Saturday, February 9, 2008

Roll the Ball

Until the writer's strike is over (which I hear may be soon!), this is how we entertain ourselves in the evenings. Who doesn't love a fascinating game of 'roll the ball'?

I hope everyone enjoyed Lost on Thursday, I thought it was amazing as always. I am really intrigued by the new people on the island...and kind of like them, since they are after Ben. I am just so curious as to how he (Ben) became so powerful and knowledgeable. I hope we learn that, along with the millions of other questions we all have.

In other tv news...Steve and I checked out the new show Eli Stone and found it to be pretty cool. I'm not sure if my standards are lower right now because of lack of options, or if it really is good. Either way, I'll continue to watch it online (it's on way too late for me).


Aimee said...

Love Easton, love you guys, love Lost and I also love that song too!

Tara said...

You are right who doesn't love rolling a ball? Especially with that freakin cute son of yours!

Our Pratt Pack said...

He is so cute!! Love the barrier around the lamp!

Alifinale said...

What a fun game! I love Easton saying basketball. You know I loved Lost and we have watched and enjoyed Eli Stone as well. Brian only lasts the first 15 min but I have a disease that once I start a show I have to finish the end even if it means staying up until 11.

Jenn said...

That is cute-he will be the best ball player! I am probably the only one that doesn't watch Lost, but it sounds like I really need to.

Bringhursts said...

Looks and sounds like a typical night at the Bringhurst's house. Except that Ethan usually picks the ball up and throws it at the dog as hard as possible and then laughs hysterically. We obviously have a few things to work on . . .

The Grahams said...

He's almost got the word basketball down?!? That's so good! And what is it with little boys and any sports ball? I swear that is all Jack will play with these days! Keeps him busy though, so I can't complain

Ilene said...

I hate to break his and your hearts, but that is a soccer ball.

Now, when are you going to train him to say "Go Ducks!"

Thomas is a hopeless nonsensical babbler and I am infinitely jealous of your son's speaking talents.

Oh, I like Eli Stone too! Still sick of Hurley and still mad at Claire for being so dang glowy and perfect. I am so shallow and envious of her hair.

Emily said...

Ilene: Soccer ball is too hard to every ball is a basketball. Just like every animal is a doggie.

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

love your blog, you always say such fun things, and you have beautiful people on your blog! :-) I love how he holds the ball inbetween. we have our own agenda and they have theirs. The sleep thing, what a nightmare!!! It's different for each kid and family! Whatever you do make sure you keep napping as long as possible, because then you can transition from nap time to quiet time!!! Mommies always need quiet time. I would have died without it. I made my kids go to their rooms during the next kids nap time for quiet time, so I could have a little time off!

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

oh forgot, I am sick of the writers strike, I don't watch a lot of tv, but I do like what i watch!!!!

Christi said...

That is really cute. He said basketball pretty good.

the splendid life of us... said...

SO CUTE! Hating TV right now, tired of reruns!

Kim said...

Lost is the only show I am loving right now. Easton is so cute! I love the "roll the ball" game. Isaac calls every ball a basketball, too. :o)

Lizzy said...

I love it! Little boys love to play with balls! (I don't mean it like that.) Easton is talking so good! The closet Ben gets is calling a football ballball. I love those little guys! So fun.

Lawther family said...

The best sort of game! Easton is so cute. I can't believe he is that big.
We are hating tv right now too... infact we unhooked ours when we moved here. Still unhooked and loving it.

Jill said...

I love the roll the ball game. It makes me want to play it with him! Loved Lost too. It was way cool to find out who the new team on the island was after. Thank goodness the writers strike hasn't affected Lost (yet). But I'm having major Office withdrawals. Darren couldn't stay away from that Eli Stone show either with that George Michael song in it. Have you heard Darren sing it? He's pretty good. It makes me giggle. Anyway, miss you! Call me!

Carol and Bruce said...

Easton, I love you! You are getting so big and talking so well. Did you get another hair cut? Kiss Kiss

Keep those videos comming Em. I'm going to have to watch Lost and give it a chance. I miss ER and Bones, my only shows. Oh, but we always have Fox news and Twilight Zone reruns!

Jenni.Woodmansee said...

i seriously watched this over and over until i fell asleep last night. he's so biggggggggggggggg. did you cut his hair? i love him so much. i just love you guys. i mean, i miss you guys all of the time but I don't know what came over me this week and i'm missing you like CRAZY!

love you!