Many of you know this about me already...I don't like chocolate. There are a few exceptions...the main one being brownies. But even then, I only like the ones from the box...most other ones are too chocolate-y. And, I like chocolate and peanut butter...Reese's peanut butter cups are my favorite. I don't really know when I developed this hatred for something that most people love so much. It's really weird. The picture above makes me want to throw up...doesn't even look a little bit yummy to me. I can't handle chocolate cake, frosting, fudge, ice cream, chocolate chips, hot chocolate, chocolate syrup, chocolate pies, hershey bars, or anything else. For me to even think it looks a little bit yummy, it has to have something else in it; peanut butter, caramel, nuts...you get the idea.
I was just thinking about this today because there is a pan of brownies sitting on my counter right now that my visiting teachers brought me. Normally I can eat a few brownies, no problem, but these ones were just too chocolate-y for me, so they have been sitting there for the past few days. It occurred to me that in most households, a pan of brownies wouldn't sit around for that long.
Sometimes when I tell people that I don't like chocolate they say, "oh you're lucky, I wish I didn't..." But really, my love for ALL OTHER sweets balances out any calories I would be omitting by not eating chocolate. I am in love with cookies especially, and ice cream. Then there's popcorn, cake, pie, cheesecake...pretty much anything that is baked and chocolate free I will devour.
I know that I am the weird one, seeing as how almost every other person on the planet loves chocolate...but what are your other favorite desserts?
Yay! I'm the winner and am first to comment. Oh, what to say? I don't have to worry about repeats!
Favorite desserts that don't include chocolate... since it is fall, I am in a pumpkiny or spice cake type of mood. Cream cheese frosting on anything pumpkiny or spicy is delicious.
I think not liking chocolate is perfectly forgivable. If, however, you said you hated to eat anything with butter or cream in it then I think I would have to stop being your friend.
I wonder- would I be as slim as you if I didn't like chocolate?
Em, you crack me up! I like to pretend that your hatred of chocolate is just plain crazy - but I am glad that you love all other treats and baked goods almost as much as me :)
Hmmmm....some favorites that don't include chocolate all depend on my mood. A good lemon bar, or as Ilene noted pumpkin bars, or I love me some sugar cookies. And Haagan Daas Strawberry ice cream is one of my all time favs (I blame my mother for that, she hid it from us so it made me want it more).
Well I LOVE LOVE LOVE chocolate, but I don't think that you are weird for not liking it, because you know me and that I DONT LIKE ICE CREAM or CAKE. But I think that my all time favorite dessert is BROWNIES! I love you EM!
I agree with the pumpkin stuff for sure! That's one thing I love about fall...all the people that would normally be baking chocolate stuff are baking pumpkins yumminess instead!
And lemon bars....oh those are so good!
Emily, I'm almost the same. I like chocolate but I wouldn't die without it. Candy cane Tootsie Pops are my favorite sweets of all time. Also, you can buy them at the store and don't even have to bake anything. That's always a bonus.
Well Em, you know me and chocolate get along nicely but I have to admit it does get a little much sometimes. A lot of it is too rich for me these days! Such a shame...but I did make pistachio pudding pie to take to young women's last night, that stuff is dang good.
All I know is you've got serious problems, Em.
Ok my favorites are anything with Peanut Butter (I'm a bit of a fanatic) and LOVE pumpkin pie, and banana cream pie, and well pretty much anything with a high fat content.
Em.....I am almost exactly like you......I only like chocolate if it has nuts. I hate hershey's chocolate because it's usually always just chocolate. I HATE chcolate chip cookies because all I can taste are the chocolate chips. And even though I like chocolate with nuts.....I just don't eat it that much. I like layered deserts like trifles and layered jell-o desserts with cream and mousses.
I have to agree with you. My hatred for chocolate is not as great, but it is definitely not my favorite. Who doesn't love a good lemon bar, cheesecake, or pumpkin dessert. Or just give me a pack of sour patch kids or something like that and I am good!
A pan of brownies is gone in a day at my house--guaranteed! I still love you though!
Oh, Emily Louise, how fantastic! Don't you love the world of blogging, all the people you can find and the details you can discover about your friends' lives!
No, you guys are too cute, what a CUTE little boy! Las Vegas, eh?! I envy you a bit, Ohio winters are almost as bad as Rexburg winters!
Anyway, yes, we are doing terrific, we LOVE Ohio and don't want to ever leave! Landon loves school, I love my job, life is swell.
This is exciting, I'll have to add you to our list right now!
I am so glad you don't like chocolate, that means there's more for me! HEHEHe, j/k! I don't like plain chocolate either, definitely with you that it need something. I made this REALLY yummy cake called Banana Sour Cream Cake, it's a kraft foods recipe (of course), look it up and try it!
first of all... looking at that picture is making me salivate and drool everywhere. It looks like heaven to me.
second, i love chocolate SO much, that it hurts my feelings to hear you knock it so hard! hahaha!!
i do believe that you're OUT OF YOUR MIND and someday you'll come to your senses. Yesterday, i had a death by chocolate ice cream: chocolate ice cream with oreos, brownies, chocolate chips and chocolate syrup. oh my gosh it was divine!
i can't help you with any other dessert ideas because when i have the option i choose chocolate 100% of the time :) so sorry sis!
Jenni, that sounds like the grossest thing on the planet. How are we sisters?
Tres interesante! Wow....you must be in the .00001% of women....lol. I do agree with you that chocolate is better paired with something, than by itself...like caramel : )
And yes! That chocolate cake does not look appetizing...all spongy...and just TOO MUCH CHOCOLATE!
I love your blog, and all your comments. You are wonderful!
I love chocolate candy bars, but I hate chocolate cake and chocolate frosting.... so random, but I just do. My favorite desserts are anything with carmel in the middle....yum!
oh i just got on your blog and i saw that picture and now i'm seriously like in pain because i want to eat that cake so bad
This has GOT to be the answer to my burning question of how you look so dang skinny!!!!!!
That is just the funniest thing. Emily, have you always been this way? It seems I would know this. You've mentioned it in other posts, but I've forgotten. That picture looks GOOD to ME!!! That is so sad about your VTs. I shouldn't say this but I'm going to. I never eat ANYTHING my VTs bring me. The one that makes them just makes up the recipe and it's always cookies and they're always bad. Every time. I'll always take one bite and throw them away. It's like, just don't even bother. I used to feel bad. But I just don't like them!
Emily, I'm sorry that I can't show any empathy in your apparent disgust for chocolate...because I absolutely LOVE CHOCOALTE!!! I AM A CHOCOHOLIC FREAK OF NATURE! Anything with chocolate in it, I will eat. I will get the most chocolate-iest ice cream imaginable with fudge and brownie chunks and scarf it down. There is one exception to my obsession...chocolate frosting. I HATE any kind of frosting anyway, but especially chocolate frosting on cake. It tastes like butter to me. Yuck!! I also love peanut butter cups. Yummy! :o)
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