So, my friends...we currently have no internet, again. It's so sad for me because I love to blog so much. Good thing I have great friends here who let me come to their house and use their internet. Thanks girls!
Last night we went with some friends to a little chocolate factory they have here. They give free tours, and they have a cactus garden outside that was all lit up, and Santa Clause was there. We bundled up the kids and walked around for awhile. It was really fun, and made me feel Christmas-y. Speaking of Christmas, it is right around the corner and I can't even believe it. I think it just seems weird to me because this is my first Christmas with 50 degree weather and sunshine. I have to say, I am rather enjoying it.
Last night we went with some friends to a little chocolate factory they have here. They give free tours, and they have a cactus garden outside that was all lit up, and Santa Clause was there. We bundled up the kids and walked around for awhile. It was really fun, and made me feel Christmas-y. Speaking of Christmas, it is right around the corner and I can't even believe it. I think it just seems weird to me because this is my first Christmas with 50 degree weather and sunshine. I have to say, I am rather enjoying it.
I don't have much else to say, so I'll just add some pics of our adventure. I miss all my blogging friends, I hope you are all doing great! For those of you who care, I'll be in Oregon from the 27th-3rd...let's play!
I think this picture turned out good...this is before Santa...when he was still happy.
Really cute pictures!!! the family one is GREAT! and I love the one of easton screaming! Have a great Christmas!
Those are awesome pictures. They all turned out really good. I love the Santa one!
I laughed out loud when I saw that screaming picture. I would want to frame it. Kids can be so cute when they cry. When you said cactus with lights I couldn't believe it- but it looked PRETTY!!!!! Ah, Christmas is nice. Stinky no internet! I know what that's like. Keep trying to blog! LOVE YOU!!! We will have to hang out when you're here!
Ok LOVE the screaming picture. That is hilarious! I've got to get one like that with Drew. And EM I am so excited that I am going to see you in a few weeks. YEAH!
Looks like he and Emery have the same feelings for Santa. So funny. I love all those pics. Looks like such a fun time and the Christmas lights look so fun!
I've missed you! Welcome back. I have a similar picture of Thomas screaming and I am delighted with it. Jackson wouldn't even get near Santa.
I wanna be in Oregon too and play. I am missing the Bunko girls right now. Saturday Jackson said the darndest thing. He was playing some kind of superhero and said, "I'm going to save your Bunko girls." How cute is that?!
Ummm . . . are you pirating internet from your neighbors? Time to just break down and pay for your own. It's a good thing. By the way, I love the picture of Easton and Santa. That's a classic.
Those pictures are so great! You have to send the screaming one of Easton into The Ellen Degeneres show for her "Bad Santa Pictures" segment!
Those are great pics with all the lights. Very festive! I love Easton on Santa's lap. That photo is priceless.
Oh my gosh! Emily that picture of Easton screaming is priceless! I literally busted up the moment I saw it. How funny it will be to look back on it one day! We will be in Oregon from the 20th-1st so maybe we will see you there! Of course my dad suckered me into singing in their ward on the 30th. It was bound to happen. :o) Have an awesome Christmas!
Oh my gosh. I LOVE that picture of Easton with santa! I know it's kind of sad, but it makes me happy. I love children. Way cute pics!
bAAAAAAhahahahahaha!!!!!! sis i died laughing when I saw that picture of easton crying on santa's lap... hahahahahahaha poor kid, and poor santa!! but, i LOVE the family picture. You all look so good. you look amazing, your hair is so long and i LOVE IT!!!
I am jsut SO glad that you have so many friends there, it sounds so fun and i'm so happy about it.
and really, i just cant wait to see youuuuuuu!!!!
love you
p.s read megans blog about high school musical.
we WILL watch them BOTH while you're here
What a cute family picture!!! I wish I could see you guys when you are in town, however we will be all the way up in Seattle!
I agree. The Santa thing is a must, even if there's screaming involved. Sorry about your internet. But I'm glad you still got to post. We'll see you soon! I was thinking the same thing as Jenni. Your hair is so long and gorgeous!
Steve is wearing shorts. I am so jealous. Oh that picture of Easton is classic. I will have to post the one of Allie last year, you'll die it's like the exact same picture.
You are a hottie!!!
My poor boy, you are tramatizing him on purpose! I have the exact photo waiting here to show you. Sure love the pictures and can't wait to see you. I wish Steve could come:(
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