Getting to go to Harlan's birthday party meant being able to spend the weekend with my parents all by myself. I don't think that has happened since...ever. It was just what I needed. So fun, so relaxing, so healing and so quiet. My parents spoiled me rotten and I had a blast spending time with them.
Straight off the airplane we went to a yummy breakfast downtown. My parents have gone to this place every Christmas Eve since I can remember for their traditional breakfast. It was fun to see what it was like and the food was so yummy, and this Vegas girl got to sit right by the fire. It was nice, and the only person I had to feed was myself. :) After that my mom and I went to get pedicures, which I needed SO badly since I can't reach, let alone see my toes anymore. Thanks Mom!!
Next was the fabric store so my mom and I could get started on a quilt for my baby. The first thing I have done for this new baby we're having in 2 months. I love sewing with my mom; she knows everything, makes me feel like I'm awesome and does all the hard stuff for me.
The rest of the trip I actually got pictures of.
Straight off the airplane we went to a yummy breakfast downtown. My parents have gone to this place every Christmas Eve since I can remember for their traditional breakfast. It was fun to see what it was like and the food was so yummy, and this Vegas girl got to sit right by the fire. It was nice, and the only person I had to feed was myself. :) After that my mom and I went to get pedicures, which I needed SO badly since I can't reach, let alone see my toes anymore. Thanks Mom!!
Next was the fabric store so my mom and I could get started on a quilt for my baby. The first thing I have done for this new baby we're having in 2 months. I love sewing with my mom; she knows everything, makes me feel like I'm awesome and does all the hard stuff for me.
The rest of the trip I actually got pictures of.
My cute Dad. It was freezing outside but he was still out, working away. This was right before we went to the dump. I used to always go to the dump with my dad, so I was pretty pumped that I got to go again! Weird I know, but it was fun.

This is the bowl I have made for my dad not once, but twice (one broke). He eats out of it every morning, but this Saturday morning he let me use it. I don't know if he does that for just anyone. This was also the morning that I slept in until 9. That is amazing by itself, but the fact that my bladder let me do it is mind boggling. A true miracle.
Here we are eating again at a yummy Chinese place. LeAnn came with us and it was so much fun! I can't tell you enough how I enjoyed not feeding my kids. I missed them like crazy, but I didn't miss meal time. This was a great dinner right up until my dad got his fortune cookie with no fortune in it. He tried 2 more times and still nothing. What does that mean?
After the birthday party in Washington, another bonus was our stop in Portland to see these cute faces!! This was when I was really wishing I had my kids with me, they would have LOVED seeing all of their cousins. Marc and Connie have a gorgeous new house that I had never seen, and Cameron has grown up way too much since I saw him at 2 weeks old.
He's a chunky cutie and so smiley!!! Love these boys!
Okay back to sewing. This was the first thing I made since joining the pinterest world. It was just my style and seemed simple enough. I'm hesitant to post pictures of it because if anyone reads my sister's blog, they'll see hers and see how AMAZING it is! We sewed for 8 hours straight on Sunday and thanks to my mom doing the binding, we were able to get it done.

It was really hard to lay on my stomach for this.
And of course, we had to squeeze in some scrabble in between sewing. I believe my dad and I tied. I think that's a first.
I also had a great time at church with my dad (mom was off doing ward conference). Sitting through every meeting and listening! Everyone needs that every now and then. It was fun to see old friends from their ward and get caught up.
I will always remember and treasure this trip. As much as I missed my family, it was so good to see my parents and be spoiled. I imagine, with this baby coming, that it will be a LONG time before I go anywhere. Steve took great care of the kids and I don't even think they missed me. I also have great friends who helped out while Steve had to work. THANK YOU!!!!!
I love Oregon.
I also had a great time at church with my dad (mom was off doing ward conference). Sitting through every meeting and listening! Everyone needs that every now and then. It was fun to see old friends from their ward and get caught up.
I will always remember and treasure this trip. As much as I missed my family, it was so good to see my parents and be spoiled. I imagine, with this baby coming, that it will be a LONG time before I go anywhere. Steve took great care of the kids and I don't even think they missed me. I also have great friends who helped out while Steve had to work. THANK YOU!!!!!
I love Oregon.
I am still really bummed that the weather was too bad for me to come and visit you. But it looks like you had a great time. I also really enjoy when I get to eat a meal without my kids...but my favorite thing is to sit down as a family and eat so that kindof contradicts but its true :)
sounds like a wonderful time. home is truly the best, isn't it? you sound like your old self in this post, too, so i can tell it was much needed. i am jealous that your bladder let you sleep (but you deserve it). mine wakes me up every morning at 4:45. for real. on the dot.
So jealous and so glad that you got to go. Eating by yourself with other grown ups sounds heavenly! So does the sleeping in and everything else you did!!!
What a dream!!!! Sounds soo nice! Okay, where to start, your pictures are awesome!!! New camera?! Also, there is NOTHING like being taken care of by your parents! It's the BEST! I'm getting homesick reading about all the fun you had! I LOOOOVE that quilt! I cannot believe you made it in a day! I am inlove with all the fabrics you chose! I wanna see them in real life! Speaking of, it looks like my trip to visit you will be just me and Everett, but I'm still coming and I don't care if we just watch TV and sit around! I am just excited to see you and get to spend more than an hour talking!!! LOVE you
Great post!
Awesome trip! I love Oregon too. Great job on the quilt!!
What a fabulous trip! I LOVE the quilt!!
This makes me so happy. Seriously, I am so so so so glad that you had such a great trip. Mom and Dad have some magical powers of making everything happy and fun.
And OH MY GOSH. I LOVE love love your quilt! Seriously sis it is so beautiful!! And how on EARTH did you do that in one day????! Don't you just love that fabric store?!
I love all the pictures so much!
P.S-- once again, I am LOVING the pictures from your new camera. They are so good and that picture of dad is seriously precious.
P.P.S--how in the name of all that is holy are you laying on your stomach in that picture? I'm convinced you barely have a belly because I could NEVER do that!
Wow, what a fun trip. I'm jealous. I can't believe you made that quilt. It looks amazing. Why am I the only Mormon Girl who doesn't ever want to sew? That pic of you on your stomach was funny, I immediately said to myself, "What in the world is she doing on her stomach?" And then you said the same thing. I can't imagine eating uninterrupted. Sounds like heaven. And church uninterrupted. That sounds good too. Looks like you had so much fun! I'm sorry I missed you! I know I say this everytime, but I'm loving your hair color! Is it really your natural? It's so pretty if it is!
We did cram a lot of fun into that short week end and were so glad to have you visit, it brightened January for us. I think it should be a yearly thing, see if Steve will agree to that. I love all your pictures and especially the one of Dad is so great. Making the quilt was so fun and did I say how much I love it? Love you so much and can't wait to visit in a few short weeks and play with all my little kiddos.
We did cram a lot of fun into that short week end and were so glad to have you visit, it brightened January for us. I think it should be a yearly thing, see if Steve will agree to that. I love all your pictures and especially the one of Dad is so great. Making the quilt was so fun and did I say how much I love it? Love you so much and can't wait to visit in a few short weeks and play with all my little kiddos.
Oh, and I love that you love Oregon!! I'll keep the faith.
Wow, I want your camera bad. Your pictures are amazing!
So is your quilt. I simply cannot believe you put that together in a day!
So glad you got to have some time away to be spoiled and recharge those mommy batteries. So necessary!
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