Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mother of the Year


Mel D said...

Umm, he looks super-duper cute at least?

Kara said...

What the heck?? What happened between 1:00 when I left your house and this?

Jenn said...

Oh no, what happened? But he doesn't look bothered by it at all, in fact he looks really cute just smiling away!

Teresa, mom, Deitz, Aunt Dee Dee said...

where is the commentary? What happened? Poor Easton. Hope he is feeling ok.

Lizzy said...

Were you trying to teach him how to bake?

Margaret said...


There goes my prize!

Christi said...


Lani said...

You've got to admit that boy is adorable! What a trooper! Love you all!

Alifinale said...

Oh poor Easton! I am so sorry. He looks so cute, can we sign his cast? I am sorry that happened - you are mother of the year so don't feel bad!

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

What the heck happened?????


Ok, well he looks super cute in that first picture - love the eyes. But... what in the heck happened?!?! I think it's pretty obvious that everyone is dying to know the story behind the arm.

Jenni said...

How is it possible that Easton looks SO SO adorable no matter what the circumstances? I mean seriously- He has a broken arm and should be screaming and looking horrified, but he looks so cute like always.

I'm so sorry about that little accident sis. :( He'll get better soon and then you won't have to worry about his first broken bone because it will be over!

love you!

Carol and Bruce said...

The cast is bigger than he is and he does just look like... what is all the fuss about? That cute pic made me feel better. It was not your fault but I know how it feels to see your child hurt. AWFUL! Hope he heals quickly! love and kisses

Jill said...

Uhh, I'll be calling you very soon. I'm so sorry! But Easton looks like he's gonna survive--Oh that smile!

Danielle said...

Like everyone about cute! I am anxious for the story...I hope it is coming- I'm sorry though, I'm sure that is stressful...just remember that mom's everywhere have little boys with broken arms. My little cousin is only like...5, and has had 3 broken arms I think. Again though, he is too cute for words.

Kim said...

Oh, poor little guy! I agree with everyone else though, he does look cute! Hopefully you'll tell us all what happened soon.

Kricket said...

You have to tell what happened! It looks like you guys had a great time in Disneyland. I miss you!

Chelsea said...

Ummm...what happened? It's true though. He does look adorable. Cast and all.

Unknown said...

Oh no! What happened? If you never forgive yourself at least know that your kid will -and- being a boy, he'll be proud of the cast, scars and all the other "heroics" of injuries.

Sisters: Chunky to Skinny said...

Poor guy, what happened? He sure looks cute sporting his cast! And you aren't a bad Mom, kids break their arms all the time. Trust me, I see it often at work.

Matt and Shannon said...

You have to at least explain what happened- and then you will definitely hear that you should not feel so bad - it was a total accident, and sometimes it's hard to know when kids are really hurt or not. And now he has a cool story to tell. I have never broken a bone and totally feel like I'm missing out on the experience :)

Aimee said...

I'm glad you can finally come out and admit to us all that you really are Mother Of The Year!!!!