I know it has been said before, but I am just so dang excited about the weather down here in LV. These past couple of weeks have been so gorgeous and a ton cooler. It makes me happy to be able to open the door at 7 in the morning and feel a cool breeze instead of immediately sweating. I think I am now realizing why people live here. Granted, I've only been here for 2 months, but I have enjoyed them immensely. I love hot weather and sunshine, so I have no complaints...weather wise that is. It's fun to go to the park at 8 in the morning when it is 70 degrees and be totally warm...while the 'locals' have their sweatshirts and pants on because it feels cold to them. Too funny.
Don't get me wrong...I miss Oregon and its radiant beauty, and even the rain, but I am glad to be here, and to even feel at home. I am so excited for the fall and winter. I do NOT like cold weather...Rexburg winters almost killed me, and even Eugene was too cold for my liking. I look forward to going to the park in November.

I'm okay with never having my car snowed in ever ever again!

I love the rain...but everything in moderation...

This is more like it! So much sunshine! By the way this is a picture of the Las Vegas temple. I haven't been to it yet, but it looks beautiful!
RUUUUUUUUUB it in sis!! rub it on in!!! hahaha!! I'm not complaining... i'm going to suck up my days here in Rexburg while they last. Because this place is so wonderful :)
I might not want to talk to you when my nose hairs are frozen and you're in shorts... just kidding!
oh man! totally rubbing it in but then again, I did live in Hawaii for 2 years and maybe you thought I rubbed that in. Sorry if I did. I'm glad you're so happy there! Someday I hope to accept where I'm at, Salem. It's looking up cause I'm trying to change my attitude. Thanks for sticking with me dude!
I love the hot weather too, but also I am starting to dig the non-desert environment out here. Who knows where we will end up. If only we'd start getting interviews instead of rejection letters.
Oh I love it so much! I love the cooling weather without the fear of the dreaded cold. I think we will pretty happy this winter. No more SADS!
And we should do a baby swap so we can all go to the temple. I am feeling bad that we haven't been either. So we will watch Easton sometime for you guys to go.
Today was a total Eugene winter day- rainy and cold. Then I had the realization that this is a Spokane Fall day. I am so dreading a Spokane winter day. Sure I lived in snow during college but that was seven years ago and I was young and single, childless, and car-less. Enjoy your winters and In-N-Out burgers, my dear. Meanwhile my tooshie will be frozen and I will be eating McDonalds (okay, not McD's but something horribly inadequate compared to In-N-Out).
AMEN SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!
I look forward to that day. Clay and I are hoping we will end up around where Lizzie and Shad are, so basically the same weather. I am not excited for winter right now. I have been DREADING it. Especially since we live in a new place, and I have NO IDEA if they plow the alley where we park our cars. I have the horrifying feeling they DON'T! Ugh. Winters here are the worst. It's like survival of the fittest. The sad thing is, I am usually sweating by the time I get to my classes in the winter because I pile on about 10 layers of clothing and hats and scarves. Oh well, I never seem to get it right.
I'm so happy for you. I'm in Oregon, mourning the loss of summer, so I'm glad someone is happy regarding weather. I've been trying to get myself excited for fall, by thinking about all the fun colors and scents that go with it, but it's just not working. So....ENJOY IT! Perhaps i'll enjoy it vicariously
That's great that you're loving it there, you'll have to let me know what your winter is like!
I can't believe you've been there 2 months! I swear you just got there! I'm glad you're so happy there! That is great! Crazy, I wonder if this will be "your home." Like the place you live for the rest of your life. Pretty nutty! In a good way.
Hi Emily --
I found your blog linked from some other local people's. Really cool. I'm in Chicago right now, starting my second year of law school. Who is your husband clerking for? One of my friends recently applied to clerk for some judges in Vegas. Do you want to stay in Vegas after the clerkship? My wife grew up there, but we'll be going to southern Cal.
Congratulations -- seems like life sure has been good to you.
awesome emily, I love the pics and i am glad you feel at home!!!! I love the coastal weather, I don't think I could live anywhere else now. I love the diversity (an Oregon word) in the weather, I love that it never gets too hot or too cold, I love the storms and the sun right after and inbetween. I love those days where it seems like Hawaii, so I am happy for you that you like it where you are!!
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