Personally, I thought it was a great episode. I don't know if that's because it really was, or if my expectations were exceptionally low because of all the crappy tv that has been on. Either way, it held my attention the whole time, and the twists and turns kept me totally glued. Here are some things to ponder:
* LOVE the flash forwards...but was 'Jack talking with Hurley' BEFORE 'Jack talking with Kate-Jack addicted to drugs and wanting back on the island?'
* Who are the other 'Oceanic 6' Jack, Kate, Hurley...
* I feel so sad for Claire
* Naomi is dang tough to trek through the jungle after being stabbed in the back...and by Locke.
* Which team would you be on? Jack or Locke? It's hard for me to say...I feel like Locke would keep me alive better, but Jack's team gets off the island...I go where Kate goes.
* Jack really was going to kill Locke...I was totally freaking out at this.
* I still really want to know who was in the casket...Ben, Locke, Sawyer???
* Juliette good or bad?
* Why do the people coming to the island want to kill everyone...according to Ben?
* I just love watching Ben get beat up.
What were your favorite parts and what are your questions?
Until next Thursday...
That's exactly what Darren and I did: eat ice cream on the couch while we watched. I thought it was great too! I think I'd be with Jack. I would just want off the island so bad! Darren thinks it's Ben in the casket. I have no idea. I think Jack talking to Hurley was before the drugs because he says he doesn't want to go back to the island and talks about growing a beard. I gasped when Jack pulled the trigger on Locke! And I cried when Claire found about about Charlie. But you'll probably see all this on my blog sometime today. I wish we were closer so we could have Lost parties!
SUCH A GOOD EPISODE! I loved it, even the scary part. What was Locke doing in Jacob's house and why didn't Hurley ask him about it? Locke is totally going to take over the island and Ben's leadership.
So you know how Ben says to Jack, "Every living thing on the island will be killed." I think that has something to do with why Ben is so freaked out. Every living thing...that is an interesting way to put it. Are some people not living?
I think Juliet's main goal is to get off the island and she will do anything to get off. She will be one to watch.
I'm glad it was Hurley that told Claire about Charlie, but I'm still so sad for Claire.
I think the people have been looking for the island to study its specialness. Thats what the Dharma initiative was all about and I think these peeps are coming to exploit the island.
My prediction for the other 3 of the Oceanic 6 are Sun, Jin, and Sayid.
At this point in the season, I would want to be on Team Jack because they think they're going home.
Have you noticed that all the people coming to save the survivors have Australian accents? Is it mere coincidence that the Oceanic flight took off from Australia, I think not...
I can't wait for next week!
You are sooo funny! I love LOST too! I didn't watch it because my husband works at night and we want to watch it together. But we are super excited. You and your husband are cute on the couch with your ice cream!
I am NOT into Lost...but super cute picture of you and Steve!
Oh Brenley, how unfortunate...
Don't get me wrong, Em...I still loved it last night I just got frustrated and don't know why you love the flash forwards. BTW, the Hurley talking to Jack was before Jack talking to Kate (remember when he said he was thinking about growing a beard). I think that I was just frustrated about last night because I am so anxious to see what happens!
I liked all your points of interest and loved the pic of you and Steve eating ice cream. YAY for Thursday nights!
Well, Shad and I couldn't get hooked on Lost, but this post, made me want to start watching it again. Maybe you should be one of the writers for the show. You made it sound so exciting!!!
Oh, Lost! Kind of like the vampire romance novels for me. I've had enough, but I'm to hooked not to stick it out to the end.
This is so random because I don't watch LOST and I did last night and I was SO SUCKED IN!!!! So creepy and bazaar! I love that picture of you guys. You look so excited!
I think I'm the only person who doesn't watch Lost . . .
Dude, we loved it! Aaron and I were freaking out the whole time! Glad it's back! Woohoo!!!
P.s. who's the AWESOME photographer that snapped that make-out picture on your header??? :) Whoever it is, they're rad!
I love your new overhead! It screams ROMANCE!! Love you!
Is it me or is Hurley bigger this year? I really can't stand to look at his greasy hair and face for much longer. I don't know why he bugs me because everyone seems to love him but well, I guess I am just not as loving as others.
Claire- I kind of feel bad for her but since she still looks like a Noxema model, I don't feel bad enough.
Wow, obviously I have compassion issues.
So I wrote a novel with my thoughts from that episode, and it never did post, so I'll just shorten it and say that I loved the episode, and life is at a standstill until Thursday. :) I'd be on Team Locke. After what Charlie, (my favorite character) found out I'd be a little hesitant to trust the "rescuers".
Remind me not to come to you for sympathy, Ilene!
Danny and I are total LOST junkies! We love it. I will say that the rerun episode on Wednesday was SO ANNOYING with all those I the only one who thought this? It was making me so mad!
Anyway, everytime Danny and I have seen that scene with the casket it seems that the casket is small...too small for an average adult. Does anyone else think this or is it just us?
And the other three that's part of the Oceanic 6? There are more than three people that I would like to see get off the island so that's tough to say.
And then when Jack goes to see Hurley at the mental institution Hurley says "I think 'he' wants us to go back" or something like that. Do you think that 'he' is Jacob and has been causing Hurley's hallucinations? Who knows. I can't wait for the next episode. And thank goodness for DVR so we can watch it after the kids go to bed! :o)
Never watched an episode of Lost, but I am a huge fan of team ice cream
it's seriously timr for me to get into lost i've decided! my roommate was equally as excited as you. but girl, i barely have time to go to the bathroom during the day, let alone watch lost... i can only fit in American Idol once a week as it is and it's KILLING ME!!! haha, i'm going to miss you this weekend, but I'll probably call you tonight.
Oh Emily, LOST was so awesome! It is wonderful to be back on the island. Honestly, I would totally love to stay on the island and I just can't understand why most of the charactors are so anxious to get off. They all have "baggage" in their former lives which doesn't matter much on the island. why not stay, be happy, just don't have any babies I guess. But hey how bad can it be. I would totally be for staying on the island.
Desmond is totally hot, and has the best accent. Jack is my second favorite and then Sawyer.
Also I really want to know what the deal is with the murderous black smoke. Still now answers, but alot more questions after these two episodes. How do they keep it all straight? I just know they are going to forget to tie up some loose ends before the show is finished.
I think Juliette and Siyeed(however you spell that), Jack Kate and Hurley of course are part of the oceanic 6 they speak of, I don't know who else might be.
Why are the rescuers after Ben? And who is his man on their boat?
What ever happened to Walt and his Dad. I'm guessing they must be dead since Walt keeps appearing to people.
I'm sad Charlie is dead because I really liked him and he was just getting his life turned around. Why did he have to go and be a hero just because Desmond said he is destined to die.
But I am really glad they killed off Michelle Rodriguez' charactor last season. She annoys me to no end.
Oh so many questions. You know where I will be next Thursday.
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