in a field in Springfield...doesn't get more Royal than that!

Ilene said...

What, you didn't hit up the parades in Eugene? Like the Eugene Country Fair Parade or the Eugene Celebration Parade?

Nothing like the nudies walking down the block followed by smelly protesting hippies to bring a family together.

Carol and Bruce said...

I'm jealous that it was warm enough for a parade in March but glad you are carrying on the tradition with Easton. Parades are the greatest. Do you remember freezing to death every year at the Christmas parade! I sure do. That must have been the one and only year the parade came down Centennial, I don't remember any other time. Good thing we captured the flat bed on film!

Lindsay Coudron said...

I love St. Patrick's Day!!!!!! It seems like you guys are just having so much fun!!!!!

LeAnn said...

What a fun memory!! We were all so cool! it's not like there was such a big crowd that we had to sit up there to see, it's just that we were too too cool to stay on the gound and watch it like all the other Springfielders--That is so so funny. I love a parade--especially when the Band passes by and you can feel the drums etc inside your body--so cool. Ahppy St Ptricks Day and Top o' the mornin' to ya.

Eischens said...

Happy St. Patty's day! I was totally at all the Springfield parades imagine we never saw eachother :( I guess Springfield is bigger than we remember!

Kara said...

Looks like fun. Next time there's a parade in town, you better let me know, cause I'm sure Nathan would love it too. The only parade we go to is the little Pioneer Day parade in Panaca, it's pretty cool. It lasts about 1 minute!! Then there was this San Ignacio Parade back home that me and my brothers used to be in. We would ride our horse or go-cart and advertize for my grandpa's grocery store. It was more fun for me to be "in" parades than watch. I have some good pictures too!

Tara Lee said...

Hilarious! I love that pic of your family. That's freakin sweet.

I can't wait for Drew to get old enough to enjoy things like that. I bet it is so much fun to just watch him discover those kinds of things!

Danielle said...

That's funny about the semi on the field. I never knew a parade went down centennial! I am sure I was quite young- looking by how old you are in the pic. Easton is so cute by the way-

Ben & Diane said...

You love parades for the exact same reason I hate them. I am seriously scared of parades. I do go to them on occasion but with much hesitancy. I feel like I am going to get run over by the floats. They are usually too loud and I really hate it when they have the american legion guys or cops on motorcycles and they ride in circles and make tons of noise. You would never believe that I marched in the band in High School in tons of parades. It was different then. I just stayed in my own little space and no one could touch least I thought so.

*Stephanie Lance* said...

Em i'm so Jealous! i LOVE parades!!!! Those pictures are So cute! Easton is getting So big!! i can't believe it!

Chad and Jessica said...

Ooooh la la, how much fun. You have totally awakened my life to parades. I've never gone to one.....I know, shameful....but it's just never something we did as a family. Anywho, you have definitely got me excited for the next one. Thanks!

Courtenay Beth said...

Oh my gosh, what a flashback! Those days were the BEST!!! We were pretty high and mighty up there as I recall :)
Hey do you remember the summer you decided to teach me how to play basketball? I'm so not coordinated and you said imagine that the ball is Joey's head...and I made it! Man those were the days, I love you! Your little man is THE CUTEST!!! I love all your blog updates, what a doll! And I went to see the clip of him dancing with his little girlfriend, SO CUTE!! Love you!

Kim said...

I love parades! We watched the Christmas parade around here where we live and I swear that was the longest parade known to man. I think they pretty much let anyone in the parade that wanted to be in the parade. It was about two hours long! There is such a thing as TOO much parade! :o)

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

Man, I know I"m late commenting on this but at least I am despite the fact that you already have 20 comments.....I always wonder if you ever read mine or even notice that one more person commented after having so many already. Oh well, hope you get this!

I too love parades but don't think Aaron's a big fan. They will be something that I'll INSIST on doing as a family so we're looking forward to one this summer. Looks like yours was a blast and glad Easton loved it! What a cutie!!!

Margaret said...

ha ha...I don't have your email so I can't respond to you any other way.

Yes...morning exercising works best for me because I like to get it over with and there are less variables (sick kids, etc.)in the morning for me not to go.

LOST was great last night!

the splendid life of us... said...

Love the total old school picture of the Jolley/Mithcell clan! That is the best! I loved those down town Springfield parades, they were the best!

Jenni.Woodmansee said...

holy cow, i LOVE that you put a pic of the semi in the field up. you're so cool!!!! emily- easton is so cute i could just eat him UP. eating ice cream cones and everything? he's getting so big!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so glad you guys had fun at the parade. i CANNOT wait to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and aimee, yes- you DO want to see those pants. they're beautiful.

anyway- I LOVE YOU SIS!