I think that little kids should wear costumes every day...they are SO CUTE!! Easton had a couple of opportunities to wear his this week, so I was glad about that. A girl in our ward was super nice and invited lots of moms and kids to her house for a play date earlier this week, and all the kids came dressed in their costumes. It was too cute, I wish I would have been able to get a group picture of all of the kids, but they

were too excited to sit still. Then last night was our ward trunk or treat. Our ward went all out with games and a chili cook off and everything. I had never been to such a gigantic ward party...it was awesome! And the trunk or treat was super fun...I love seeing all the different costumes... and with all the people that were there, those kids will not be short on candy.
Isn't he the cutest cow you've ever seen?! I tried so hard to get him to say "moo"...but he couldn't quite catch on. He keeps saying "owwoooo". So I'm thinking a wolf might have been a better costume choice. He can do a wolf really well.

The Halloween tradition in my family growing up was spooky dinner, and I'm sad to report that this may be the first year that we don't have it. I'm a little bummed because it's one of my all time favorite traditions. My brother and I even kept it alive while at Ricks and BYU. Basically it's a delicious dinner where everything is named something spooky (or sometimes just plain old gross), and the lights are off and there's scary music in the background. It has evolved and changed some over the years, but the basic idea is still the same. So, not this year, but next year for sure...and every year after that!
I hope everyone has a great Halloween!
I agree, lets dress the kids in costumes each day! Easton was the cutest cow. I need that picture of the 3 of them :) I love Halloween.
I love that little cow! My horse would have gone well with him. :)
So cute. Looks like a sweet yellow car was in the background of the family pic. Nice.
Easton is the cutest Cow. And what a cute shot of the 3 kiddos, just missing a sweet little bee. Happy Halloween!
What a cutie! I'm glad it was a fun party! Our ward party wasn't that fun...there really just weren't lots of people there, or cute little kids. Hmf...anyway, Easton is a WAY CUTE COW! Even if he DOES act like a wolf. That's okay.
I completely agree about the costume thing....maybe we can make up some of our own holidays so we have an excuse dress up in costumes more often....I know, 1/2 halloween day ...April 31st! It's called, half-o-ween....oh dear, i'm ridiculous. Anyway, Easton is the cutest cow ever! I love trunk or treats!
I'm blog stalking today and found your blog through Christi's. Cute kids and Happy Halloween!
Easton makes an adorable cow. I love Halloween. I'm trying to do better at keeping up on my blogs:)
What cute idea to have a Halloween play date. That would have been great to see. So what type of food is spooky or just plain gross?
What a cute little cow. The trunk or treat was so much fun. I too have such fond memories of Halloween with my family. It is fun to start those traditions with your own kids.
I love the cow!! He is so cute. I would say he is the cutest cow, but Gracie was a cow this year(Rebeccas 2 year old) But I will say he is definitely the cutest boy cow!!!!
He definetly is the cutest cow I have ever seen! The spooky dinner thing sounds so cool! You'll have to give more detials next year when you do it. Happy Halloween!
I love the cow costume! Too cute! I know my kids will probably want to wear their costumes all year round. At least until they start to grow out of them! :o)
oh sis i missed spooky dinner SO MUCH!! steph and i were both going through withdrawls, but if you know what i mean- it just wouldn't have been worth it for me this year. Don't worry - i made mom's delcious sugar cookies though :)
ok, easton is the most adorable little cow on the planet!!! Even my friend Lauren texted me the other day to tell me that Easton was the cutest kid ever... it's so true!!
There were lots of cute kids around rexburg too and i just LOVED IT!!!
I'm so glad you had a fun night! I LOVE YOU SIS!!!
I'm glad that you found my blog through Jill's because now I found your's!! Easton is so cute, I LOVE his costume! I am so glad that I got to meet him a month ago!
ok me and jenni didn't do spooky dinner either! it seems like it was a bum year for spooky dinner! I mean my mom and dad and joe had spooky dinner but thats it. SAD DAY!!! Next year we will all have to make up for it and it will be da bomb!!!!
Well oh my gosh easton is honestly the CUTEST EVER!!!!!!!! i can't say it enough! i just want to pick him up and squeeze him!!!! ugh-i totally agree about the costumes everyday thing! they are just too cute for only one night!!!
I'm glad you had a fun night!!!!! :) love ya grel!
Easton is soooo cute. He really is Em. I'm glad you had fun at your ward party. Sounds like your trunk or treat put ours to shame. = )
Ummmmmmmm where's your cow suit I know you have one... I've seen you bowl in it!
Hi, I know what you're thinking "What a blast from the past! Where did this random comment come from?" Well, I know it has been a while since the Rogers and the Popes got together for a game of scum (is that what it was called?) but I found your blog address on the Pratt's blog. Your little Easton is so cute! He's just a little bit older than our Hannah. Good to see you guys are doing so well! Now we'll be able to stay in touch!
Miriam Pope
He sure is a cute cow even though he sounds like he ate a wolf! I totally remember you and Darren would call me on my birthday while at your spooky dinner. I thought about you and wondered if you were doing it and am sad you didn't but there's always next year!
SO DANG CUTE! I need to get my pictures online too. Thomas made for a cute skunk. Jackson was a pirate. Halloween is just so much fun once you have kids to dress up!
SO DANG CUTE! I need to get my pictures online too. Thomas made for a cute skunk. Jackson was a pirate. Halloween is just so much fun once you have kids to dress up!
OK, Bryce was looking at your blog and was saying how much Easton looks like Steve, so I had him click on the picture of you three and then he agreed with me that he looks so much like you! And then we both agreed that he looks so much like your dad! He is a JOLLEY, sorry Steve!
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