This was Steve and I in church today. Well, perhaps we weren't as poised and knowledgeable as the Prophet, but we spoke to a bunch of people from a pulpit and this is the only picture I could find to sort of go along with it.
This is my worst, absolute worst nightmare...speaking in church. We have known since September, but of course I didn't start preparing until this week. I was so scared...seriously right before I got up I just wanted to vomit. I spoke on service and think I did an okay job...people were nice and told me afterward that we did good, but probably just to be nice. I didn't pass out, and as far as I know didn't say anything blasphemous, so I consider that a success.
I'm so glad to have that out of the way! Thanks a million to my good friend and her hubby for watching Easton...it was so nice, and he was so much better than he usually is for us. What's up with that?
Hey, now you shouldn't have to speak until again until you move out (or until I call your bishop posing as yourself and asking to speak again).
I'm sure President Hinckley would have found your words inspiring.
The seriously gave you three months advance notice to speak?
I bet you did great! I can't believe you knew about your talk since september!!! Aren't most wards like...giving our assignments the week before? Your ward is on top if it! Thanks for your comment on my blog! By the way, I can't remember if I commented on the last post but easton was way cute in the video:)
Oh, I'm sure you guys did great, cute Christmas picture!
It's about time you updated your blog. hehehe!
I hate speaking too, but it feels so good when it is over! I bet you did awsome, seriously.
Way to go Em and Steve! I'm proud of you and I didn't even get to hear it but I know you both and know you were excellent. I know you learned something by doing it and that you felt the spirit.
I wish I loved speaking and had that talent but not so, it's a hard thing for me too. I wish I could have been there to hold Easton and hear you speak.
Now you can relax until next time.
Ooooooo yes, I think we all know how you feel. I'm getting better at the speaking thing. However, Greg and I sang at church once, and at the end of the song I thought I was gonna start crying right there at the pulpit. I'm not talking spiritual tears, I'm talking scared out of my mind-embarrased- I'm gonna cry tears. It was bad. Bad enough that Greg didn't correct me when I said it was bad. But oh well. All in the past now :)
Em, you did awesome and so did Steve and I am not just saying that. I even got a little teary during your talk. You sure fooled us that you were scared of speaking, you looked like a natural. And Easton was fun, he helped entertain Emery. Thanks for making it a great sacrament meeting.
Oh speaking in church sucks you know what. But Ilene is right you should be done with it for a while at least!
I bet you guys did great though!
Emily, Danny and I spoke in church a couple of Sundays back...and I know what you mean! I would rather sing 10 solos in a row than give a talk! We were blessed to have Danny's dad down here at the time so he watched the kids for us. And like Easton, the kids were much better than usual. I think it's the Lord's way of blessing you for giving a talk in church. :o)
I hear ya about not liking to speak in church! It is one of my biggest fears and now that we will be moving into a new ward in a few weeks, I'm sure they'll ask us to speak!
Whew. Glad you've got that behind you. Now you're safe for about a year, right? Way to go.
I LOVE YOUR CHRISTMASY BLOG! I'm jealous that you know how to make it all cute, can you show me when i get to see you IN LIKE 20 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or less! i can't even wait! ok so, i'm so proud of you for speaking in church and i know it went great, especially if steve went with the clown analogy, then i'm sure it went spactacular :)
Way to go chick! I also dislike (very much) speaking in church but both you and I should be off the hook for a while. woohoo!
And I'm glad your internet is working again!
Glad you didn't get a little vaso vegal on the stand. I'm sure you really did do a great job. Wish I could have seen it!
I had no idea you were so nervous! You really didn't seem like it at all. And for everyone reading the comments, yes, they both gave really good, interesting, well-organized talks (I used to teach English. I appreciate organization). And I'm not just saying that to be nice. Way to go!
You did great on Sunday. It is always fun to listen to friend talk in church. You get to know them in a different way. I leave on Friday for Ut. I will be back the day after Christmas so come over anytime then! Whatever happened to our New Year's Eve party . . we need to talk to Alison about that!
I just got nervous just THINKING about you having to speak. I'm sure you did great! Besides, you're just so hot I'm sure nobody was really listening to you anyway... :)
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