Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Next American Idol

Will this gem be our next American Idol?

Or maybe this guy. Nathanial Marshall. I think he has a decent voice, and he's had it rough, bla bla bla...but he cries ALL THE TIME! He should go to relief society, not american idol. Jenni, if you say he's your favorite, you are not my sister.

Or Norman/Nick. Need I say more?

I'm kind of glad they narrowed it down to the top 36, because there are easily 12 people I want to get rid of, and another 12 I barely know, or saw for the first time last night.

It's kind of early to have favorites, since we don't get to see very much of anyone...but I like Lil, Ann Marie and Allison. I really haven't seen a guy who blows me away...Danny is NOT as good as they say he is! He's good, sure, but Paula is ready to give him a grammy already. I love her, but straight up, she isn't always the best judge of talent.

Love the new judge and I'm SO excited to get down to the top 12!


Anonymous said...

Straight up, now tell me do you really want to love me forever...

Aimee said...

I'm so glad Steve knows the words to Straight up!!! I couldn't be more proud! Em, I agree 110% with this blog. Some people are so so annoying this season and Danny really bugs me, he's not a great singer. I really like a lot of the girls this season, pretty much all the 16 year olds! They are so good!

Lizzy said...

Nathanial is drama, drama, drama. Did you see his fits during group day?

Norman/Nick is weird. Too weird.

I don't know who half the people are either. It doesn't help that I don't have TIVO and Lost was on the last hour of Idol. I can miss an episode of Idol here and there, but I cannot miss Lost.

Christi said...

I too love that Steve knows Strait Up!!!
I have only watched about 15 min. of it. So I really don't have much to say. But I am going to get Steve the new Paula CD for Christmas.

Kara said...

Finally a show you and I watch that I can comment about!! I cannot stand that psycho girl! These people are so lucky they got through- they can't even sing! I think the judges are being way too nice this year. These people gots to go!


I could NOT believe they put that girl through! Purely for ratings, I'm sure. Yes, she has a decent voice but the laughing, the screaming and the squealing all give me a headache. PLEASE don't let her be the next Sanjia (sp?) and stick around longer than she needs to!
And I felt bad for (I think it was) Kristen and Jenn who did the sing-off. I would've put both through. Simon's comments were rude. "So NOT the pretty one?" and to Jenn, "I disagree". Like that's supposed to make Kristen feel better?!

Ilene said...

I'm so sick of Tatiana. You know the only reason they put her through is because everyone doesn't like her.

Alifinale said...

I know!!! I can't believe stupid Tatiana is in the top 36 (I am with Ilene, it is all about drama and ratings). If I have to hear her laugh or scream again I might vomit. Nathanial sucks, I was so mad when he did well during his sing off. I like Jasmine and some other people that I don't remember their name. But really, I just want to see the real singing.

Love that you posted about this.

Unknown said...

Tatiana is seriously the MOST ANNOYING, drama queen I've ever seen....can a person get more extreme?

Also, I LOVE Norman/Nick. I don't think he's weird, he's just really good playing a weird character. He's a good singer, and the FUNNIEST....I'm laughing so hard during every performance.

As for favorites, it's hard to tell.

Sorry, wrong account, this is Chad and jessica

destiny said...

Yikes this season is scaring me! Tatiana is so annoying I just cringe when I hear her voice! I don't really have any favorites yet, hopefully I will be able to get some.

The only saving grace for this show so far is the new judge. Hopefully this means that Paula is on the outs. Don't get me wrong, I like Paula, but after 8 seasons, enough it enough.

p.s. Steve are you going to tryout for the next AI with that song?

Jenni said...

to add on to steve... OH OH OH.

And also, I loved your shout out to Paula in your post hahaha! did you notice that last night she had normal hair for the first time in like an eternity!

About Nathanial Marshall... haha- you're hilarious! I wouldn't call him my favorite, but I do enjoy his voice. But- the rest of him drives me a little crazy. So i'm with you on that!

I can't wait to fall in love with someone... even though there will never be another David A. or Jaston Castro!

greg&sarina said...

oh em - remember our dance to straight up?? hours and hours in the fort... i could still do it!! anyway, so ... boy or girl???

Lindsay said...

Tatiana makes me want to blow my brains out.

Margaret said...

I'm pretty sure Tatiana has a serious brain defect. It's amazing she can hold a note at all. I think they left her on there for comic relief like Sangia.

I'm excited for this season!

Danielle said...

Sadly, I know nothing of what you're talking about because we don't get FOX! BAH! I wish. However, I loved your straight up slide in.


I CAN'T STAND THAT GIRL!!!!!!! lizzie and I were just talking about her today. And that boy that is a girl. Ok- but I don't understand the whole 36, isn't it supposed to be 24? I'm so excited for tonight!

Lizzie said...

You crack me up. I say ditto to all of it, BUT I really do like Danny Gokey. I like his raspy voice and glasses. I am just so dang glad that Nathanial and Tatiana are gone. I was about to rid myself of AI forever because of those two.

Congrats on your girl. I was the same way. I wanted a boy, because that's what I was used to (Tanner), but I can't even tell you the joy Kate has brought me. I know you know all this...blah, blah, blah, but it's true. = )