So I recently decided to start watching a baby girl in our ward a few times a week. Yesterday was my first day, and besides having a jealous Easton it went pretty well. She's super cute and super good! The past couple of weeks Easton has entered into a bit of a 'mama's boy' phase, so having a new baby around who needs lots of attention might not help too much. I can't lie, it made me sad to see him so sad. While trying to feed her a bottle, he was trying to crawl on top of her and into my lap. And while she was sleeping I tried to be an extra good mom and divert all attention to him because even though it's probably not true, I was scared that he would be scarred for life and resent me until he's 30. But I'm hoping it will just take him some time to adjust and then he'll be fine. All you moms of more than one...am I right? Please?
So that was the test to see if Easton is ready for a little sis or little bro! Don't you love the mommy stage! Maybe they will never get out of it!!
You're brave! I sure hope you're making money by doing this though. That would make it worth it! Cade got a taste of sharing me this last weekend with the cousins. He'd cry and crawl up on my lap too. Two babies on one lap? No problem, right?!
Izabella was able to eventually accept her dethronement -but boy was it hard! It did break my heart at first when she wanted to have me all to herself, but then I grew hardened and frankly it started to be annoying. I now watch a little boy in the afternoons and it has been great -but again it was also a bit of an adjustment at first. These things pass. It will get easier. Good luck!
It is hard but I think it is good for him to know that his mom can love him and still hold another kid. He will get over it and I am sure he will love to have a new little friend around. Or you can just send him to my house so he and & Em can play.
sooooo are you traumatized from when your mom would feed jenni when you were little? doubt it. it's good for him to share. just let him know that you still love him too (just like you are already doing).
but i have to say that clinging kids can get a little much sometimes. h won't let go of my leg sometimes and aaron has to pry him off with a crowbar. but then i think, well he just loves me so much, and then i feel bad for getting annoyed. ugh. can't ever win.
Yeah, you feel bad for the little guy for awhile. Then you just get annoyed with his behavior.
See? Things always have a way of working out.
Okay, I jest a bit. But it is true- it is annoying when Dan or I try to have some one-on-one with Thomas and then have Jackson try to edge the poor little Thomas out. Again, see how Dan and I need to write a book about compassionate parenting?
I love Easton!!! I think all kids would do exactly what Easton is doing. He will get used to it, and soon be giving her toys to play with! I am glad that it went good.
Song reference, Em? Well, I'm no help at all seeing how I have no kids, but I feel for ya. I never want to see E sad!
Yes, it will pass! Joseph is a major momma's boy, as you know, but he's finally gotten used to Justin and it's taught him to better play on his own, and how much fun it is to entertain a little brother. But it'll be rough for awhile, probably. I varied from feeling sad for Joseph to being really annoyed with him. Good luck!
Great practice for another one. Kya was miss independent but Mia was very attached and I worried when we had Boston but she was totally fine.
I'm so sad for Easton; but he'll totally adjust. Ethan is going to be so sad when number two gets here!
Kate will be 1 yr old next week, and we experience the same problem even now. Good luck.
It's totally normal at his age to be jealous so don't worry. He's used to getting mommy's full attention so it's hard for him to share you. :o) It will get better so don't worry!
Geez, how do you know if anyone posts a new comment? you have so dang many, miss popular! awesome job on the dance. i didn't have sound, but it was cute! glad you were able to come visit your family. i know your mom was devastated when you told her you couldn't come. glad you had a good time! i am a little jealous that you live away from your family and can make big trips so see them. am i crazy? i should be thankful to be in town with mine, and i am.
Ok so i'm not a mom but i think it seems pretty normal for him to be jelouse....i guess....what do i know actually!! hahaha but i have to say that when i first saw that picture i totally thought you were going to say you were pregnant and then i quickly thought to myself...."I would have heard something about it before it made it to the blog" hahaha i'm just so silly!!!! I love you grel!!! it was so fun to see you at christmas time!!!!:)
Yeah, you're right it is so hard to see their little hearts broken, but he will for sure get used to it the more he plays with other kids and gets used to having babies around. Maybe try having him 'help' you with certain things, like hold the bottle or get you a diaper or something?
let me just say this... you're a wonderful mother and easton knows it and i know it and the world knows it! this other baby is lucky to spend time with you and your wonderful easton!
So, now maybe Steven will understand how Brennen felt/"acted" when I held Easton.
That last comment was from me not dad. Just so ya know...
It's hard, but it's good for them to get used to other kids around while your around.
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