Tuesday, September 9, 2008


This morning at 4 I slowly awoke from my deep sleep and realized that Easton was crying. I didn't think he'd fall back asleep soon, and I was curious as to why he was waking up, so I got up to check. When I opened the door to our room I saw a big flash of lightning light up our house. When I went into Easton's room I was half expecting him to be sick. I've been waiting for that to happen, because it seems like a lot of kids have been sick lately. I picked him up and asked him what was wrong, and in his cutest, sweetest voice, while clinging for dear life to my neck he said, "I heard a firework." It took me a second to realize that he had heard the thunder and it scared him.I don't know why, but this was one of those "mom" moments for me. I immediately got all teary-eyed and momentarily hated mother nature for scaring my little boy. Also, I was very understanding of Easton's feelings, seeing as how I was afraid of thunder until I was, oh, about 20.


The Grahams said...

oh that's so cute though that he said that! And smart! I loved your last post too....so funny. i also talk to John in my sleep. And they are always crazier when I'm pregnant....last night in my dream i was making french toast on my preggo belly instead of on the pan and i asked John if he wanted another piece- so random

Alifinale said...

I can just imagine him saying that and with his big eyes staring so wide. Poor kid, but that is pretty darn cute.


Gotta love those 'mom moments' - how sweet. Even at 4am, it just makes you wanna snuggle up with them (if they'll stay put) and keep them close!

Christi said...

I love Easton, I can just see him saying that too! Reagan is scared of the thunder.
At first when I read the title I thought seriously 4 am fireworks I would kill somebody! At least it was thunder :)

Kara said...

That's so sweet that you got all teary-eyed! What a sweet boy- we love Easton! And he talks so good too. Full sentences and he's not even 2 yet! He's going to be a genius.

Mary said...

Those are just the best Mom moments. Poor little guy. Isn't it so fun to just cuddle their sweetness in.

Lizzy said...

Oh, that's the sweetest thing. You know, in a sad way. I love those moments where you know all your baby needs in his mommy. It's so precious.

Sisters: Chunky to Skinny said...

Poor guy was scared. Good thing Mom was too the rescue.

Annie and Jake Callister said...

What a sweet little moment. Mommmies are are great. Hope all is well!

Unknown said...

I would have loved to hear that sweet little voice say that. Poor little dude. Bet you didn't mind being up with him at 4 in the morning this time.

Tara said...

Oh my gosh that is so freaking cute!! I can totally understand why that would make you tear up. What a doll!

Jessett said...

That is so sweet. He just needed his mommy to hold him and tell him it was ok. Easton is so cute

Carol and Bruce said...

That is the cuttest thing! I'm so glad you heard him and I know you could really empathize with that one. Cute that he knew to associate it with fireworks too.

Jenni said...

ohhh my gooooooooodnesssssssss!!!!!!!!!! that is the sweetest thing I've ever heard! I cannot believe that he is old enough to say sentences like that!!!!!!!!! and you are just SUCH a good, cute mom it just warms my heart!


Lani said...

I love the way kids' minds work. He didn't have the word "thunder" but he knew that fireworks made a loud boom so he named it what he knew! I am missing so much of Easton's life, and your life as a new mom and Steve's life as new dad! I makes sad at times, but I so appreciate your blog that lets me feel such a part of your lives! Love you all more than you know!

Bringhursts said...

I love thunder and I love lightning! The second a storm starts, I jump in my car just so I can go "drive in it".

I love it when Ethan gets scared (that's kind of mean, I know) because then he just wants me to hold and love him.