Sunday, July 6, 2008


Do you ever reach the point where you just NEED a change of pace? A change of scenery and from the day to day routine? I am SO there. In just 2 weeks from today Easton and I will make the trip to Oregon for the 2nd ever Jolley family reunion. Steve isn't able to come with us and that makes me sad. I wish he could come. But even so, I am totally excited about seeing all (almost...we'll miss ya Jase!) of my family! I can't wait to see my parents, my sisters (and you guys!), and my nieces and nephews that I miss so much, and for Easton to play with his cousins. I can't wait to go to one of my favorite places in the world-the Umpqua National Forest. It has been YEARS since I have been able to go and I am so excited. It's going to be complete chaos trying to keep 10-15 grandkids out of the river, out of the fire, and we probably won't get much sleep, but I don't care!! I will be going from this:

To this:


Aimee said...

It sounds like it is going to be crazy...but so fun!! Good luck keeping track of all those kids!

Jessett said...

Have a great trip. We will miss you here.

I love the last picture. I have some family in Oregon. I can almost here the sound of the water rushing down and the smell of the trees and and air. I know that it sounds corny but you know what I mean.

Have fun!!!

Christi said...

I am so jealous. I know that you are going to have so much fun. Too bad that Steve cant' go.

Lizzy said...

How exciting to get away from the heat and spend some time with the family. And you have the nicest family ever (well, the ones I've met), so that makes things more fun.

I hope these next two weeks go by quick for you!

Alifinale said...

I didn't know you were leaving me - how fun for you! Seriously, I love getting together with family and you can't beat OR in the summer, so beautiful!

That family pic is so cute, how great to have a new tradition of family reunion. I bet Easton will have a blast with his cousins.

Teresa, mom, Deitz, Aunt Dee Dee said...

What a difference a couple of states make. Oregon looks green and lush and Nevada is dry and DRIER. Hope you have a great time. That's why I like it when you Rogers folk are able to trek to Utah. Love seeing and spending time with family. FAMILY ROCKS! Play in the water for me too, please.

I'll miss your blog, Abi isn't blogging this week either, she's in Egypt. I'm going to be so bored this week.

Love ya tons,


Gotta love Oregon. It's home. :) We've had the windows open early in the morning lately to cool off the house - I love that smell. The trees and all the plant-life wet with morning dew. So peaceful. I can't wait for Girls Camp now! That's one of my favorite parts - the early morning, before the girls get up: when the sun is already shining, birding chirping, humming from the bugs, etc. - I just love it. :)

Anyway... too bad Steve can't come too - I know I hate to leave Sean behind.

Brandi Harty said...

I am so jealous! Brady and I haven't been back home since October. I really miss Oregon. Have fun for us.

Brianne said...

I love getting together with family. Bummer that Steve can't join, it's tough traveling solo with a little one. I hope guys have a great time and soak in as much of the Oregon scenery as you can. I miss it too. Houston just isn't the same. :(
I hope Easton is feeling better VERY soon...poor guy.

Carol and Bruce said...

Awesome blog! Yea, for OREGON!!!!
Can't wait to see you, I have forgotten how long it has been since you came to Horseshoe with us. I'll have to go look that up, it seems like forever.

*Stephanie Lance* said...

Em i'm so excited for your family to have family reunions! I think it's SO cool! and also REALLY Jealous that you guys are going to horseshoe! Dang, thats so cool! I can't wait to see you and that CUTE little Easton Boy!!!! Love you!!

Kara said...

Now that I'm back finally, you're going to take off and leave me for a week! What am I going to do?? I'm excited for you though, you're going to have so much fun and you won't have to die of heat stroke here! Nathan is going to miss his best buddy Easton. Next time we're going on trips together!!

Chelsea said...

Wow! What a contrast! Are you gonna have any time to squeeze in a visit with me while you are out here? How about I just join in on the family reunion fun. That place looks incredible.

Jonathan and Michelle said...

You guys will have so much fun, I love you family!

Tara said...

Man Oregon ROCKS in the summer! That picture looks so beautiful. It totally makes me miss it! I am excited for you.

Jenni said...

I CAN'T WAIT I CAN'T WAIT I CAN'T WAITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously- i need to get out of the D.I and into the wildnerness ASAP or else something bad might happen!! I promise to personaly relieve you of Easton duty :) he's MINE!!!!! i can't wait! we haven't camped together in FAR too long... should I bring my Barbies?

Emily said...

Jenni, even before I read all of your comment I was thinking about barbies...seriously.

Jill said...

I want in on the barbie playing! I love your contrasting pictures Emily. I just hope it doesn't rain on us. I'm waaaaay excited to see all you guys again!!! I've missed you!

Ilene said...

I am jealous. Do you know that Boise is called The City of Trees?

Obviously the person who dubbed it that name never made it out to Oregon and must have come from Las Vegas.

Enjoy Oregon and your family!

Anonymous said...

Ilene, maybe Boise should be called the "City of Awesomeness"

Mary said...

So glad to hear you get TWO WEEKS!! Being with family is just soo . . . I'm so excited for you!! Easton is going to have such a blast with all the family. Can't wait to get the report!

Bee Happy Stamper said...

Small world this blogging world! It's Heidi Cannon Mel's sister-in-law. I found you through my friend here in Cali who had a link to Darren. I recognized the name Jolley so I clicked on it and my blogging world just got bigger.

Nehner, nehner I have Bella at my house right now while Mel is at camp! I will post some pics tommorrow. Your little boy is adorable!

Happy blogging!

Paul & Ashley Justensen Family said...

I am so excited for you. It is always so much fun to visit family, especially when they live in a beautiful place. I hope you guys are safe traveling and have a fun time!

Kim said...

I love the two picture comparison. It's like "hell" and "paradise" offense! Nevada is beautiful in its own way. But there aren't many places that can compare to Oregon's beauty. You know what I mean, right? :o) We just got back from visiting Oregon. It was so fun to see my whole family. I hope you have a fantastic time!

Kimi said...

You have a great looking family! I sure miss all you guys! You are such wonderful people! I hope you have a great trip!

Eischens said...

I get to go to Oregon too! July
27th is my shower for Luke so we are going to be hanging out for long weekend! Have fun and take lots of pictures :)

Margaret said...

Lauren didn't come with me to was just me that went. So, no pedicure for her. She's never had one either☺

Bee Happy Stamper said...

Well Bella is gone now, but I did get to see the whole gang today! I'm jealous that you are all going to be in Oregon. I think I'm going to become a Jolley for a week and just show up! Hope you have a great time!

rose said...

man. horseshoe bend. LUCKY! tell darren that was the best fishing i've ever done. oh wait, that's the only fishing i've ever done. but it was still fun, and scary going alllll the way down there in the bus. good times!
have LOTS of fun!!!

rose said...

oh and tell everyone hello for me!

Anonymous said...

Hi Emily! Your little boy is so adorable! I know how you feel about missing family, we moved to Klamath Falls OR in June and although it's not as far we still miss our family a lot. And the scenery here is also dry and deserty so I also miss all the trees and just the green. Well, hope you have a great summer!