I am all done nursing! And ready to wear a bra again. I hated the ones I wore when I was pregnant, and for the first 3 months after Easton was born it's like, what's the point of even wearing one... and I'm SO sick of nursing bras I could scream. Now, all you moms who have gone through this a time or two...what kind of bras do you like? Seriously, I need help. I'm sure you all can relate; these things just aren't what they used to be. Not that they were fabulous before, but now...well, it's just different, and they need all the help they can get. I have always been a horrible bra shopper, so I need to know where you all like to buy them. I've heard good things about Victoria's Secret, or JC Penney.
Is this a weird post? I wasn't sure. I was trying to put on a video of easton but it was taking forever, so I figured, why not do a picture of a bra instead?
All I know is a good bra is a worthwhile investment. But what I look for in a bra (padding) may be different than what you look for in a bra. But I am a fan of Victoria's Secret. They usually have decent sales every now and then and will fit you for the right size. Good luck!
Ok, I am on Brian's computer and forgot to log myself in. Pretty funny though if you thought BA was giving you bra advice.
Amen to boobs totally changing after a baby. I can't imagine what mine will look like after Kate's done nursing. Anyhow, I LOVE Maidenform bras and I like Victoria Secrets IPEX (i think). VS is nice though, because they measure you for your size and then they give you this huge drawer full of different types of bras for you to try on. You pick the one you like best, and then they get it for you in the color of your choosing. It makes the experience much less painful. Good luck.
Love the bra post you crack me up, although after nursing 3 kids I'm not sure I even need to be wearing one anymore so I wouldn't be any help
well, first of all, I think the post is great! We all think about these practical things, why not talk about them :) In about six months I am going to begin nursing for the first time ever so reading the comments definitely got me excited for these changes. (ha ha) As far as bras - I can definitely agree with Lizzie that having someone measure you is extremely helpful - its embarassing and a little weird, but helpful. Victoria's Secret has great bras, but you will pay the price (if they aren't on sale). I have also been sized at Nordstrom's before and they had some pretty reasonable prices. (But the bras were more old-lady style than cute) - but hey form and function seems like more of a necessity than frillyness now. By the way, I am looking for the same type of advice right now for maternity and nursing bras!! Sorry for the long comment. (miss you!)
can't help ya sis. so sawwwwwwy!!
but I thought i'd comment anyway... my computer is getting fixed and this is like the only website in the library that isn't blocked... so here I am :)
I love this post! Is all I have to say- is IF you get Victoria Secret- then go to their clearance rack. They are just last seasons fashion, still just as great! and half the price!
too funny emil. i just bought new bras yesterday because none of mine fit anymore. i feel like my boobs are just going to shrivel up and fall off. they just keep getting smaller. i don't remember this happening after g. but everything is different after #2. so anyways, i was talking to my aunt about this, and her advice was to make sure you try on different cup sizes in different brands. in one it could be a C and another it could be a B. just like clothes. i could be a 4,6 or 8. same with bras. so that's my 2 cents.
good luck. it's SO not a fun activity. OH AND MAKE SURE YOU DON'T HAVE E WHEN YOU ARE BRA SHOPPING!!! it makes it TONS worse. love you!
You totally crack me up! You would die laughing if I told you where and when I got my last two bras. It's my least favorite thing to do.
Your reminded me of a talk I heard once at education week no less, where the girls was complaining about her boobs and her mom just took off her own bra right there and then and said," now you can be grateful for yours."
Now lets see the video of Easton:)
I think I have the angel collection bras from VS. LOVE them. The secret is underwire to help perk those babies right back up. I think the Apex bras are good if you are wanting some "help" but since my gals are well, "abundant", I stick to the angel line- just enough padding for those cold days but not enough to push my chest up into my chin.
too much information?
Too funny, Em. I'm pretty clueless myself. It seems like we've had this conversation before. I HATE spending $40 on a bra! But I also HATE everything I've tried on that costs less than that! Sometimes I think no one would notice if I just stopped wearing a bra, I'm so dang flat. Except when I'm nursing then I can almost fill a B cup. Pretty impressive, huh? :)
Boy were you asking for it when posting a picture of a bra! I loved your mom's comment the best so far; maybe she should show you here so you'll feel a bit better about yours. TOO funny Carol! Okay, back to you...and me! I'm pretty normal after nursing Cade. still in my regular old 34 A-B adn feelin good. but I think my ribcage stayed a bit expanded after being prego cause one of my fav pre-prego bras doesn't fit well around anymore. But the one i wore before and again now is just from walmart. And I love it. great shape, great fit, comfy and WAY cheaper than VS. Although someday when Aaron's makin' millions I'll shop there, just for fun! :) good luck dude!
I agree with everyone. Good bra's = Good boobs. Go for it!
I LOVE Barely There brand bras. I went to Macy's and someone helped me by fitting me and then brought me a bunch she thought would work for me. They are much cheaper than VS bras, but just as good, well for my boobs that is! Everyone is different that is why you have to try on LOTS! Make sure they go around the right spot in your back, that is one thing I learned when I got fitted. Good luck!
um, I was really looking forward to my boobs shrinking after I nursed like everyone warned me they would......they didn't. I had big ones before being pregnant, while I was pregnant, while nursing and after nursing. So, bra shopping has always been a thorn in my side. Therefore, I try to only spend as much as I have to on something that doesn't make them look any better anyway. GOOD LUCK!!
I have been wondering the same thing, where do I get a good bra:) I am just hoping that someday when we have perfect bodies our ladies will be perfect also:)
I am sure you got a bra by now, may I just say you are so funny! I am impressed you would do this. I don't think its so much that you breasts shrink as much as they just get longer and flatter. If you haven't gotten one good luck, I hate buying bras, I am grateful I am the same size now. As a card my sister in law gave me , I'm a 36-38 long.
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