Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Road Trip

We just took a last minute vacation to the beach (pics later) since Steve has this week off. Before every road trip I'm nervous about how Easton will do in the car, but he really did so great. Thanks to a few things that made our ride a bit smoother.

Thanks to these:
Thanks to these guys:

And for me, thanks to these:
Thanks to these:
And this guy.

A lot of you know that I drive EVERYWHERE in this family. So, it's important to me to find things to make long drives easier. On the way back Steve and Easton took awesome naps, so it was just me, my snacks and my music and the ride was a breeze. It's summer time and we're all taking road trips...what gets you through those long, boring, UGLY (if you live near me) drives?

Easton is so excited right now because the Wiggles finally made the blog. He's a huge Wiggles fan.


Christi said...

I am all about the music when I am driving on a long trip. That and a good drink! We are glad you are back.

Kara said...

Good snacks- M&M's and Doritos, and a stong Pepsi always helps! Plus I love my XM sattelite radio that has 100's of music channels at my fingertips with NO commercials!!! I sing the whole way- and when we drive 11-12 hours to CO, I pretty much lose my voice by the time we get there.

Anonymous said...

Ben's kids' songs - but you can only listen to that so many times and a portable DVD player strapped to the back of the seat playing Winnie The Pooh. Ben could watch him all day if I let him.

Aimeeable said...

We are serious Wiggles fans too! I think we have like 13 or something of their blasted videos. Tygh doesn't want any one to know it, but he can do most of the dance moves by heart. My favorite is when he does the shake your hips with Wags the dog. I think I almost wet my pants every time he does it. Maybe someday I'll secretly video tape him and put it on YouTube.

Lizzy said...

When we drove to Vegas we had the Wiggles on the entire time. Those guys are a life saver! And I'm all about the Welch's fruit snacks. Those are my church must-haves for Ben. I bring at least 3 packs so he can share. He loves giving them away more than eating them. Weirdo.

I'm glad the drive went good! I also have to have good music and snacks. And a nice, fat fountain drink.

Courtenay Beth said...

okay must have's for me...cold baby carrots and original flavor corn nuts...John got me hooked on these on our first road trip together, never gets old, plus a good dose of chocolate, the peanut butter m&m's or peanut variety, and some saweet tunes. Lately I have been into the normal stuff but have also re-kindled my love with Queen, Styx, and Abba...I am such a weirdo!
I also am loving the light lemonade fountain drink...loooove it!

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

Glad you guys had a great time. when were were texting, I thought it was just you and steve, couples trip. But fun that E got to go!

Must haves for me....
COLD WATER!!! (and lots of it!)
BBQ flavored Sunflower seeds
Plain M&M's
FRUIT! (nectarines, purple grapes, plums, etc.)

Jenni said...

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS For the ROCKET SUMMER SHOUT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! everyone go to that link and listen to his music!!!!!!!!! man i love him.

anyway, i'm really so glad that the driving went well. if it didn't, that could have been very stressful. and about the fruit snacks, you left some of eastons here and i've been eating them and no wonder the child loves them so much- they are DELICOUS!!! anyway- can't wait to see the pics!!! love you!

Jenni said...

oh and on my road trips... i just need steph, and some stale grocery outlet snack mix. yesssssssssssssssss.

Margaret said...

I love M and M's. I try to avoid the addicting songs of the Wiggles...once they get in my head, they won't go away!☺

Anonymous said...

You have terrible taste in music.

Amy said...

you are sooooo cute! This post was just fun! I just took a long road trip and since I am not the driver I got to read Breaking Dawn and oh man did that make it go by fast!

Teresa said...

Fruit snacks and The Wiggles-- can it get any better for a toddler? Jared always jokes that I have Alyssa on a fruit snack IV but when you find something that works...
Very cute blog by the way, so good to catch up with you guys!!

Chelsea said...

I'm just not so sure about these Wiggles. I do, however, love those fruit snacks!

Bringhursts said...

"Babe: Pig in the City". I put that in and Ethan is MESMERIZED. Also, for me I have to have Propel water and beef jerky and lots and lots and lots and lots of gum to smack on.

Jill said...

Glad you had a good road trip! Where's the beach pictures? Sometimes I'm kinda jealous that you drive all the time. Then Darren would be the one dealing with the kids. But I also love that I usually get to read when Darren's driving and the kids are napping. It was hilarious to see Easton's obsession with the Wiggles. I admit, I love them too.

Jenni said...

steve, were you that ridiculous anonymous comment?!?!?!

Emily said...

Nope, wasn't steve...unfortunately the anonymous commenter isn't as anonymous as she thinks she is.

Jenni said...

AIMEE?! was it aimee?! i must know who would speak such nonsense.

Ilene said...

Fig Newtons are our family road trip food too!

We are such kindred spirits.


Ok- that is just hilarious! Your road Wiggles video- I love that you found it on youtube and posted it. I watched the whole thing. Have never heard of them- so funny. I was cracking up!