Saturday, December 1, 2007


I have been so anxious for Easton to talk because I am so curious about how his little voice will sound. He only says one word at a time, so it's still hard to tell, but I think it's so cute! Hie vocabulary consists of Dada, Mama (rarely), ball, uh-oh, papa and doggies (his new favorite).

As for the walking other people's kids walk with their arms up in the air? I decided that it was because when he was first learning to take steps we would hold his hand above his head, and he just got used to it. He's getting better he just hold one hand in the air and the other one he pats his stomach with...again, I don't know if this is normal.

I just love this kid so much, one year olds are the best! I say that about every stage he's in, but he and his little friends are just so cute and fun!


Our Pratt Pack said...

He is too cute!! Boston has started saying Dadda all the time and momma and Kya on a rare occasion and I can't wait to see what his big boy voice will sound like.

Christi said...

So cute! Reagan walked like Frankenstein for the longest time, and sometimes when she gets real excited she still does. Why is it when I watch Easton he is silent??? I love his doggy!

Ilene said...

Thomas always looks like he is tip toeing through mud when he walks. His hands are up too but the rubbing the tummy thing is all Easton. You should be proud.

I'm jealous he is saying words! I need to work on that with Thomas more. It took forever for Jackson to say "mama." So unfair.

Jenni.Woodmansee said...

melt my poor heart to pieces why don't you. i can't stop watching this. seriously emily, how does he get cuter and cuter by the day? his little voice is SOOOOOOO CUTEEEEEEEEEE... he totally said doggies and i can't believe it! he can't way words!!!!! oh i miss him SO BAD! I miss all 3 Rogers so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jenn said...

What a good little walker. It is amazing at how fast they learn things. And they grow up way to fast also. Before you know it he will be speaking sentences and all kinds of fun stuff. That is a cute little clip.

Bringhursts said...

Ethan puts his hands up too and I'm also loving this one year old stage. Still not much talking for us either.

Aimeeable said...

He is such a boy! Izabella loved to talk about kitty cats and pretty flowers, and your little man is all about sports and masculine animals. I can't get over how big he is!

Lizzy said...

I love it! I am dying right now because I think that is the cutest thing! Ben mostly babbles but his new word he says that I think is hilarious is tickle. I love when he says real words.

As far as walking goes... Ben can only (will only?) taken 9 steps in a row, but he does do it with his arms raised. I think for him it helps for balance. Maybe walking with raised arms is a kind of security blanket for Easton. You know, just in case he topples over. I should probably walk with my arms raised with how clumsy I am!

Alifinale said...

I love how he walks with his hands up! I think that is so cute. I am pretty sure Emery did something like that - they are just trying to keep their balance. He is so dang cute and I am glad that he and Emers are buds.

Stephanie Graham said...

Jackson walked with both hands up at first too- so funny. He doesn't do that anymore, but when he tries to go fast for some reason he puts one arm out behind him like he's charging or something.. it cracks us up. Jackson's favorite word is ball by far. Do you guys have a hoop for Easton to dunk baskets? Jack got one for his b-day and loves it

Kim said...

Emily, he is so cute! I love them at this age. I'm the same way, though, I say EVERY age is the best! And don't worry about the arms up in the air when he walks. My kids all did that, too. Maybe it helps them balance? Anyway, that's so fun that he is talking. He's got a cute little voice. :o)

Carol and Bruce said...

SOOOOO cute!!! I love you Easton! I love how you were looking right up at grandma there at the end. I couldn't get any sound either. I am so proud of you for walking so well now.

I'm so glad you got a Christmas tree. We will be slow getting ours as Jacey gets into everything!
We do have the lights up though, which is very early for us.
Love and miss you all!

Anonymous said...

what a big boy Eastin papa misses seeing you grow and do new stuff. Luv ya much

destiny said...

Holy Crap! That new banner you have is so stinking cute! I hope you make a Christmas card out of that picture!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making me laugh out loud!!! Easton is one handsome dude!

the splendid life of us... said...

My favorite part of the whole video is the very end when he puts his hands to his mouth, so cute! He is getting so big!

Lindsay said...

Wow he's getting really good!! What a little sweetheart! I think a lot of kids walk with their hands up, if he's doing it when he's 16 then we'll talk...

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

MAN! 17 comments already?! I fear that if I comment you won't even look all the way down to the bottom to read mine. So I debated whether to write or not but decided too cause if you stopped commenting on mine, I would lose one of what little comments I get. You're lucky to have so many friends. And that E is sooo cute! His walking is funny with this hands up and down. And he sure has those two words down! It's so fun when they start talking!

Aimee said...

My kids (when and if I have kids)don't have a prayer! With 3 of the cutest grandkids on the Rogers' side already, there is no hope for mine. All of the love will be exhausted. Guess I won't have any, too bad!

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! Your Christmas tree is beautiful! I think his walking is adorable and so is his "doggie." Why is it that they never say mommy? That drove me nuts about Joseph.

Anonymous said...

Easton is a cutie. I love the way he walks. You should be proud, but hold on, it goes by fast! We miss you, are you headed north for Christmas? Stop by and sleep if you need to.
Love ya all!
Aunt DeeDee

Amy said...

He is so cute!!!!! I love when they start talking! There little voices are even smaller then you think they will be. I love how he is just walking around and saying what you ask him to. I agree that kids are the BEST!!!!

Megan and Greg said...

SO CUTE!!!! I loved watching him waddle around and his small voice! So cute! And that picture! Your hair is getting so long and blond! Very pretty! And my nephew runs with his arms out (it looks really flamboyant) but we love him anyway. And my niece runs with her elbow pinched in the air- very strange looking. I think kids just have their things.

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

I love the Christmas card at the top!! You are a good looking family!
I think babies do all kinds of strange things and they are all normal. I think they do whatever makes it easy for them to balance.

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

I just watched the video, is he too cute or what!!!! I love how he will say what you ask him to!! He looks totally normal when he walks!!!!

Kricket said...

He is so adorable.
I miss you

Jen Lee said...

I totally agree. Tiny babies are cute, but Gavin really started getting fun at a year old, and it just gets better as they talk more and their personality comes out. We can't wait to have him in nursery!

Jenni.Woodmansee said...

i can't stop watching this!!!!!

Lizzie said...

I can't believe you have 28 comments!!! Dang girl, you are freaking popular. Seeing that video and reading your post, I was reminded that Tanner walked with his arms up at first and I worried that he would do it forever. Of course he got over it. = )

Easton's voice is very cute.