The ceremony was awesome...I really like to go to sealings because it reminds me of my own, and I love listening to the council given by the sealers. Courtenay looked beautiful of course, and I was thinking while in there that I was sad about the weather and that they wouldn't get pictures in the beautiful sunshine. The picture taking fanatic in me worries about things like that. But once they came outside I realized that that isn't what really matters. Their smiles were just as big as they would have been on a sunny day and their pictures just as beautiful. Congratulations John and Courtenay!
Part two of our trip was spent in Salem, UT with my brother and his family. I was really glad to go to the wedding, and even more glad that Darren and Jill happened to be in Utah the same weekend. YAY! The boys watched the duck game (poor oregon) and we played with our cute nephews. Joseph is the older one with the cute smile, and Justin is the cute, curly haired little baby! I just love them to pieces!!
You do have a couple of cute boys there Em, what a lucky girl you are! Then there are the nephews, my grandsons...they are adorable too! I am pretty jealous of your whole weekend but so happy that you got to be there. Beautiful photos of Court and John too. Thanks for posting them all.
Love, mom
Fun fun fun! Courtenay looks so beautiful, I'm so happy for her, and happy you got to be there. I love little weekend getaways....they're fabulous. Happy Monday!
Poor Oregon. A dark cloud was over our house for a few hours but we have managed to move on.
I just love weddings. I need to know more people who need to get married. I only know a couple of single ladies now and so I guess I have something else to look forward to.
I think, actually, I want to be a bride again. That was fun. Not the actual planning the wedding part but being the bride part (I still want the same groom, though).
You are such a baby-monger :) Easton is looking so cute!
I'm so glad you posted pics! Court looks soooooo pretty and happy! I am so happy for her. That is great you got to go. Easton and your nephews are way cute.
Looks like you guys had a good time. Easton is looking so grown up!
Such a fun weekend! Now aren't you glad you went? And poor, POOR Oregon. I was so mad! Still am. Dangit!
Love you though!
Looks like you had a fast but fun weekend. Weddings are always great no matter how far you have to go for them. I always love seeing pictures of Joseph, Easton and Justin too. Thanks!
Oh, and by the way, I thought I was your oldest friend! Sure, maybe not in years we have known each other but I am pretty old.
Yes Ilene you are SO ancient!! You would be my oldest and WISEST friend.
Could Easton be any cuter? I really don't think so. He's darling!!
Weddings are fun and I totally agree with Ilene. We always used to talk about being brides again because it was just so fun to be a princess for a day. I mean when will a time like that ever come again for gals like us?
Oh my gosh, I can't believe Court's married!!! Her dress was gorgeous!! She looked so beautiful you'll have to tell her that for me!
Yay! Fun weekend! Yeah, I enjoy Las Vegas a lot more when I know it's already snowing in Idaho. Ha ha ha! It's too bad the weather wasn't good for the wedding. One of my friends had everything go wrong that possibly could, but she was just so happy to be marrying her husband that the day seemed perfect anyway. Not surprisingly, they have a much happier marriage than any of our friends who were Bridezillas.
Oldest and Wisest? YES! (picture me making a fist of victory)
Court looked beautiful. I am so glad that you got to go! What a great weekend for you!
So great to see you even if it had to be so short. Easton is so stinking cute. Our pic of our boys wasn't too bad, considering. I think Justin looks like a blob. But a cute blob. Love you!
I know Easton isn't smiling in that picture but he looks SO CUTE!!! I am a little jealous! Thanks for posting Courtenay pictures! (Funny thing, someone saw Courtenay's invite and said, "That's an interesting way to spell Courtenay!" THAT'S the ONLY way I've every spelled it! I never realized it was unique!That means I've been spelling all the other courtneys WRONG)Anyway, it was so fun to see the pictures!
ohhhh sis it was SO wonderful to see you. for real. like after this weekend i just feel better already. i WISH we could have spent more time together, and those pictures of the boys are sooo precious. i miss themmm all!!!
and i just can't stop thinking about how magical court and john were.
Oh My Gosh! I totally grew up in Salem!! I'm a little jelous you got to go there and I didn't, because I just love home. what part of Salem does your family live? Small world huh?
P.S. How did you make your blog so cute?
I'M SO JEALOUS YOU GOT TO SEE COURTENAY!!!!!!! Thanks for posting pictures. Man- I can't believe Courtenay is married- and I didn't even get to see it. It's making me feel like I should have just gone nomatter what the cost- cause I can never go again! Oh well- I'll see the openhouse- NOT THE SAME!!!!!!! Do you have any more pictures???? Tell me all about it- details!!!!!! and easton is such a doll. even when he's no smiling.
i doubt you'll see this because you have so many comments, but that is great that you got to go to the wedding. they look so happy! and those boys are ADORABLE. they definitely look like family:)
i doubt you'll see this because you have so many comments, but that is great that you got to go to the wedding. they look so happy! and those boys are ADORABLE. they definitely look like family:)
what in the world??? How do you even have 22 friends to comment on your post? You are TOO loved my dear. Lucky girl. I'm stoked if I get 4 comments on anything so consider yourself very lucky.
seriously, i have the most popular sis ever.
be jealous.
oh Court is BEAUTIFUL. they look great together. and what fun for you to be able to see so many people in such a short trip. i'm jealous!
and also, E is looking cuter and cuter by the day!
oh em, thanks for sharing about courts wedding, I wish I could have been there, it makes me a little to emotional, even though I got to see court tonight it isn't the same as being in the temple!!! Your pics are beautiful! I am so glad you got to see some of your fam, that is the best. Love you sooo much
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!! my BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL sister!!!!!! she is such a gem! hahaha That weekend was so much fun! i am SO SO glad you guys got to come!!!!!!! oh gosh it was just so beautiful!!!
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