So...I'm ready to seek the advice of my fellow bloggers (and mothers). I'm having a little bit of a hard time with Easton these days. We just can't figure out his nap schedule. I'm sad that I ever messed it up in the first place, but I really thought he was ready for one nap a day. His naps were getting shorter and shorter, and I had heard from friends that it really is nice once they get to one nap a day. I decided to give it a try, but these past few weeks have been ROUGH! Just ask the people I see on a regular basis...they are probably so sick of hearing me complain. It's just so sad for me to see my baby so tired, but unable to sleep, or not used to the crazy schedule his mom is trying to impose on him. This all sort of happened around the same time we ditched the pacifier...so maybe he is still getting used to falling asleep without it. Although he has no problems at night. Weird. It has a lot to do with when he gets up in the morning too. If he sleeps in he can stay up later and just take one nap, but if he gets up early, then he usually needs two. I don't see why he doesn't want to take naps all day long...I would. I do.
Anyway, so I guess I'm just wondering if there is any magic to the switch to one nap. I'm assuming that I just need to wait it out or be consistent, or all those other answers that you give to people who ask questions about kids. But what has worked for you?
My kids have always been excellent nap takers, so I really have no advice to give...sorry. You could come watch me for a day and see how I do it, then maybe you'll learn a thing or two.
I feel your pain! I am going through the same thing. Only with Ben, sometimes he'll take the worlds longest morning nap so he'll skip his afternoon nap and then act like a MONSTER during the evening because he's so tired. So what I'm saying is, I can give you no good advice.
I don't have any advice...how about sympathy? Gavin's a good napper, but he had a rough transition from two to one, too. And I loved it when he napped twice a day! The only benefit to one is you can go out and run errands without worrying as much about running into naptime.
I think it took a month or two before Gavin was really comfortable with having just one nap, but in the meantime it seems like sometimes he napped in the morning but wouldn't in the afternoon, then was a bear by evening, or did nap morning and afternoon, but wasn't tired by bedtime at night, or napped once a day and was way grouchy before naptime and bedtime. All good options, right? Good luck!
P.S. You could do an earlier mid-day nap, then have him do some quiet time in his crib or watching a show later in the afternoon. Or quiet time in the morning and an afternoon nap.
I am with you on this one! I am having the same problem with Drew and his naps. I just can't figure out how to make it a good schedule. Sometimes he just does not want to go to sleep even though I know he is so tired. He does fine at night though too. So weird!
Well let me know if you figure it out because I need help too!
People actually wean their kids from naps on purpose? A little rum in his bottle might do the trick.
My kids kind of switched from one nap to two on their own. It was rough for a couple weeks with Isaac when he'd miss the afternoon nap. But we just gradually pushed the morning nap ahead until it was in the middle of the day. And what's great is Isaac and Eli both take naps at the same time and then Shailey will have "quiet time" which equals "quiet time" for me, too. :o)
As for what to do about Easton being tired and not wanting to fall asleep? I dunno. That's hard. Even now when I lay Isaac down for his nap he protests by crying for a little bit. But I give him a couple of books to look at in his crib and that helps ease him into a nap. He's always asleep within 5 minutes. Maybe Easton needs a little quiet time before his nap, too? Books seem to work for Isaac. :o) Good luck Emily!
Well, it makes me feel better to know that other people have the same struggles! Thanks for all the advice/sympathy!
I bounce between one and two naps for Thomas. What I do to ignore his complaints if he doesn't think he is ready to fall asleep is go take a nap myself. Perhaps I am more callous than you but I don't take his crankiness or complaints seriously. If he doesn't fall asleep, that is his problem but by golly, he is going to sit in that crib until I am good and ready for him to come out.
You know where we are with naps, the same place as you! I think I might try Anjie's advice and try some rum, want to split a bottle??
Hmm, advice? Not sure, I'll just tell you what worked for me. Allie went to one nap around 22 months. Took about 1-2 weeks to adjust. Every once in a while she'll just NOT go to sleep, and I panic that she's going to stop taking naps, but it never lasts. I think the only advice I can give is consistancy, which you already brought up. One thing I've learned, is that they get it eventually. Whether it's taking the pacifier away, or the sippy cup of milk, or just going to sleep period, or whatever it is. They get it eventually. Just takes a lot of patience on your part, and if you don't mind letting him cry it out, then just do it. Allie doesn't seem too damaged from me just letting her cry for an hour if that's what it took. ;)Oh, and other thing, I remember that when she wasn't sleeping much, I figured her being quiet in her crib would just have to work, and if she chose not to sleep then she didn't, but she sure was going in there the same time everyday. She eventually started sleeping again, thank goodness.
I went through this same thing with Austin when we weaned him from his pacifier too. He was also really good during the night, but I decided that maybe he still needed a little more sleep, so I started putting him to bed at night a little earlier and stayed the same during naptime, usually right after lunch. It's really tough, but you do have to be consistent. And I'm with Ilene, stick it out and he'll find his way, whether or not he sleeps. Maybe it would be good just to have a little quiet time instead of a nap and a nap in the afternoon. The other part is that if one thing doesn't work one day, that doesn't mean it won't work the next. Give it at least a week or so before changing anything. There's a really good book called "the no cry sleep solution" that I found really helpful too.
I'm so sorry Em. It's always so rough on BOTH parties when a kid won't sleep. I got Cade to 1 nap after talking to you about it and he wasn't sleeping long for a while. then since he's been sick, he's back on 2 naps and it's HEAVEN for me and he's 21 months old! :) I'd let E be on 2 naps as long as he wants it.
Ok well i'm not a mom so sorry i have no advice for you but i just want to say that that picture of you and steve is SO ADORABLE!!!! oh my gosh CUTE!!!! And also it's so much fun for me to hear about all your mom stories!!! i just love that you're a mom!! hahaha love you!!!
How cute is your little boy! I know its hard for me to believe that I have three kids too! :) They grow fast. Enjoy your time with your little guy! How are you liking Vegas?
You took the pacifier away from the boy?!? I'm sorry little dude! I'm not sure how this practice of depriving small children of all that is dear and holy to them (in this case, Easton's pacifier) has become so popular. It sounds like he's still a little p'd - o with you guys for taking it away, and rightly so. I say give back the pacifier and let the little man be content. Easton, if you can read this, don't give in!!! Hold out out to the bitter end, and demand the safe return of your beloved pacifier!
Man.....that stinks. I wish I had advice. Mykids would nevertake pacifiers. I always had to remember that when I was transitioning the number and lenght of naps that it can take a while to set in. I always wanted it to happen overnight.
I just read Darren's comment. Funny as it was it won't be funny one day when Joseph or Justin show up to a family reunion with a pacifier and they're like 13 or something.....j/k. I'm amazed at how much Darren shows through in his writing. His voice was speaking the word's to me as I read them.
Darren's going to let Joseph carry around his blankie until he's 10 just like he sucked his thumb until he was 10. Aren't I lucky to be married to such an expert? Oh dear. That's a rough transition Em. We're going through the same thing only it's from 1 nap to no nap. Ahhh! What'll I do with Joseph all day long?
oh man. i don't know the last time h had 2 naps. and g doesn't even take one anymore. but if they need sleep, i just let them sleep. i never went through the whole ordeal of going down from 2 to 1. i guess i just kinda go with the flow. my only suggestion is if you show frustration, e will pick up on that and it will be harder. bummer. sorry.
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