I thought I had better share the recipe. Our bishop's wife came up with it and I think it is so yummy.
2 C butter, softened
2 C sugar
6 eggs
7 C flour
2 tsp baking soda
4 tsp cream of tarter
1 tbsp vanilla extract
4 tsp almond extract (don't be scared...it's yummy!)
Cream the butter and sugar in a mixer until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs. Add the flour, baking soda and cream of tarter and mix well. Mix in the flavorings. Roll out dough (it's better if they are kinda thick...about 1/4 inch or so. Cut out and bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes depending on your oven. We only did ours for 8. Cool completely and decorate!
8 oz cream cheese, softened
2 tbsp butter, softened
1 16 oz package confectioners' sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
Beat the cream cheese and butter in mixer until fluffy. Add the sugar and vanilla and mix well. Add a small amount of cream or milk if needed to make consistency better (we didn't need to). Add crazy colors! Thanks Alison and Christi for the good times!
Way easy to make and fun to decorate too! Another bonus is that they looked so cute I had a hard time eating too many. Easton liked them!
We love Halloween cookies starting in Oct every Monday night we Boo 3 people by leaving treats for FHE, it's such a cute idea, there's a poem and everything, if you don't have it give me your email and I'll send you one
Fun times making the cookies. That is a cute pic of Easton and Steve.
I loooovvvvvveeeee sugar cookies, I am definately going to try those!! And yes the ghosts look very cute. Thanks for sharing, I love you soooo much, and I finally made a pitiful post tonight.
Those are so cute and look so yummy. I want some for breakfast. Sugar cookies are so fun to make for holiday's.
Ah, Easton is so stinking cute.
I've been wanting to make sugar cookies lately. I think your post has inspired me to do it. Love buttery cream cheese frosting and who doesn't love almond extract?! I have similar cookie recipe that uses sour cream too. . . there are just too many good sugar cookie recipes and never enough time.
Okay, gotta go. Thomas is in the bath (don't worry I am sitting right next to him on the toilet). He has decided to drink the water. You know what is in the water, right? GROSS!
By sitting on the toilet, I mean sitting on top of the shut toilet lid. I just realized how my last comment could be misinterpreted. I do have some class, I promise.
Yum I love those cookies! Do you think you can ship a few to Oregon? :)
Wo, Steve's hair is lookin' a little long! I LOVE Holiday cookies!!!! That is one of my favorite parts! They looked WAY better than any I have made! Easton looks so much older! He is so blond! Ok, I know I just commented twice about hair, but that's ok right?
This post cracks me up, BECAUSE, Tanner and I just finished making sugar cookies and then I hopped online to catch up on blogging and saw your post! Your cookies are really cute and look delicious. Also, our recipes are identical except for the almond extract and cream of tarter.
ok sis you are just so cute. i love your cookies and i want them in my mouth. I can't wait until i make halloween cookies. AH i love halloween!!!
what's easton going to be????
good job emil! i love sugar cookies, but who doesn't?
we shall make some together sometime. it's only a 3 hour drive!!!
maybe i'll come over soon. we will have to work something out.
Yea Megs, Steve is too scared to find someone new to cut his hair, so we've been putting it off!
Oh I love making holiday/seasonal sugar cookies. I just have had no energy or time to do anything like that lately! Brynne also has a really good sugar cookie recipe that is super easy, it seems that there isnt as many ingredients. And sorry I dropped the ball on the recipe thing, I have been really sick this week along with working 10 hr days. Let me know if it isnt too late and I will still do it.
Yummy! One of my favorite Halloween traditions as well. You look like a professional decorator!
Those were oh so delish! We need to make some more because I didn't eat enough, ha!
Cute new background and everything! I love it.
I've had the itch to make them all weekend so now you've given me the push I need! Thanks and they are soooooo cute!
Charming! And decorated so beautifully. Thanks for giving the recipe....I stink at making cookies...and I've just given up on getting the perfect chocolate chip cookie, so I'm excited for these.
Those look so great and I am anxious to try the recipe. I have made the same sugar cookie recipe forever and ever. You are killing me with pictures of Easton, I have to see him soon. Oh, and Steve too, of course. I haven't seen Steve for 6 months does he miss me?
love you all so much!
So yeah I really need to make these! I can't believe the bishops wife made it up! That's talent!
So check out my sweet blog! Love ya!
Im going to give it a try. The only problem is that Nate doesn't eat sugar cookies, and I probably shouldn't let Beckham eat to many, so that leaves ME to eat all of them. I guess my visiting teachees will get a nice little treat, that is if I have any self control and save them some.
PS, My family moved from Oregon when I was at BYU. My Dad's job took them to New Mexico. I hated it at first, but it's the family that makes a place fun, right?
Wow, I think I was comment number 20. Is that a record or something? You've got me beat:)
HOLY CRAP Mratha stewart!!! look how cute those are!!! I love Halloween cookies so much! you better believe i will make some!!! you are so cute!!! i seriously love that! they really look like they came straight out of a magazine!!!!!
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