Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Jenni's Rexburg

I came home to the happiest little boy and as he ran into my arms with a smile on his face I couldn't help but let the tears come! I MISSED HIM! He gave me the biggest, longest hug and made me so happy. Steve is the best dad and they had so much fun while I was gone, and coming home to a clean house was a major bonus. He's too good to me! A BIG thanks to my friends for taking care of Easton while Steve had to work, and for driving me to the airport. The only thing better than bailing for a few days for a little r&r is bailing and having no worries while you're gone because your husband rocks and your friends are the best!

So, I have declared my love for Rexburg a lot in the past, and I'm happy to report, it's still as strong as ever. I just love that school and town so much. Also while I was there I realized that my sister and I went to school in 2 VERY different places, and were separated by only 5 years! I can't believe how much it has grown. Those of you who went there back in the day, you know what I'm talking about. The students there now don't know how good they have it.

My sister was a great host to my mom and I and we crammed in a lot of fun in a few short days. Jenni and I are also 2 very different students...she being the smarter and more hard working one, so it was a big deal for her to take so much time off from studying. So, thanks Jenni!

Alright, now for the pics!
My mom and I at the Rexburg Temple. I couldn't wait to go here! Another luxury we didn't have...and it's beautiful, inside and out. And it was super freezing and windy.
Anyone recognize these? Yea didn't think so. These are the breadsticks at Craigos now. Sad. This place is so high class now...waitresses, salad bar, menus, romantic booths (seriously, you can adjust the lighting in your own booth). Their bombs are still the best.Our photo shoot in Porter Park with the fall leaves. Just in time too, it snowed the next day.

A couple other things that I loved doing that I don't have pics of was going to a new Soc class with one of my favorite teachers. We chatted for awhile and then he talked me into going to a class. I was glad I did; my program moved into a brand new, amazing building, and it was fun to see. It brought back a LOT of memories...I loved those classes. Also, in Rexburg right now in the Taylor (religion building) is an exhibit called Reflections of Christ. It was so incredible. They are photographs, instead of paintings, depicting Christ's life; birth through resurrection. This photographer is incredible and the pictures are so lifelike and the people look so real. It was one of the coolest exhibits I've ever seen, and if you have a second, look at the slide show by clicking on the link. And last but certainly not least, just before I left for the airport, by friend met me at the store for a quick visit. She and her husband were some of our first married friends, and in our ward the last semester of school. She just happened to be visiting family from Ohio. Thanks for squeezing time for me Miriam, it was super fun to see you and your cute girls!

Thanks again Jenni for having me, and Mom, since it was technically Mother's Week, thanks for letting me crash your party!!



Lizzy said...

Sounds like fun! You look so pretty! I love your hair. Did you do something new? It's so long and blond. So pretty.

Carol and Bruce said...

What a great homecoming! I think Steve and Easton both know how blessed they are to have you and were anxious to have you home. I'm so gald you came and it was not a crash, I will treasure the memories of last week end. I'm glad Rexburg holds a special place in your heart.

Are you warm yet?

Kara said...

It looks like you had so much fun with your sis and mom! By the way- you girls are all so cute and look so much like family!! We LOVED having Easton over and I KNOW he missed you and is so glad you're home! And so are we!!

Matt and Shannon said...

I agree - you are a blonde bombshell in these pics!

Unknown said...

I could never live some place so cold...glad you had a nice visit though!

Emily said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenni said...

ohhhhhh mannnnnn can we do it all over?!!! is it already done with?!?!?! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot describe to you how wonderful it was to have you both there. Really! It was a fabulous break and I just had SO MUCH FUN! You always help me to just have fun and not stress so much. Really, just laughing with you guys and having fun made my SEMESTER! you have no clue! I really appreciate it! And THANK YOU TO STEVE, EASTON, and your friends for letting you come!!! They rock!

And I'm totally not a better student... just a dumber one actually for being so up tight! And yes, Deluxe Rexburg rocks and I'm so glad you got to experience it.


love you!

The Grahams said...

how fun! I am jealous..... i would love to go back and see the campus and old friends and especially to see the new temple! They were just breaking ground for it when we left. Unfortunately, my hubbie does not care to go back there at all- all he seems to remember is the freezing cold and super dry skin he got. :( It must have felt nice to get away, and it makes it even better to come home to your little guy! I have only been away from Jackson for 2 nights and it was fun, but i sure missed him a ton!


Sounds like you had a great visit! I've never been to Rexburg, but other than the cold I've always heard good things about it. I love the fall photo shoot - fall pictures are great!!
And what a wonderful homecoming. :)

Bee Happy Stamper said...

I told you the homecoming is AWESOME!!! Looks like you guys had a great time. Nothing like spending time with Mom and sister! Always a good time!

Christi said...

I can't believe how different it is. The temple is huge!!! I am a little sad about the breadsticks at Craigo's. I want to go back and see it too :)

Alifinale said...

I am so glad you got to have a fun weekend. The picture of the 3 of you is so cute - you all look gorgeous. How cool you got to go to that exhibit - I would love to see that (I went to high school with Mark Mabry and his sister Summer is a good friend). I have heard how amazing it is.

Glad you didn't freeze to death.

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

Good times, eh? Fun that you could hang with your mom and sis for a whole weekend and that you you came home to a cleam house. I can't say that that would be the case for me so consider yourself a lucky lady!

You and Jenni are two blonde bomeshells! Yee-OWza!!! :)

Kara said...

I am so jealous! My sister and brother are there now and I was supposed to go visit this last weekend too (but we spent over $2000 going to spokane in july) so we decided I should stay home, now I think I would have paid ANYTHING to have gone back!!! Looks like you had SO MUCH FUN!

Tara said...

What a fun time! and you look gorgeous in those pictures!

Now seriously what is up with the breadsticks?? I used to LOVE Craigo's breadsticks!! What are they thinking changing those things? I remember getting their right before closing so that old Craigo himself would give us free breadsticks. Good times. Oh the burg!

Aimee said...

Ohhh my! How I wish I could go back to that place to visit. You are seriously so lucky, and I'm envious of the good times you guys had. For me, the time I spent in Rex-town feels like it was yesterday and I'm sad to admit it was almost 4 years ago that I graduated! Time flies.

Its funny how a physical place and that place in time holds so much of your love, memories, and good or bad times. Don't you wish we could be living in that crazy old ladie's basement just one last time????

Mary said...

Too fun!! And sad as it is, something about being gone for even a few days makes you just love your hubby and kiddo more, huh? Steve is the man--a clean house and all when you got home! Yea, yeah!

Courtenay Beth said...

you guys are BABES!!! Glad you had so much fun and that your boys survived without you. By the way, the place we went surfing is where they film LOST...so that's funny that you thought some of the trees looked like that...good eye. I should add that to my post. Cool. Love ya!

Rachel said...

I'm glad that you had a fun time. It's always fun to go back to your old stomping grounds. It's hard to leave the kids behind, but I think we are better moms when we return.

Lizzie said...

You all look so beautiful!!!! I agree with the other "Lizzy". You look so blonde. And it looks so cold! Holy Smokes. Were you a little glad to return to the desert heat??

Danielle said...

So firstly, you all are just so gorgeous! I love that picture of you and Jenni surrounded by grass and leaves. Soooo pretty. The one of you and your mom at the temple is also wonderful. Both pictures definitely frame-worthy! How nice that you got to come. Also, how nice that you got to go back to some warm weather....if only I had that same luxury:) Loved the pics and stories.

Megan and Greg said...

I'm glad you had such a good time! I didn't know you loved Rexburg so much! Man, looking at your pics- can you believe we ever died your hair brown? Nuts. I'm glad you're happy.

Paul & Ashley Justensen Family said...

How fun! I am so glad you had such a good time and a good break. You deserve it and you do have a wonderful husband.

Jessett said...

Looks like so much fun. Those last two pics are awesome. You are so beautiful Em.

Glad you had some R&R.

Bringhursts said...

I love Craig O's. I went back a few years ago for a recruitment trip and also couldn't believe how much it had changed.

Glad you had a good time!

Margaret said...

Your hair looks SO cute! Love it! Glad you got to go!

Simon Family said...

Ahhh, memories! I was a little disapointed to see what had happened to Craigo's, but I'm sure it was still delicious! Were you able to go down to Mill Hollow too?
You look beautiful, by the way!!