Saturday, July 5, 2008

Food, Friends and Throw Up

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July. We definitely did and now I'm sad the weekend is almost over already! This year was Easton's first experience with fireworks, and surprisingly, he liked them! He has been known to be scared of things, so I was worried he would freak out...but he didn't. We got together again with as many old UofO law grads as we could...some of them had other plans (but we missed you guys!) There was way too much good food, and the kids had a great time in the pool.
Splashing in Paige's sweet, covered pool.

Alison (had a baby a week ago and looks way too good), Emery, Tara, Drew, Easton and me. We are glad that Drew is here now so Easton isn't so outnumbered by girls!

We got home a little late, but they were doing some great fireworks in the field right by our house, so we let Easton stay up late to watch them.

The second half of the fun happened today when we went to Boulder City to ride a little train they have at the railroad museum there. It's something I have been wanting to do for a long time, and it was a lot of fun for the kids. For those of you who live in Vegas I would definitely recommend it...especially in December because they do a Santa Clause train and it's cheaper and super cute. And don't worry, the train is air conditioned.In my last post I mentioned that Easton was feeling better. Apparently I spoke (wrote) too soon. After the train ride we decided to grab some lunch at a local mexican place. Easton and Paige were having a blast at first, but then Easton all of a sudden became really lethargic and was just acting tired. I figured he just went to bed too late and didn't get enough sleep. But then I heard the noise. I turned around to see and he had thrown up all over Steve, himself, and the floor. And our lunch was over. I'm sure we were quite a sight to any customers entering the restaurant: a naked toddler, and a grown man with throw up all over his shirt. If I was on my way into that place when I saw that I would turn right around and go across the street to Dairy Queen.
So this was how he had to ride the whole way home. Steve didn't have a shirt on either, but he wouldn't let me take his picture. Easton's fever is back and now we can add throwing up to his list of symptoms. I'm ready to have my happy, healthy kid back!


Jenn said...

Sounds like you had a fun holiday (except the throw-up part). I am so sorry that Easton isn't feeling good.

Lizzy said...

Poor little guy. Poor Steve, too. Having a sick baby is not fun for anyone.

Your fourth sounds fun. All you girls are looking so cute! You guys need to gang up on Katie to get her blogging.

Jessett said...

Looks and sounds like you guys had a blast. And I know what you mean about Alison. SOOOOOO not far. She looks great!!!!

Sorry that Easton is so sick. Kylie and Britain are just getting over there illnesses. I hate when my kids are sick. It makes me so sad for them.

Jill said...

What a little cutie. Looks like a fun weekend! Sorry about the puking incident. Nobody likes that. I haven't had to clean up puke in the car yet. Knock on wood.

Christi said...

That picture is awesome. Tell Steve he needs to be a sport and let him take his picture next time!


First of all - poor little guy! I hate when kids are sick, especially when they're lethargic and throwing up. I feel bad not always being able to tell if they aren't feeling really well.
Second, other than the puke, it sounds like you had a great weekend! Cute pics.
Third, just how many of the UO law grads moved to Vegas?!?? First I thought it was just Nick & Christi, then I found out you were there too. And now I remember Alison from the one Bunko party I went to. How fun to have friends move with you! :)

Jenni said...

ohhhhhhhh my babbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! emily I feeel so so so sad for him and for his poor parents!!!!!!!!!! I wish i could come be of assistance. Keep me updated on him!

I'm glad he had a fun fourth with you and steve and your friends. you guys have the cutest group goin on there and the kids are SO CUTE!! and you are so so so pretty in every picture!!

Alifinale said...

It was a fun 4th and I am so glad I had something to do other than sit at my house! The Boulder City train thing looks like fun.

I am sooo sorry about Easton. Poor kid and poor parents. It is no fun to have a sick kid - especially for as long as you have and not knowing what is really wrong. I hope he gets better soon.

Jonathan and Michelle said...

Poor Easton, I hate it when you feel so helpless when your little baby is sick! I'm glad that you guys were still able to have a great holiday!

Carol and Bruce said...

Love the pictures and it sounds like such fun on the 4th. The train ride is something we will look forward to trying one day.

I sure hope Easton is feeling better this week.
love you!

Aimee said...

I love the picture of Steve and Easton with the fireworks exploding in the back ground! You're so talented. I hope E gets better soon, throw up is just no fun at all!

Lara said...

We've been there many times with Brennen. On time was right during the middle of the Sacrament prayer, and I was all by myself with him and Ash.
Paul's cousin's little girl threw up all over him when they were leaving Saturday too.

Margaret said...

Such a pretty picture of you and Easton!!!

Sorry about the yucky part. We went through that a lot this year as I'm sure you are aware of from my blog.☺