In Easton's class everyone starts the day out on green. And green is where you want to end the day. If you talk or are disruptive, etc, you may be moved to yellow and if you continue the behavior, maybe to red. There's a chance to redeem yourself and get moved back to green, but only if you cease the bad behavior. All greens at the end of the week and you get something from the treasure box, any yellows and just a sticker, any red; nothing. Well, the other day Easton got a yellow...his first one. Seems he was a little too chatty in class.
The next day I kept him home from school because he had a nasty sounding cough, and I have this thing about coughs. I hate them and I hate kids who have them (okay I don't actually hate the kids, but you know what I mean.). Well he was fine the rest of the day and didn't cough at all after that or during the night. This morning when he woke up he seemed a little congested but pretty much ok, so I told him he could go to school. Well...he didn't want to go. Easton has never NOT wanted to go to school. I had a thought but figured I was wrong, but I asked him anyway if the reason he didn't want to go to school was because he got on yellow. He gave me the saddest look and nodded his head. I about started bawling.
He was so sad he got on yellow and was worried he would again and he just didn't want to face it.
Steve and I both talked with him and ultimately Steve got him to want to go to school. And when I picked him up he was so happy to tell me that he stayed on green.
Well, just think you have around a decade of practice before you have to worry about the teenager stuff :) That was sad and cute. Thanks for sharing! Luv you!
I would bawl too! How sad that he was so sad about it! I guess the system the teacher uses works for him! Hopefully that doesn't happen again- how traumatizing!
I love how innocent they are! I think it is so sad that he didn't want to go b/c of the yellow. But like he told me stickers are still fun!!! Love that kid.
Just wait until he gets sent to the principals office. Hopefully yours will never make it there, but mine have SEVERAL times. It breaks my heart every time. It's a good thing kids are resilient.
hehe that is a sweet sweet story :)
You now really understand the phrase "it hurts me more than you"
Parenting is hard!
Wayne is really Heidi :)
I'm laughing through the tears. It breaks my heart just to hear about it but what a good boy to be concerned about getting on the yellow. I hope he always cares that much, then you won't have any thing to worry about in those teen years, well not as much. I love him! Love kindergarten pictures.
That is so sweet! What a good little boy you're raising!
I love his new picture on my wall! Thanks so much.
This was lovely too read
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