Also, I'm sure someone could have told me that moving while 7 months pregnant isn't the best idea. I pack one box and I think I need a break, and by the end of the day my back is in so much pain I can barely move. Not to mention the emotions...when someone calls to tell me something else is the reason why we can't move in today, I just lose it.
One of the worst things about being in between houses is the food we have been eating. I kept out what I thought was enough of Easton's snacks, but those are now long gone and the last 2 days every time he asks for something I have to say, "we don't have it, it's packed!" We have had to be super creative with our breakfasts, and eat out for most lunches and dinners. Gross. I was trying to put off going to the store but I think today it's going to have to happen.
Anyway, there have been a couple of bright spots in this whole thing.
Easton: The poor kid has had zero routine or schedule for the past 3 weeks, with our vacation first, and now our unorganized house. He has watched hours upon hours of tv while I pack and clean. He has been grouchy and borderline mean to people, and it's hard to see, but even harder to admit that it's pretty much my fault. I feel like I have been mean mommy way more than nice mommy lately, and I look forward to when our lives can return to normal. He has put up with a lot.
My good friend took these pictures while we were in Oregon. Easton wasn't being very cooperative, but I love the ones we did get. I wasn't super excited about having my picture taken; I mostly just wanted him, but I'm glad she ignored me because I love this last one and will treasure it forever! Thanks Brenley!
The next bright spot was our visit from Aunt Aimee! She has been here this whole last week, amidst the packing, cleaning, temper tantrums (from Easton AND me). We initially thought that she'd be helping us actually move in, and then help me paint and get a head start on things...but that just didn't happen. I can't even begin to express how appreciative I am to her for being here and for all of her help. Entertaining Easton was the main thing, but helping pack and clean was SO NICE! I was so sad when she left yesterday. Thanks for spending your vacation cleaning my bathrooms and eating crappy food!! We love you!After signing our lives away for our house, we were feeling pretty good about being able to move in the next day, so we went to try and catch a few innings of a 51's game since the weather was so nice. If we only knew...
ooh! I get to be the first one to comment! I love the pictures Brenley took! I would love a couple of copies. I printed one out, but it's not quite the same. I wish I could be there to help you pack, move and paint! It'll be such a relief to finally be in your new house. I'm sure it'll all work out. Make sure your are taking up all your friends on their offers to help.
What a fun week with Aimee, at least. I am so sorry that your house closing and moving are not going the way you expected or want. Hopefully once you go the grocery store, everything will fall into place and then you will have to pack up the food you bought too. Isn't that the way it usually happens. lol
Keep smiling Emily. You have the most beautiful smile I think that I have ever seen. Explains Easton's smile! Hope you aren't homeless!
Yeah, so being homeless would totally suck, so I hope you get "the call" today!
The pictures Brenley took turned out good... especially the one of the two of you. :)
Also, what is it with women moving when they're prego?? Isn't that always how it happens? Must be a space issue.
EM!! This whole time I thought you were in your new house! Oh my gosh I am sorry about all the drama with moving in, that has got to be SO frustrating! If you need a place to stay you know you can come here!
LOVE that pic of you and E!
Oh I feel for you and know the frustration! But I just know it is going to happen. In a couple weeks this housing fiasco will be a distant memory and you will be onto new worries like where am I going to hang this mirror.
Love love love the pictures you got. That last one of the 2 of you is awesome and you look gorgeous!
I'm so sorry about the house. Moving stinks. And I could have told you that moving while you're pregnant totally sucks. I've done that three times (yeah, I didn't learn my lesson). I also don't recommend moving two weeks after you have a baby, either. Looking back I'm trying to decide which was worse? Anyway, I'm sure everything will work out soon! :o)
We had a similar fiasco with our house here. I feel your pain. I was also very pregnant when we moved from Utah to here 3 1/2 years ago, and the only good thing about it is you really don't have to move any furniture. Hopefully lots of strong men show up when the day really does arrive to move it all in. It was so fun to see you at church even if it was just for a minute!
Em, I am so sorry it has been such a nightmare to move in! We just did the move and it was torture!! And just 6 months ago we had moved to a rental to build our home . . . I don't know about you, but I just couldn't sit there being pregnant and watch others pack and move. I ended up packing up just about everything and even moved things, being 7 1/2 months pregnant. I think that is what dialated me to a 4, which I remained at for about 3 weeks and gave birth two weeks early! Anyway, hang in there! It will be super great when you are in your own home!! Don't forget to post pictures!!
Thank goodness the food (Bunny tracks) that you do have left in your house is the good stuff! Dang it, we forgot to eat Peanut Butter Panic today!! I am so sorry that you're having to deal with all this crap - and that's what it is, CRAP!! I wish there was something I could do, or offer you awesome meals and a place to lay your head tomorrow night. Yet, through all this, you still find time to help me out and keep me sane! What would I do without you? I'm so emotional right now too, and I am just so glad I have friends like you! I would probably go into post pardom depression if it weren't for you and EAston!
Ok, I knwo I don't read your blog regularly so you probably posted why you are moving, but why are you moving? I thought you just did? Sorry you have to deal with the stress of moving, and food- that woudl be so annoying. I know i've said this so much, but Easton is so cute- I love looking at him. Next to my nephews ofcourse, he is the next cutest boy I've EVER seen. And that is the truth.
I am so so sorry about all the drama/trauma you guys have had to go through with the whole house ordeal. But it makes me think of that one sort of churchy Christmas song that goes, "Homeless, homeless..." Are you humming along now?
I really wish we could have painted, but you better do it when you FINALLY get to move in! I'll be expecting pictures real soon. And if not and you're too tired to do it I'll totally understand and then it will give me an excuse to come back down and do it for you!!!
Thank you so much for the fun times and all the great food. I love you guys so much!
oh man, you totally deserve some cookies. how bout some with white chocolate chips?? i would have loved to clean and pack for you. you can make it!
Dang, sounds like lots of people have it worse off than me! What am I complaining about?
And Chrissy, white chocolate chip cookies are my favorite! How about you drive some down for me.
Oh Gosh Emily I am so sorry you are going through all of this! Our last house in Utah we had a similar waiting game and it was irritating, and I was NOT pregnant during that move, and it was still miserable, so I can only imagine how irritating this is for you. Hang in there!! Once you move in you will be so happy and hopefully forget all of this. In the meantime enjoy your icecream! And if it makes you feel any better you are one hot pregnant girl!
I can't even imagine how much your back must have hurt from packing and moving boxes....OUCH! I can't believe how sensitive my back is if I sit too long in one spot! Stupid back!
I'm sorry they keep leaving you hanging on the move-in date....ARG MATEY!
Oh how wonderful it will be to be back in a routine...not much will make it!
I keep forgetting to comment and now finally you are in your house! I am so glad and sorry that I am not there to help you unpack, paint and all that or even cook for you. I hope you will take it easy and rest every little while. It's okay to have a little mess now and then, it will get done eventually but REST.
What I keep meanting to say is, that last picture with Amimee and Easton...have you noticed he looks exactly like his handsome daddy. I've never noticed it as much as in that picture. I miss my boy!
Oh I hate packing food (really, it should be called food)! So sorry girl. And I LOVE that pic with you and Easton. That is just . . . it practically puts me to tears.
Those pictures of Easton are adorable. His cute face and personality are all wrapped into a perfect picture(s). Add Laura to the list of eligible matches later in life.
Good luck with the move! I can't believe Steve's firm didn't pay for movers for your in-town move. I mean relocation is relocation, right?
I'm glad to hear you are finally in, but what a mess!!!! I'm glad you're not homeless and good luck unpacking! Congrats, you are now homeowners!
You have the most beautiful child ever. And I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad that you got into your house!! Pictures, pictures, pictures!!! I love you sis!
Ok, give yourself a berak, Em. You can't really entertain your kid and pack, and be pregnant and happy all the time! It's not possible! As long as you don't throw Easton out the window you're doing fabulous in my book. Really Em, you're doing great.
I can't believe your situation! Is someone still living there? Why can't you get in? I'll pray for you!
Did I read your post wrong? I started reading other comments and they said your in! Is something wrong with me? Well, YEA! You're in! That makes me happy. Take it easy as far as unpacking. Just do what you want for a few days.
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