Friday, May 16, 2008

Must Hate Dogs

DISCLAIMER: If you are a dog lover, you may not want to read on. I apologize (but only a little bit) in advance for offending anyone.

Right now there are at least 4 different dogs barking right outside my house. I think. Judging by bark pitch, length of bark, and different woofs and ruffs...I'd say there are at least 4, maybe more. These dogs bark ALL DAY LONG. At least it seems that way. I blame them for waking up my kid at 6:45 every morning. The first word out of his mouth every morning and after every nap is "doggie?"

"Yes Easton, can you say dumb doggie?"

Right now I have 2 babies asleep, and it is very important to me that they stay that way. I won't lie and say that I haven't thought about shooting those stupid, annoying, yappy dogs. Now, I am not necessarily a dog hater, as the title of this post implies. But by no means am I a dog lover. I have family members who own dogs, and friends who own dogs...and great for them. Once in awhile I even find myself petting them. I do realize that they can be great family pets and they can be loyal and loving, bla bla bla...

Aside from the smell, the poop, the hair and the licking, it's the barking that really gets to me...especially right now.

I am seriously dreading the day when Easton comes to me and asks if he can have a dog. What will I do?

Maybe they heard me blogging about them...dogs have weird senses, right? It is suddenly silent.


the splendid life of us... said...

AMEN sister!

Alifinale said...

I love you Emily! Other people's dogs are annoying (heck even your own dog is annoying, I don't really miss having a dog...) but bad pet owners are the WORST. You can't totally blame the dog but you can be mad at the stupid owners that don't care that they are annoying the world.

Emily said...

Okay Ali, I'll give you that. I did forget about the pet owners.

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

sounds like we're living in the same neighborhood! I too am not a fan of dogs and don't care if Cade or any other kid comes begging for one, both Aaron and I feel the same way....NOPE, sorry!!!

Lizzy said...

Amen to all of that.

I babytended for my sisters kids and dog a few days ago. I was woken up in the dead of night by her dumb dog breathing stink breath in my face. And then an hour later woken up again because he was playing in the tub because he was thirty. And then woken up an hour after that from him jumping up on me on the bed (he weighs as much as I do so it hurt!).

I don't care how much Ben begs, our home will always be a No Dogs Allowed home.

Christi said...

Emily does this mean that you and Steve don't want Maverick if something happens to us :)
I totally know what you mean. I am just glad Mav doesn't bark. Although his incessant whining does make me want to kill him, but at least our neighbors can't hear that.
We have some dogs in our neighborhood that I would love to kill too!

Aimee said...

I am laughing so hard right now!!! That blog is so YOU and I love it! I like dogs, but I'm not offended by your comments. I used to have 3 dogs barking only 3 feet from my bedroom window, so I know a little bit the way you feel.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem telling Easton "No" to his dog question. Blame it on me, and then you are the "good guy." It's a win-win-win for everyone...except Easton.

destiny said...

Our neighbor's dog used to bark for HOURS straight! IT was HORRIBLE! Til I wrote them a nice friendly note telling them their dog barked all the time! I don't think I am their favorite person, but it did the job! Hardly hear a bark anymore!

Ilene said...

As my husband would say, time to pull out the ol' BB Gun. Hide behind a fence or wait until the dark of night to make your statement.

And if they poop in your yard, you scoop it up and discreetly return it to its owners driveway (the porch is too cruel).

Ilene said...

Obviously me and my husband have passive agressive issues.

Bringhursts said...

Hee hee hee. I'm a dog person but even my own dog annoys me pretty much all the time. Especially like this week when she peed on my brand new fabric from the fabric store (she's house trained but I guess she forgot that she was). Stupid dogs.

And yes, someday Easton will ask you for a dog. Maybe you can just get him a robot one.

Stefanek Fam Damily said...

Congrats to you all, especially steve! you all look great and easton is so cute. i bet you are loving him! and i am deeply offended about your dog blog. just kidding, dog barking annoys the heck out of me too, and i love dogs. take care!

Kara said...

Dogs don't belong in the city! That's all I have to say about that.

rose said...

aaron always threatens to give the annoying dog a "special" steak that would really make it quiet forever.
he has opened the gate before on a dog so it gets out and then he can call the dog catcher. nice huh?

Emily said...

Sounds like Aaron and my dad would get along well.

Cassey said...

No barking dog is my neighborhood. Only squatters and robbers. I still stand by choice.

I really don't like how alot of people here in Vegas have really vicious dogs, like pit bulls without leashes. That can be deadly.

I don't care for dogs either but our neighbor has the cutest puppy you will ever see. Seeing Malachi with it does melt my cold, cold heart a little.

Ben & Diane said...

I HATE dogs......a great majority of them at least. Mia has already asked me for a dog and I have no problem telling her no and the reason is because mommy REALLY does not like them. I especially hated the dumb dog Ben's family had.....until ,of course, it bit the wrong person and had to be KILLED (put down for all you dog lovers). Jill, please don't hate me for saying this because I know you loved your dog. Sorry!

Kim said...

I am with you all the way. I don't hate dogs but I never want one. Ever. And we have suspicions that our neighbor that lives behind us is throwing their dog's poop over our fence. Hey, I know our yard is decent sized but do you really think we're not gonna notice dog crap on our lawn? And a different dog keeps pooping in our front yard, too. Ok, maybe I do hate dogs.

Eischens said...

We totally have this happening just recently at our house! What is it the good weather?!

Jill said...

Wow, Emily, you have so many friends who share your opinion on this one! You sound like my husband, I wonder why... Anyway, I would be just as mad at dogs that wake up my sleeping babies, even though I am a dog lover. And I don't hate you for it, or Diane, either. :)

Danielle said...

This post is hilarious. I totally agree. BUT- I'm going to have to have a dog. Clay LOVES THEM! I think I can handle them, but some are just down right annoying. I'm sorry you have to go through that. I'm sorry, but it's really funny to me that Easton's first word when he wakes up is doggie:)

JTA said...

agreed. P.S we can totally be ice cream friends.

Chelsea said...

Okay, just finally catching up on your blog. My new favorite cereal is Kashi crunch- really good, honest. I love the contrast between Easton on carousel and Easton in pool. Too funny! And lastly, I totally love dogs, not the hair they put all over your house though. Not a fan of cats at all. If my kids ask for a cat, the answer I would want to give is an automatic NO! (Can you really say no to them though?)


That is so funny. I hate dogs too. And Mike wants one....thankgoodness I'm allergic so that ends that debate. But mike has tried to say, "couldn't you take allergy pills or something?" brother. I had no idea you didnt' like dogs, I feel like everyoen loves pets but teh Arnolds. OK- American Idol: that's interesting what you said about the aerosmith song- I feel like I liked it, but that was awhile ago... I want David A to win, and I'm so glad he did so good last night becaues the judges have been all over David Cook worshiping him, so I was afraid that the finale would just be them praising him all night- but they didn't and they praised david a! I was so happy.

Mary said...

You go girl. I love dogs, but barking dogs STINK! I know a guy who put some sleeping pills and some raw hamburger and threw it over the fence. A few weeks later the guy was talking to his neighbor and commented that his dog's hadn't been the same . . .

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

I had to laugh. Steve and I yell at every dog that gets in our yard. On the coast, people don't believe in the leash law or where their dog poops! We made someone come over and get it off our yard once. I like dogs, just not in my yard or house!