Friday, February 13, 2009

It's A Girl...WHAT?!

Well I wanted a boy. I'll just say it. I am familiar with boys, I LOVE my nephews to pieces, not to mention my own little man. I'm a tomboy, so I know nothing about hair, make-up, princesses, fashion, etc. I love it when my friends have girls because I can go ga ga over them, and then give them back.

I knew it would be a boy and I had several convincing arguments of how I knew this.

* Chinese Baby Calendar. It said I'm having a boy. What other proof do you need? I just checked a few others and they said I was having a I guess that tells you how accurate they are.

* The last 6 babies born into our families were boys.

* Lately those people that I know having 2 babies had the same sex. 2 boys, or 2 girls. It just makes sense that I would follow that pattern.

* I thought for sure that in my ultrasound at 13 weeks, the baby looked like a boy. Seriously.

* This is the really weird one. Try and follow this if you can. When people that I know tell me the sex of their baby, I keep track of it, and remember in my mind the number of boys and girls. The last 2 people I know who found out the sex; boy, then girl. So naturally, a boy would come next (because it always goes boy-girl-boy-girl). See how logical this is?

Anyway, we will be welcoming a baby girl to this family in July. I have 5 months to prepare.


Lima Bean said...

WOW. congrats. i'm a teensy bit jealous :-) and so happy for you. you'll be a great mom of a girl. you just don't know it yet.

Jill said...

Hooray! I'm excited to find the boy spree ending in the family. But at the same time, I do know how ya feel. It would feel weird for me to have a girl too after feeling so into the boy mode.

Jenn said...

YEA for baby girls!! Before we knew Liv was a girl I was perfectly happy with having 3 boys. It totally took me by surprise, and also myself being a tom boy wasn't sure what to expect. But seriously, it has been such a delight and I can't image my life without my little girl. You will love it! (and you might even turn a little more girlish yourself)

destiny said...

Girls are drama! That's what you have to look forward to!

On the good side, you can talk about how cute Prince Caspian is with them, and that is PRICELESS!

Mel D said...

=) I'm opposite. I was afraid it was going to be a boy and then I would be clueless what to do.
I shall be excited for you having a girl. If you don't promote princesses and frills you might not have to deal with it? =)

Unknown said...

Yes!!! I LOVE girls! She'll balance out your little man and teach him about being a gentleman and he'll teach her about the wild ways of guns and swords. You'll LOVE it- trust me. I felt about boys like you do about girls, but it the end, it's YOUR kid and it will be great...YAY!

Lauren said...

Congrats on making a girl! Really I think you will be surprised on how much you are going to enjoy having a girl!! Regardless of girl/boy you will be a great mom no matter what!

Miriam said...

Girls are fun. Try one, you might like her. We like ours. I used to think I wanted all boys. Now I have 2 girls and I love them. Embrace your inner girlyness and go out and buy some pink and ruffles!

BTW, I love the new Idol judge too. She doesn't let Simon push her around and always speaks her mind.

Ilene said...

After two boys, I was a bit terrified to learn I was having a girl. But somehow I have learned to love my little girl. It was tough, let me tell you.

Hey, you are girl and look how wonderful you turned out. Chinese calendar be damned (it told me I was having a girl with Thomas and a boy with Laura) because I think every law school wife who gets prego in Vegas has a girl. We shall see what Tara is expecting to see if this proves true.

Ilene said...


I can't wait to send you some nice BIG bows come August, huh?

Lizzy said...

I am so excited for you to have a girl! But at the same time, I understand the fear of the unknown. But just think of how great it will be for Easton. She'll have a big brother to watch out for her and he'll have a little sister to take care of. How cute.

*Stephanie Lance* said...

YAY!!!! Em that is SOOOOOOOO exciting!!! I was FREAKING out when Jenni told me!! You'll do GREAT with her! I'll teach you some girly tricks :) I'm SOOO excited to see her!!! Its about time a girl came into you family!! WOOO HOO!!!

Courtenay Beth said...

CUTE!!! She will be the belle of the ball everywhere she goes. She has an advantage, she'll want to be just like her big brother and play in the dirt and climb tree''s just in the dirt she will make cakes and pies for tea parties and climbing the trees will be her tall princess tower! CUTE! I know that Lily thinks she is absolutely going to marry William, she says "of COURSE I'm going to marry him! He's my pronce (yes that's how she says it ;)
You'll have fun and she'll make you crazy but I bet she'll melt your heart as soon as she comes. I'm so excited!

Sisters: Chunky to Skinny said...

Little girls are the best. You don't realize how much you deep down really want a girl. You will make a wonderful Mother of a girl. I thought I wanted a boy, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Girls are awesome!

Congrats on the little girl!

Kara said...

Where's the ultrasound picture? I thought those were your favorite? I'm excited cause I get to go gaga over your girl- she's going to be ADORABLE!! And you'll be fine- I have watched you with Claire and you are going to be GREAT with a little girl! And even better- Easton is going to love her! It will be SO cute!

Teresa, mom, Deitz, Aunt Dee Dee said...

Em, not all girls have to be girly girls! If she turns out like her mother and enjoys being a "tomboy" too that will be ok. I think that you will have to be careful though, if she is as cute as Easton your in for BIG trouble when she is a teenager. Good-luck! Congrats and love ya tons

Chad and Jessica said...

I LOVE all your logic and reasoning....that was SOOOOO funny. That means I have absolutely no idea what we're having, cuz I'm getting the boy vibe...but we'll see this Friday.

Okay, I love that you thought the ultrasound looked like a boy at 13 weeks....LOL.

And you have no need for worry....cuz you're the coolest girl ever!

Christi said...

I still love that you thought it looked like a boy in the ultrasound! That is my favorite by far :)

Margaret said...

LOL. I always wanted a baby girl so I don't relate in the same way. I have an extra boy....we could switch. I'd love a baby girl. :-)

Have you thought of any names? Girls are easier than boys in my opinion to name.

Chelsea said...

You will do great with a girl. Make her a tom-girl just like you, couldn't ask for anything better in my opinion.

Tara said...

I for one am happy someone finally broke the same sex mold! I think she is going to be adorable and I can't wait for a little Emily to be running around these parts!! :)

Teresa said...

SHUT UP!! Girls are the bomb diggity dong!! I am so stoked for you guys!

Melanie said...

so is everyones comments making you exicted yet? Or just more nervous? You already know how excited I am. And I agree with your friend that said you were the coolest girl ever. Just like Bella. All the boys have crushes on her, but she has no idea. She just loves playing with them! You are going to love it Em! Just wait and see! The best part is now we can start buying all those cute girl outfits! Love You!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Andrea is having one too. I always thought boys would be easier. When we were kids ((12 and 10 years old), Caroline and I decided we would give our girls (if we had them) to Valerie because girls were pains and we felt she deserved them. That's what happens when you have no brothers.

Margaret said...

Oh and here's the answer to your question....

Lowden and Parker have both had two boosters for chicken pox. Bennett has had one like Lauren. But so far he looks like he is just fine and he's been with her all week.

Jessett said...

OMG... OMG.. OMG.... I am so happy for you. Girls are great!!! It is going to be awesome. I dont know what you are stressing over you do know what to do. You have been so awesome with Claire and ALL the little girls in our ward.

I want to help with a shower. I promise it does not have to be all PINK PINK PINK, just a little bit.

Love ya and I am so happy for you.

Emily said...

Mel, reading all these comments have been just what I need I think. I re-read them all the time and get kinda teary! I think I already feel better about it and am on my way to excited!

Lara said...

Em, what is your number one favorite niece...As tomboy as it gets. And they exhibit these behaviors from a very early age, at least Ashlynn-Marie did.
Brenn says it's not fair, you got his girl...We'll July.
Love ya Lots

Carol and Bruce said...

Fun to read all these thoughts. We are excited for us but more for you to learn how much joy a daughter can bring, not that a son doesn't because he does!
One is really blessed who gets to experience both.

Lani said...

Em you are such a terrific mom that it won't matter if your kids are boys or girls. You will give each of them exactly what they need when they need it.

I had three girls and none of them were girly girls.

I hope you kept some of those hair bows you made in RS in Oct.!!!

Ben & Diane said...

Yay! Girls are AWESOME. Boys are too but girls are especially sweet.

Megan and Greg said...

Em, you can handle a girl- for one- YOU ARE A GIRL!!! It will be awesome! That's really exciting. And you do your hair and make up now- now matter how you were when you were 8! You might've BEEN a tomboy- but you aren't now. Don't be terrified. You'll be great! I love you.

Alifinale said... lack of internet this weekend really put me behind on commenting. Glad I already knew. Congrats - sorry all your logical feelings that it was a boy didn't come true. Girls are the best, I don't know what you are talking about (ok, so I kind of understand where you are coming from, because I am way scared of having a boy).

PS - Maybe you were super tomboyish back in the day but I beg to differ now. I mean you aren't as girly as me, but you always have cute hair, cute clothes, you shop, you bake, you sew and you can do Emery's hair probably better than I can.

The Grahams said...

Congrats! I have to say, i am glad i had another boy because im not so sure how to do the girls either, but i think it would also be a blast to have a girl one day..... a long time from now :) I bet you'll get the hang of it real quick and she will be the cutest little girl you've ever seen! Congrats again!


Holy crap! 34 comments?!?! Sheesh, I read this on Friday and wasn't sure what to write. At the time I think there was like 5 comments.
I thought FOR SURE I wanted a girl with Ethan because I only had sisters, but I have LOVED my little man from the minute we found out our baby was an 'Ethan' and not a 'Grace' (but I still hope for a little girl someday). You are a great mom whether you have a house full of boys, girls or both! So CONGRATS on the super exciting news!! Any name ideas yet?!
Oh! And I totally hear you on that 'second-child same-sex' thing that seemed to be happening to EVERYONE. Time to mix it up a bit! :)

Jenni said...

YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emily, I'm just overjoyed. You are going to be a FANTASTIC mother to this baby girl. Seriously. You're gorgeous, so she's got that in the bag. you're athletic, so she's got that covered. Her father is handsome and will be the best at picking boys for her. You have excellent communication skills, so she won't be a screamer. I can see it. It's going to be perfect. And all of the boys in the family will see to it that she is a tom boy like her mommy. Then, there will be your sisters and mother to SPOIL HER ROTTEN and make sure that she is treated like a princess after she gets thrown in the mud by her cousins. OH I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

C Crane said...

Congrats, I always wondered what that would be like . . .:)

Paul & Ashley Justensen Family said...

I am so excited for you! Girls are so fun, I am having my second this week. You will be a great girly mom...just remember she may be a bit more emotional than Easton.


I'm so excited for you! That is wonderful! I loved your logic behind why you were going to have a boy. congrats! Lizzie loves havingn Kate, it's like playing with a dolly. BUT I guess then we run into teh whole tom boy issue. You will love it once she's here.

Lindsay said...

I love your reasoning! Now let me just tell you, that the second you see that adorable little baby girl you will curse yourself for writing this blog, and instantly go and delete it. I adore my little girls, and if for some reason we take crazy pills (or lack there off in this case) and have another baby I'll be hoping for another girl. But probably just like you said, what you're comfortable with is what you hope for. I for one and thrilled you're having a girl. BTW Monique had her baby GIRL today, Leah Nicole Heileson. I'm heading to Utah Friday. Congrats Ems, and good luck with everything!`

Mama said...

Hi! Congrats on baby #2, I didn't know you were prego! CoOL! I have the 2 boys and lately have decided that if I got a girl I'd be lost as what to do too! Oh well, she'll either love you or hate you, good luck with that !!! AHAHAA really though, she'll be so dang cute, I am jealous!

Lawther family said...

HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! Boys are great, but girls I don't even know what to think. Have fun with shopping for her! :)

Kim said...

I'm so excited for you Emily! If she takes after her mommy she will be gorgeous! I will admit I'm a little jealous. :o) Baby fever is hitting me hard, ha ha!

Mary said...

Yeah! The thing about girls . . . accessories. I had no clue how much fun girl accessories were until I had Cole and wondered what to do to put in his hair after he was dressed, or what jewelery to wear for his pictures or what cute socks . . . thankfully we've discovered hats . . . but then girls get to wear those too. You'll love it and so, so happy for you to have a new snuggle bug!!