Saturday, June 7, 2008


Yesterday was Easton's first camping trip. Yesterday was also the worst night's sleep I have had since the day he came home from the hospital. Coincidence?

So I guess we have some work to do to get Easton to love camping as much as I expect him to. We went with some friends up to MT. Charleston, because we thought it would be fun since we had a ward party up there the next day. We'd just camp out and already be up there for the festivities. In theory, a totally great idea, but it didn't exactly work out.

I had to call my mom right before I left, letting her know that I now have a glimpse of what it was like for her getting 5-6 kids ready to go camping for a week. I had a hard time doing it with just one kid. And, you are totally forgiven mom and dad, for letting me fall into the fire pit and off the picnic table. I can't imagine it was easy keeping track of all of us kids. Thanks for taking us year after year and making it so fun for us. Our first attempt as a small family, may not have been super successful, but I'm bound and determined to keep trying.

First of all, I discovered that I don't believe in camping for 1 night. You pack all the same stuff you would if you were going for a week, just less food and less clothing.

Secondly, I hate wind. The 2 of us (Kara and I) trying to put up a huge tent, with the wind almost blowing it away, while trying to keep our eyes on 2 boys and keep them from throwing their soccer and basketballs all the way down the hill for the 10th time...was not very much fun. We were excited to see our husbands show up a little later. At least we didn't have to worry about the kids falling into the river, because, well, there's no water in Nevada.

We went to bed kinda early, because the wind was making it cold and I was just tired after a long day of packing and juggling 2 kids in 95 degree weather before even getting to the campsite. Then I laid there in bed from 10:30- 5:30...wide awake. We had Easton in his pak and play in the tent for the first half of the night, but he ended up joining me in my sleeping bag. This is the reason I wasn't that upset about not sleeping...I enjoyed the snuggle time from my little guy. He slept pretty good and helped keep me warm.

So it was a shorter trip than we planned, and we didn't make it to the party because we all needed sleep, but I really honestly had a good time and am ready to go again. Here are the few pics I was able to take:This was the first time using our tent. It's roughly 1/3 the size of our first apartment.

Me and Kara...cold.

The food was dang good, that's for sure. Here we are enjoying our foil dinners. Well, most of us are. Easton is enjoying his fruit.

And the two cute boys that gave us no sleep. They had fun with all the room they had to run around in. I love how well they play together!
Thanks Mathews...wanna try again next weekend?


Kara said...

I'm glad you still had fun and want to try again sometime, maybe just not next weekend. I had fun too, now that I've had a nap and Nathan is happier now. I think we followed the people that were camped next to us out of the campground today and I bet they were demanding a refund and pretty mad at us for keeping them up all night with our 2 AM party in our tent!! They should have known better when they saw us last night. Thanks for everything!!

Jenn said...

You guys are such troopers. That looks like so much fun. I am working on building up enough courage to take my three kids camping-maybe next year!

Lizzy said...

I really don't like camping, but that kinda looks like fun. I do love tinfoil dinners. And almost anything made in a dutch oven.

You guys are brave to bring alone tiny ones. You're even braver to want to try it again!!

Christi said...

Glad you guys had a good time. We missed ya at the ward party.

Carol and Bruce said...

Ohhhhh, so cute! That was a great first experience, way to go. I know you are a trooper and can keep the tradition going. There is just nothing like the great outdoors.

Jenni said...

hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa laughter laughter laughter!!!!!!!!!!! its late and I just wanted to check this hoping that you had posted and you DID and it was AWESOME!!! em i'm so proud of you all braving the great outdoors with your little guys!! i WISH WISH WISH i was there to experience it!!!

COLD??? COLLLLLD?????????? it's june 8th now and it's currently 40 degrees. now THAT is cold for summer. I bet it was hot there. shoot girl.

anyway- those pictures were great! once again... how did our parents do it????? and your blogs are just so funny. i love you. come visit me please!

Lawther family said...

I love camping. Looks like so much fun and I love the porch on your tent. There is nothing better than letting your little ones explore nature and enjoy some smores. :)

Unknown said...

Ah the joys of camping!! I love it when we finally get there, but getting there is not so much fun. We didn't do a lot of camping, David doesn't get into it... so I didn't push it. I guess that why I enjoy girls' camp with all of those inherent problems. I love to be in the outdoors! Keep at it! There is so much to enjoy! Lani

Bringhursts said...

That makes me tired just reading that.

Jonathan and Michelle said...

I'm impressed! The thought of going camping with Alexis just makes me want to cry, so I'm impressed that you did it and that you still want to try again!

Danielle said...

So cute. I'm sorry it didn't go as planned. I laughed when I read that your tent was roughly 1/3 the size of your first apartment. I can COMPLETELY relate- in fact, I actually thought- geez, that's true, why don't we just get a tent and live in that? I guess it's not as easy as it sounds. Good luck on the next trip!

Alifinale said...

So basically it was a self-fulfilling prophecy? You kept saying you were afraid it would be the worst night ever...but think of the memories. Your tent looks awesome and I love your determination to go again. I would love to come play - maybe when I am not 20 months pregnant.

Tara said...

How fun! We love to camp, but we haven't been in forever. I wonder how Drew would do. Well we should go sometime!


You're brave. We were never a big on camping in my family. Girls Camp was all we got - other than one camping trip that I vaguely remember. I do LIKE it, though. I just don't LOVE it! It's a lot of work to get ready for.

Speaking of Girls Camp... It's next month! I'm starting to get excited - especially now that I finally have some spare time on the weekends to start preparing for it. I love, love, love being a unit leader! I'm not going to love being away from Sean and Ethan that long - that part will be hard.

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

So fun but I totally agree with the 1 night camping thing. Too much hassle for too little time. That'll get you ready for camping with your family in july though right? We took Cade when he was 4 months but have YET to try our hands at it with a 2 year old. This summer IS the summer..... although you've made me a little more nervous than I originally was about this. thanks! But glad you guys had some yummy dinners at least!

Ilene said...

No water in Vegas? What?!

Way to go Em. You are a braver soul than me or Dan. Our ward had Father and Son camping this weekend and Dan was too scared to take Jackson.

And we have no friends here yet. So that could be a major reason why.

Mary said...

Way to find the positive--no worries about drowning. Crackin me up girl! I do believe that the food was excellent though.

Chelsea said...

I'm thinking the lack of water might be a good thing right about now. I too would love to go camping, but alas, it won't stop raining!!!

Jessett said...

First of all, I love that you got 18 comments.. What the heck!!! Second, we missed you at the ward party. And third, looks like a lot of fun and hey who the heck needs sleep. What is sleep, when you are a mom.. LOL!

Jessett said...

Oh yeah... one more thing. We totally want to go nex time. We love love love to camp.

Jill said...

You make me a little nervous for next month. But I'm excited to try it first with the whole family. I have much to learn! Way to break in your skills!