Well he had our first visitor since moving to Las Vegas...Steve's mom came to stay with us for a few days and we had so much fun! It was a nice little break for me, and of course Easton loved it! We had lots of fun while Steve was at work, and we enjoyed conference, and also were able to see some of the sights of the city that we haven't been able to see yet. That's one great thing about having people visit!

On Friday, Lani and I went to the
Bodies exhibit while Christi (thank you!!) watched Easton for us. It was really, really awesome. I never took anatomy, or really knew that much about muscles and bones and all of that, but I was still so impressed, and I learned a lot too. It was awesome and I would recommend it to everyone.
Saturday we watched conference, which was really nice because Easton slept through the entire morning session so we could all relax and enjoy it. In the afternoon we went to the strip to check things out and walk around for awhile. It was my first time really walking down there since we've been here. Dang...it's crowded. At night we went up to the top of the stratosphere. I thought this was way fun. I'm not the biggest fan of heights, but it really didn't bother me too much; I liked it.
Sunday was more conference and a little trip to the park before Grandma had to go home. We were so glad she could come!!! Thanks Lani, for everything!
Here are some pics:

ALRIGHT... those pictures are SO cute, and I'm INSANELY jealous of Lani. And also- easton is looking like Stevie to me. He's SOOOOOOOO perfect.
Looks like fun- isn't body worlds freaking ballin?! haha!!
So cute. I am glad that you had fun with your mother in law. How is it that Easton is so photogenic? I love his big smile.
They have an exhibit like that in Portland that I really want to see, I glad it got the major thumbs up. I also want to see that 3D sea monster movie by national geographic...tehe. Great pics in LV, Easton must have been going crazy with all the flashing lights everywhere. Everyone looks great as always!
It's so fun to have visitors. I hope I still feel that way at the end of this week. Cute pics!
Now I know where Easton got his huge open-mouthed smile from :)
That picture of Steve and Easton with all the lights is definitely frame-worthy. Not that I needed to tell you that.
Glad you had fun with your MIL. It is nice to have someone else entertain the kids, you know?
I haven't made an appearance on here in a while, but thought I would comment.
Jenni. A reasonable reading of your comment could be: because Easton is "SOOOOOOOO perfect" and he "[looks] like Stevie," wouldn't that mean that you are saying Stevie is perfect?
I would agree with that argument.
I like the picture of your mouth hanging open!
Cute pics! Also- cute new header. Except you're not on it anymore! That's no fun. Anyway, I'm glad you got some visitors and had fun!!!
okay I just commented but I JUST noticed the picture slideshow after I commented. That's WAY cute. I love all those pics of Easton! He is such a cutie:)
ok TALK ABOUT MELT MY HEARTTTTT. emily that slide show is so so so so adorable. for real. like i could watch it all day longggggggg. it's actually somewhat torturous. And that picture of Steven and easton on the swing... so precious.
and stevie- i clearly meant that Easton is perfect and he looks like his dad... hahaha- but yeah sure, I think you're pretty perfect too so it was just kind of a double whammy :)
ok and one more... TELL ME HOW TO POST A VIDEO!!!
i cannot let you speak of HSM that way... have you seen number 2???????????? seriously- you cannot judge it until you watch it. and sis- did you know that is really them singing? most movie musicals are lip syncing silly pants. They record it and then lip sync while they act. Troy is clearly a wonderman, he's in hairspray too. okay that turned into a tangent. woops :) but i just really love it. and i don't care who you are- TROY BOLTON IS A FOX!!!!!
please, let me put up a video :) then you'll watch it for 3 minutes and become addicted!
Izabella has a long distance crush on Easton. She even said his name when I told her. Tygh said Easton is a good looking kid and that he does look like Steve -so take from that what you want. I have to add that I am also very jealous that you went to the bodies exhibit. I was going to see it in Seattle, but I never got to. Lucky!
Emily, your little Easton is soooo cute!! When we went to the strip once Steve freaked out it really made him uncomfortable. I was so upset,plus it was weird to me that I didn't feel uncomfortable and he did. So needless to say we stayed there a whopping 10min. someday maybe I'll go without him!
oh yea I forgot about the slide show, that is so cute. I should do one of those.
Well, good thing I didn't check this last night before bed when I got your message, I wouldn't have slept. I just watch it over and over and say OHHHHHH and OHHHH and now Dad is looking saying OHHHHHHH.I'm happy that Lani was able to visit and can't wait for my turn and I hope you are ready to do the tour over! I haven't been to Vegas since the 60's and I'm sure it has changed a lot!
I LOVE the new slide show! When did you get those pictures done? So CUTE!
I'm not so jealous of you seeing the Bodies exhibit, I think I would throw up!
Oh and I read Jenni's comment, did you say you don't like HSM???? I think you might need a therapy session with my girls and watch it with them. That will change your mind! Then second one is good too. Zack Efron IS a super cutie, and he actually doesn't sing in the first movie, but he does in the second one. Yeah thanks to my YW I know that! So come over and watch that movie with us!
dido to all the other comments.....I would just add one more word.....flippin sweet....okay 2 more words
Adorable slide show, Em! Where in the world did you have those pictures taken? They are to die for! The Bodies Exhibition was in Seattle here for awhile. I was sad I missed it, but then Darren and I caught some dude's home movie of it on the Seattle channel one night and couldn't stop watching it. It was so awesome, but it wouldn've been way better to have seen it in person.
Wow those pictures are cool. Your kid is so cute! OH!! That picture reel! I stared at it 'till I saw ALL the pictures! They were all so good! Your hair is getting long! I went to BODY WORLDS too! It was CRAZY!!!!!!!!! In a good way. I sort of wondered if it was a sin. You know, that it was desecrating the bodies (if that's even the right word). And that I was bad for going in and looking. I'm just not going to worry about it though. But yeah, it was pretty neat. I MISS YOU!!!
dang-steve looks handsom in that pic!!! score for you!!!! hahaha
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