The holidays are over, how sad. This Christmas season goes down in the books as one of my favorites. I loved having a small, quiet Christmas with my boys. And I was so happy to also be able to go to Oregon for a week and see so much of my family. Easton had so much fun with his cousins, and I had a great time with my brothers, sisters and parents. There was a lot of sickness going on at the house...poor Justin was so sick, but still all happy and smiley. I hope he is feeling better. By New Year's Eve Easton wasn't feeling that grand, so while everyone partied it up at the Mitchell's, Easton and I snuggled in the rocking chair as the new year came...he couldn't sleep very well. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone, family and friends who made this time of year so special for us!

I am glad that you had such a great time! We are glad you are back. Hope you guys are feeling better soon!
Wow! That was so much fun! Thanks again for coming and making our Christmas that much more special. Lets start memorizing the dictionary so we can beat Dad easier. Take care of Easton and I hope you are feeling better too. Sorry about the zinc:) It really does help, I promise.
That's so cool that you were able to go to Oregon to visit your family. Sorry we missed you on the 30th. :o( Oh, and the picture of your dad? Very funny!
i miss you already sis! i'm so glad you made it home safe. I hope easton is feeling ok. I had SOOOOOOOO much fun! you're the best.
love you
It really does look like your dad has horns! That is funny. It sounds like you had a great time in Oregon! Going home is the BEST!
Sounds like fun. I've never played scrabble. Maybe I'll have to try it someday. I am sure that was fun back home in Oregon. I always love going home for a little while, espcially so the kids can see cousins and grandparents.
So glad you are back! I love Scrabble but I am not very good. Do you ever play Take 2 with scrabble letters? That is my family's favorite. That makes me realize I need to own my own Scrabble.
I am SOOO happy you came to Oregon! It was so fun to see you. You are the cutest girl. I just love ya!
I just got caught up reading all your Christmas postings. Sounds like you had the best of both worlds - quiet Christmas of your own, but lots of family fun, too! We should form a board game club. We love them, but never have anyone to play with! Do you guys like Cranium?
Yep, back to real life is right. So so so glad we got to see you. I hope Easton is feeling better.
Those are HORNS. The Mormons have horns, everyone knows this.
I am way too retarded sometimes, I just deleted my comment - but wanted to let you know I LOVED your little performance!
Abi has her blog up and working now, check it out....
She's loving Hawaii
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