Sunday, June 10, 2007

Good Day

I was so happy that Steve let us borrow him for a few hours on Saturday so we could play at the park! He didn't have his class, so we went to Boise and had a picnic at this really pretty park. It was a perfect day; sunny, but not too hot. It was one of the first times we've been able to go out together as a family since we moved here! Easton had a great time being in the sun and watching all of the people nearby. So much fun, thanks babe!


destiny said...

Ok, seriously, when you (notice I say when and not if) and Alison move here you guys HAVE to teach me how to use Photoshop!! I have it but I have NO freaking clue how to even use the stinking thing! I love your page so simple looking yet so CUTE! Oh and it's not fair at all how you are so tiny after having a baby...I really don't like you for that!

Lizzie said...

Where do you live Em? I can't figure it out. I skimmed your old posts and can't find where you live. Obviously somewhere near Steve in Grad school? Anyhow, your family is so cute!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you could borrow Steve for the day and I bet he enjoyed being out and about too. Looks like a great time had by all. Love your new photos!

the splendid life of us... said...

What a fun family outing! Way cute page to always remember it by. I wish I knew how to do digital scrapbooking, it looks like alot of fun, and way less messy, but then what would I do with all my tangable scrapbooking supplies.

Emily said...

Yea, it took me like an hour to do that one page...I'm still trying to figure out photoshop. And Brenley, you MUST do real scrapbooking because you are so talented! I need a computer program to do the cuteness for me because I am so uncreative!

Lindsay Coudron said...

I am jealous you got to spend a day with Steve. Jonathan is always at school. Two more years:) I also wanted to tell you that I love your hair long. It looks really cute on you.

Tara said...

Where do you get off making your blog so cute?! I quite like it!

Anyway I am glad you are having fun in Idi-ho. We miss you around here! Call when you get to town next week and let's do lunch!!

Alifinale said...

Such a cute page! I know all to well the frustrations of trying to learn on your own about digi scrap - I am still trying to learn and getting very frustrated. I too am not creative, o-well. How fun and what a beautiful day! Please keep us posted if you hear anything about moving to LV, my fingers are crossed!

Ilene said...

Emily, I don't check your blog for a couple of days and then you go all blogger ballistic on me! I feel so behind! Cute pictures of a very cute family. I miss Easton. I miss you in Sunday School. I miss you at YW. Everywhere I go, I miss you. Sniffle, sniffle.

I must leave Eugene soon because there are just too many memories of you. . . :)

Danielle said...

Hey Emily! Blogging IS so fun! It is nice to be able to see how everyone is doing. Your little boy is so cute! I swear you were just pregnant. Anyway, Rexburg is great! So many people complain about it, but I love it here (except of course for the blistering winters). We'll have to keep in touch!

Emily said...

Ilene, I'm keeping you on your toes...that will teach you to not check my blog every hour!

Jill said...

Yea! That does look like a good day. You take such great pictures. I'm glad you got some much-needed time with your two boys. I love the scrapbook page too, by the way.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THAT FAMILY. you guys are so cute. freak nasty. i love it. come visit me. ok thanks. love you sis.

Chelsea said...

Such a cute family. Such a cute blog, don't compare to mine. We are having a girls night on Tuesday the 19th at Ilene's. You should stop by (I guess if Ilene is alright with me inviting you to her house) After all, we are your first priority right when you get in right?