Monday, May 14, 2007

The Happiest Place on Earth

Well, here is a picture of my favorite view of the city...from Skinner's Butte. I know you are all probably so sick of me writing about how much I love this place, but I'm moving away tomorrow, so I'm allowed to be a little sad! It's nice that I have family here, so I can always come back to visit, and it will always feel like home. But, I was thinking about it this weekend, while playing with Easton, and I realized that as long as I have Steve and E, I will be home, wherever we are. Even if we are in Alaska (where Steve wants to live, and I refuse), as long as I have my boys I'll be home. Although, I would feel even more at home in a warmer get the idea. So, living here these past few years has been awesome, and I feel somewhat spoiled to have had my family here...I must admit that it made the law school thing a lot less scary for me. I'm so grateful for the awesome friends that I made, and the cool experiences we had. I'm sad to leave Eugene and the beauty of Oregon...but I'm sure other places are pretty too...

Now, enough of being sad; I really am excited too, to get started with the next part of our lives. Who knows where we'll end up, but it will be an adventure. With the in laws for the summer and then after that...we'll just have to wait and see. Good luck to all my friends who are moving, selling houses, looking for jobs, getting ready for babies, etc...I'll be thinking of you!


Ilene said...

I already miss you Em! Thanks for stopping by this evening. Thomas was pretty distraught at your leaving. Oh, why do we all have to grow up?

You're right. Home is wherever your family is. You guys will do great! Keep blogging so we stay connected, okay?

Tara said...

Yes you better keep blogging. I miss you already too!

Quit leaving me, jerks!

Tara said...

Wait that is not a picture of disneyland!!

destiny said...

I'm sorry you have to leave your favorite place! It is sad to move, change is not fun. I could help you a ton if you move close to me! That would make it the happiest place for me if you are here!

Alifinale said...

Oh, Emily! I miss you already too! I hope the move went well. Eugene is a great and unique place and it will always hold a special place in my heart. Las Vegas is warm - maybe you should move there. But keep blogging and wherever you end up will become home soon enough.

Anonymous said...

don't leave me. you already did. i'm ticked. i miss you. for real. it's weird without you here.

seriously. i wish you were over right now and we could keep talking about how pissed we are about that brat face man.

I just miss you and telling you everything every day.

Eugene is better... than anywhere. I agree- somehow I've fallen in love with rexburg. weird I know- but eugene is the best.