Saturday, December 24, 2011

Santa: Fiction, Jesus: Nonfiction

At school they have been learning about what is fiction and what is nonfiction, so Easton asks me which one something is a thousand times a day.

Last month Easton asked me the big one...straight up, if Santa was real. I wasn't prepared for that question at all. I tried to change the subject and get him to forget about it, but he wouldn't. We were at the grocery store and he kept asking and sounded genuinely interested about it. Steve and I talked about how we would handle this situation before we even had kids, but I didn't think I would be faced with it so soon. Anyway, I looked at his little face and knew I couldn't just blatantly lie to him. I asked him if he thought Santa was real and he said, " I just don't he mom?" So I stopped the cart in the middle of the condiments aisle and looked him right in the eyes and told him that no, Santa wasn't real. We talked about how Santa was a fun story and tradition for Christmas time and that if he wanted to believe in Santa he could, and that I thought it was still fun to pretend that Santa was real. He seemed okay with that. And we also talked about how he wasn't allowed to tell any of his friends that Santa wasn't real...I didn't want him being the one to ruin it for anyone.

He has done pretty good at keeping the secret, only telling his friends a few times that Santa wasn't real, to which they adamantly object. He was happy to sit on his lap and no, didn't pull on his beard or ask him if he was real, just told him he wanted a mario game for Christmas. So at this point I think he's just completely confused about the whole concept. He tells me that he knows Santa isn't real, but still talks about him and pretends, which is I guess what I was hoping for. He may not be real, but it's fun to pretend he is.
It also sucks for me because these past 2 weeks have been rough and I can't use the "santa's watching you" line to get him to shape up, or other santa related threats.

We have however been learning a lot about the true meaning of Christmas, which is what we all want our kids to understand. I'm so grateful for this time of year to remember the birth of our Savior. I don't know if it's sticking in their heads so much; they are distracted by the stack of presents under the tree, but I think they are starting to get it.

I hope everyone has a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!


Christi said...

OH the never ending fiction vs. non fiction!!!! I can't believe that he already asked. I love it. I think you handled it perfectly! Can't wait for Christmas!

Wayne said...

Well done mom! Jay figured it out WAAAYY before my girls. (yes before Britt even) Guys are just so literal! I'm thrilled to have a believer in the house again!!!

Megan and Greg said...

OH MY GOSH!!! Wow! So soon! Well, you handled it well. I wouldn't be expecting that either. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Jenni said...

The title of this post had my cracking up because I love when he asks that! What a great way to learn! I think you handled the situation beautifully and I hope I have that kind of guts to tell the truth when my kid asks. Easton is a smart boy and I love watching him figure these things out!

I really missed you guys this Christmas.

Love you!

Matt and Shannon said...

Remind me not to let Easton hang out with Claire near Christmas time. I am not ready for Claire to have that conversation :) But you did a good job I think.

Carol and Bruce said...

That is the best story and I think you handled it very well. Now you can use the line, has mommy ever lied to you and he'll have to believe you. I'm glad he sat on Santa's knee for that adorable picture. Love that boy!

Carol and Bruce said...

That is the best story and I think you handled it very well. Now you can use the line, has mommy ever lied to you and he'll have to believe you. I'm glad he sat on Santa's knee for that adorable picture. Love that boy!


THAT IS SO SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How depressing that he already knows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe he already asked!!!! It seems so early for him to be wondering!!! You handled that REALLY well! Good for you! I'm glad you had a good christmas. you look really pretty in your pics.