I never thought I would say this, but I really don't think I can eat another cookie. Or any other Christmas treat for that matter. I love baking, and Christmas is fun because I get to bake a lot and take yummy things to other people. This works for me because usually when I bake I end up eating everything myself because Steve has this thing called will power and he doesn't help me. It's either will power or everything I make is just gross...if this is the case, someone tell me please!
My friend brought over some awesome potatoes straight from her dad's farm, and I was SO excited about it. Seriously, such a great idea...of course I love potatoes almost as much as I love sugar, so either way I would have been happy.
Don't think that I have given up sugar altogether, because I am completely against that...I just wanted to gain control of the situation.
I hope everyone has a very happy holiday season! Eat lots!
Wow, good for you. I have completely gone overboard on sweet eating right now.I'm sure I would know if you were a bad cook. And boys eat EVERYTHING. He just has random will power. Some boys just don't like sweets as much as we girls do too. Merry Christmas!
I love everything you eat. It must be a husband thing (or skinny husband thing) because my guy is the same way. I hit a cookie wall today because I baked way too many and I don't want to see another cookie again.
Yum, potatoes. One of my favorite ways to serve potatoes (other than smothered in gravy) is to boil 'em up and steam some broccoli. Puree those together with some chicken broth, cream cheese, salt n pepper, and a bit of parmesan. Sounds kind of gross but it is not. I promise.
I love everything you bake/make. Not everything you eat. It's time for bed.
I hit that wall a little while ago. Just too much sweets. But I am not over cheese balls yet. I love the holidays but I am starting to learn moderation in all things.
BTW, your baking is delish - boys just don't have the sweet tooth that we girls have.
Totally agree! The sweets are kicking my trash - and Drew's too for that matter. Poor kid is soooo gassy!
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