Well, I think it had been way too long since my parents got to snuggle Easton, so they made the trip out here to do just that! Going from seeing him every day for his first 8 months, to hardly ever for these past 5, was rough on them...and us! We were so glad to have them, even if it was only for a long weekend.
It's always fun to play host to visitors here because since I am still new to the city, there is a lot that I want to see too. So we sort of figured things out together. We ate a LOT (it's so fun to spend time with my dad...he's totally up for having ice cream twice a day, which we did...every day!),

and strolled through some casinos...my mom and I keeping a close eye on my dad-he was eying those slot machines! Of course we went to the Bellagio to see the fountains, which I LOVE doing, and a bonus is that they have the best Gelato ever! Thanks to my friend Anjie for pointing me in that direction! i always get pistachio and mango...it's SO yummy!!!
On Sunday they had to return to the cold, FOGGY Eugene weather. In fact they had to land in Medford first because the Eugene airport was fogged in. But they finally made it home, and we were so sad to see them go! We love you guys, thanks for everything!
Wow, look at this, I'm the first to comment on Emily's post! Sorry, that's exciting to me. First off, I love the picture of Easton and your mom. You can just feel the love! And pistachio and mango is making my mouth water. So glad you guys had a ball. We'll miss you so much at Thanksgiving!
Wow, those pictures are soooo cute and amazing! I love the one of your mom and Easton, I bet she is going to treasure that pic forever. The one of your mom and dad infront of the fountains and stuff looks fake! Not in a bad way, a good way. Like it looks way good, like a post card or something! And it is a good picture of THEM. Your mom looks way pretty. Your dad of course looks nice too:) I bet they were so sad to leave.
What a fun trip. I love having visitors. Your mom is so cute, I am so glad that you got to have your parents come visit and love on E. Now you need to show me all the fun things you did so I know what to do with visitors.
I'm glad your parents got to come visit you. And I'm not jealous that you are wearing a t-shirt in November.
Not jealous at all...
How fun. I love having visitors! We don't get them very often since we're clear across the country. And I LOVE gelato! Luckily I live really close to Little Italy and they have some amazing gelato! Here's my email address so we don't have to say everything on blog comments! miriam_pope@yahoo.com or miriam.pope@gmail.com
What a sweet picture of Easton and your mom!
It seems like a dream now but it was so fun. I love the photos! You have to send them to my gmail account, please. I wish I could snuggle him right now and so fun to spend time with you and Steve again. Love you!
That was way nice of your parents to come all that way and visit! I can't get mine to come out here... i think they think Eugene is too crazy (they are from southern cali.) Fun times!
All these pictures just look like you're standing in front of a postcard! It doesn't even look real but it must be!!! It's crazy! ( mean the deserty ones and vegas-y ones) LOVE YOU!!!! I would LOVE to come visit!!! That would be great!!!!
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... that's me crying like a baby. I wish SO badly that I could have been there. i have many things to say:
1-Easton is so absolutely perfectly adorable and i miss him so much.
2-those pictures are awesome and I'm dying to go to Vegas
3- i really miss you and steve, you guys are 2 of my bestest friends and i seriously wish you lived down the street.
4-your hair is long and beautiful and you look SO GOOD SIS!!
Oh parents are the best aren't they? I bet that was so fun to have them come and play and spoil you of course!
So WHEN are you coming back to the Eug?
Sooo good to see your parents again!! Grandma and Grandpa time is the best!!
I love the pictures. E and your mom are my fav!
OK- first of all- Easton is so cute in his costume! And i'm so glad yyour parents got to visit you! I love your parents. Easton is so cute- I haven't looked at your blog in awhile. He is older. And the picture of you and steve on the left side (it's really little, you're wearing a black shirt) you look gorgeous. I would love to dejunk your house. Those knobs you were talking about- how much were they? because they are really expensive, so if those by chance weren't- then I want you to buy them and I coudl pay you- and i coudl get them from you on thanksgiving or christmas. - let me know how much they are if you go there again. question: how come you and the mitchells are so freakin good at taking pictures- they are professional- like a magazine.
It's so good seeing your parents!! They don't looked like they've ever aged. And I can't believe your dad eats icecream twice a day and stays so thin. Does he still run? I love eastons camo clothes.
I love that first pic of your mom with E. How fun that your parents came to visit! I love your parents...and you!
okay, emily, you don't know me, I'm Jenni's friend Lauren...but...I just needed to tell you that you SERIOUSLY have the cutest child ever!!! Easton is SO precious! :o)
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