Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cookie Drought At My House

Since I was young I have been in love with all things baked. And as I got older, I fell in love with baking itself, trying new recipes and eating way too much of everything I made. I, like most of you I'm sure, am positive that I make the best chocolate chip cookies. I remember watching my mom use her bosch in the kitchen many many times growing up, and helping her as well. When I got old enough to do it by myself, I tried every chance I got. After my older sister moved out of the house and took her cookie making abilities with her, it was my turn to step up and show what I had learned. So every Sunday from then on until the day I moved out I made some sort of cookie or other yummy treat... and that's why my dad kept me around.When I got married, my mom gave me a beautiful mixer of my very own. My favorite present, and one of the things I would grab if my house was on fire. After my computer and camera. And my kid. That mixer has moved 6 times with me and was used at least twice a week. It is one of my most prized worldy possessions.Recently I noticed a scary sound coming from it and that a part on it is loose. I have been so sad that I haven't been able to use it. And what great timing...the holidays? The holidays are nothing without an endless supply of baked goods! What am I to do? This machine has the exact look of a bosch and can use the same parts, but has a different motor. I don't even know if they make these mixers anymore, so I'm hoping and praying that the people at the bosch store will be able to help me. It's the season of giving, right? The season of hope?

So this year, I won't be as excited to bake my heart out and give away the treats to my good friends...because everything I'm sure will come from a box, since that's all my little hand mixer can handle. My grandma would be screaming at me to just do it the old fashioned way. "What do you think we did when we didn't have mixers?" Well, that was cool for you grandma, but I need my mixer. I don't think I have ever not doubled a recipe and my arm or hand mixer just can't handle all that dough.

I REALLY hope it's fixable!


Christi said...

That is the cutest picture ever!!! Of you guys, the new header, not the cookies!!!
I hope your Bosch can be fixed!!!! You do make yummy cookies!
OK I just used a ton of exclamation point. Guess I am really excited.

Lizzy said...

I hope it can get fixed. No baked goods during the holidays is tragic. But maybe if it can't be fixed Santa will bring you a new one?? If Santa is you mom and reads your blog. There's always hope!

Matt and Shannon said...

You can borrow my Kitchenaid. I know it's not the same, but I never use mine... much to my mom's dismay. I need your chocolate chip cookie recipe - do you give it out, or is it a secret?

Lima Bean said...

Wow, that is an amazing picture of a cookie. I also love a good Sunday baked treat. On Sunday nights, things just taste better and there's nothing like warming up the house with the smell of cookies or something yummy baking.

Danielle said...

Oh my- good luck! I can't even imagine life without my bosch mixer. Oh wait- yes I can. That horrid time when I was single living in the dorms...YES, doubling my chocolate crinkles recipe for all the boys coming over...and eventually breaking my hand mixer...those things are simply made for mashed potatoes. I think that's it. All else belongs in a bosch mixer. Seriously. I totally know what you mean, and feel so sad that yours is broke! Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!

Eischens said...

Em you are too cute! I remember after I got married my hubby asked me to make cookies. I told him how my friend (that's you!) used to make cookies every Sunday and maybe I could do that for him. To say the least he is happy that I have a friend Emily :)

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

Oh dear! What'a a girl to do? Seriously, I'd be freaking out too. That mixer does look just like a Bosch. My mom had one too, still has one and I want one SO BAD!!! They are SO freakin expensive though!

I would go to an appliance repair shop and see what they can do. Good luck sister! And send some of those yummy cookies my way! :)

Kara said...

I hope you can get your mixer fixed too. I know that cookies make you truly happy, and your cookies are very yummy! If you are really desperate, you can come over to my house and use mine and make my house smell so yummy!

Carol and Bruce said...

Em, sorry to hear about this. Let's call the company and see what they can do.

You'll be here and can make us delicious cookies since I don't do it any more. Dad will be so happy.

That was one of my favorite of all the photos I saw or you and Easton!

Teresa, mom, Deitz, Aunt Dee Dee said...

The cookies look wonderful!!! We love the header picture!!! Abi can't wait to have some cookies from you this weekend...from a box or not! Love ya!

Abi and Aunt Dietz

Margaret said...

Oh I can relate. My Bosch (a hand-me-down from Greg's GRandma) walked off my counter one day when it was kneading bread. It was a sad day! I am considering a Kitchen Aid.....I just don't know.

Desiree said...

Okay, that's a very sad story. I don't know if I could handle no baked goods during the holiday's either! Hope you can get it fixed!

(By the way, I found your link on Brenley's blog, and I just wanted to say hi. Don't know if you remember me, but it has been fun seeing how your family has grown)


Ben & Diane said...

oh, it's not a real bosch. I'm sorry. j/k......I have a bosch and I love it. I have told Ben many times that if our house was on fire he needed to grab the kids and I'll grab the bosch. I love how powerful it is and I can mix a ton in it. Hope yours is fixable.

Alifinale said...

Oh I can feel your pain...I am sorry. I love baking just about as much as you do and know what a sad day that is. Come over and bake with me it is more fun that way. But I do hope it is fixable.


We're Kitchenaid people, but I would be VERY sad if something happened to our stand mixer. We didn't have one for almost the whole first year of marriage and using the hand-mixer just wasn't cutting it. And after reading everyone's comments I'm wondering if I should look into this Bosch brand... good luck getting it fixed!

Jenni said...

oh no... oh no no no. what are you going to do? I mean, this is fixable right? That would be horrible. Like- aren't they supposed to last a lifetime or something? how stressful. Welcome to my life haha! you'd be amazed at what a good ol' handmixer can do! I just made banana bread last night... with your recipe :)

Jenni said...

P.S- I agree with you, I would eat your cookies over anyone else's any day of the week. you have absolutely mastered it!

Ilene said...

Cancel Christmas.

Seriously, you need cookies. Early Christmas present?

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

I can't believe how big your little guy is!!! He is so cute and is starting to look like someone. I'm with you on cookies. If you guys can afford it, break down and get the bosch and get it over with! they can take more punishment than any mixer around. My daughters that didn't get a bosch from us were sorry. They asked for a kitchenaid and it isn't as tough or as easy if that is what you are used to. Hope you get something boxed stuff isn't the same!!!

greg&sarina said...

i made my choc. chip cookies today - come on over, i'll share :)
p.s. - for what its worth i make all our baked goods, including bread and pizza and cakes, etc and i have never had a mixer !

LeAnn said...

Hey Em!
Remember when you used to make me cookies? When are you coming home? I'm ready for some of these!


Mary said...

Now I know why I hate to cook--I've been doing it with a hand mixer (albeit an amazing one that even tackles bread once in awhile).

You really do need to find a solution soon . . . you might never recover if you wait too long.

Kim said...

First of all, I LOVE the new header. It's soooo adorable!

I really hope you get your mixer fixed. :o( I have a Kitchenaid mixer but it seems like everyone else has a Bosch. I think Danny's mom does/did, too. After my Kitchenaid bites the dust I might consider a Bosch...I just wish they weren't so dang expensive!!

Lindsay said...

RIP mixer. :(

Anonymous said...


I remember when I was known as the best cookie maker at our house. It's bad enough that you took over that position, but my DAUGHTER has just made her first batch of sunday cookies here. I guess I am totally out now. Oh well, now I can just enjoy them without the work.

Jill said...

That sucks! The Bosch kicks the Kitchen Aid's butt! And I'm with you: why would you ever not double a cookie recipe? I have to double the recipe because I'm such a cookie dough addict.

Margaret said...

Will you be here December 19th?