Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Locked Out

This morning I went to take the last of our garbage out to the curb before the garbage truck came, and while I was out there (10 seconds), Easton locked the door. So, I couldn't get back in, but I thought for sure he would open it right up, because I know for a fact that he knows how to. But, he tried and couldn't do it. Then it was quiet for a minute and he returns with his Handy Manny tools and tries to open the door. All of a sudden I hear Felipe talking..."Turn it right and make it tight." I thought this was so dang cute I had to laugh, and then I almost started to cry because he really was trying to help...it was too cute. But I was still stuck outside. Finally I think he just gave up because it was silent in the house, so I went to knock on the window, and he parted the blinds a little so I could see in, and I was screaming at him to open the door and he just laughed and smiled at me. Now I'm getting mad. He left the blinds part way open so I could see in, and this is what he was doing:

As you can see he's really concerned that I'm locked out. At this point I realized my only choice was to call Steve and have him come open the door. So, I go to my neighbor's house and knock on the door. What a sight for them...a pregnant woman they have never seen before, still in her pajamas and no bra, going on about her kid locking her out. Lucky for me they couldn't speak english but did understand the word phone. So I was able to call Steve and 20 minutes later he came to the rescue. Easton was totally silent the whole time I was waiting for Steve, until I heard him say, "Mommy, I need to go potty!!!" GREAT. I'm trying to yell out supportive, helpful things through the door...you can do it by yourself, take your pants off and go (hopefully no one else heard that) in the bathroom! I started feeling all bad because he has gone days without an accident. But I didn't hear the crying that usually comes after an accident, so I was hoping he was holding it. Steve came and opened the door and we were able to get to the bathroom in time!

So how was your morning?


Our Pratt Pack said...

I just had a friend post about locking herself out of the car with her kids inside. I actually shut our front door about a month ago and the sliding lock we have up top slide out and locked so I was yelling at the kids thinking they locked me out and they couldn't even reach it. Luckily mine are a little older and can reach the garage door button!

Carol and Bruce said...

Oh, my goodness! That was hilarious to read but I bet it didn't feel hilarious at the time. I can't believe he didn't just keep trying until he got the door open. Funny about the neighbors too. Hope the rest of the day is better.

I'm so proud of his potty success.

Christi said...

I agree with your mom, hilarious to read, but not if it happened to me!!! At least he tried to help and he held it!!!!!


Phew, what a morning! We are also Handy Manny fans at our house, so I love that Easton went to get his tools to help!

Ben & Diane said...

HAHAHAHA!! I mean it was cute and funny but I am sure when you were going through it, it was not funny. Sorry you had to go throughthat. I love that he got his tools. What a cutie! What did Steve think?

Lizzy said...

That is too funny. Ben would have given up after a few minutes, too. But getting the tools was the funniest part. I can just imagine him trying to fix the lock!

I'm glad you got in safe. Hope the rest of your day goes better.

Megan and Greg said...

OH MY GOSH. I would've been freaking out. I'm glad you stayed so calm. The whole situation is just wild. Great story. Greg was reading it to me and I kept yelling, "Oh my gosh!" and gasping (and laughing). Thanks for sharing.

rose said...

good thing this didn't happen in a few months when there is a baby girl inside too! we always keep one window unlocked just in case there is a lockout (but don't tell anyone).

Courtenay Beth said...

oh my gosh, I am laughing so hard slash feeling so much sympathy for you! Some highlights were the handy manny tools, the going to the strangers neighbors spanish speaking, no bra on in your pj's, and the yelling encouragement about the potty problem, whew, what a great beginning to the day yeah!

Ilene said...

Way to go Easton. You totally provided great blog material for you mom.

Jackson likes to lock me out. Not cute when it's a four-year-old. Good thing this house has a keypad to open the garage door from the outside.


Am I really that much more observant than you?! I've known our birthdays were close for years!! But you're right, May birthdays are the best!

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

Oh man! I'm so sorry em. I've been there and Cade's done that. Lucky for me, he could get our sliding door open for me. Phew! But scary and frustrating though.

And I didnt' know Easton is potty training, that's great!

And you are too cute pregnant! And you don't look huge at all. i love the one of you and E at the pool. Too cute! Maybe you're different than me when it comes to this but I felt like I was cuter prego than not. YOu are DANG cute prego but totally cute not as well! Lucky lady!

Tara said...

Oh that is hilarious! Good thing Steve's work is not too far away!!

Aimee said...

Kir and I are basically rolling on the ground laughing hysterically right now!!! That is seriously too funny!

Kara said...

I love your description of what happened and how great it was that he didn't have an accident! That's all I can think about is how great he's doing with the potty! Can you come train Nathan for me?

Jenni said...

ahhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emily, my whole apartment is cracking up! EASTON BROUGHT HIS TOOLS!!!!!!?????? That is the most adorable thing i've ever heard in my entire life. Obviously you've got a manly man on your hands. He's been watching his grandpa :). I just have a mental image of this whole thing and i'm loving it. Especially the part about you screaming at him to take his pants off. hahaha!!!!!

I bet your new neighbors LOVE you already!!! hahaha!

Alifinale said...

Oh that is so funny...now. Not so much at the time. I just love the picture of you yelling supportive "take your pants off!"

The Grahams said...

haha that is pretty funny about the Handy Manny tools. We are also a fan of Manny at our house. Way to go for holding it together.... I would have been totally freaking out. And way to go Easton for holding it in!

Melanie said...

Hilarious Em! What a great day. Thanks for the laugh! Take some cookies to your neighbors....

Lima Bean said...

oh, the handy manny thing is just the best part of that story. was he even using the latino accent?


Lawther family said...

So funny. I have so been there... at least you had jammies on. I had G's on and a little nighty on over them, that barely covered them and there I was locked out! I love that Easton got Hanny Manny on the job to help out.
Thanks for sharing. You have a way of capturing the moment.

greg&sarina said...

definitely gave me motivation to ask my husband what our code to the keypad to open the garage door from the outside is!! we never lock our doors out here, but Luke is almost able to reach the inside door locks!! Glad you kept it together :) and see, Easton is potty-training without you even having to send him to your mom to take care of it!! I still plan on sending Luke to her, as she's got quite the experience.

Lara said...

Oh Em, I laughed so hard!!!!!!!! Ash has done this to us serveral times. She was about 13 months old, when I saw Paul running into South with no shoes on and Panicked. Our neighbor had driven him down to school to get my keys. Ash was home alone for about 20 minutes, just fine, watching tv.
And just last month on dad's b-day, she locked us all out of the house. Dad had helped me change the deadbolt, because it was broken a couple of months before.

Eischens said...

I think Maddie and Luke would have had a COW! You are such a good mama for staying so calm!

Jill said...

How funny! Well, maybe not so much for you. But it's a great story! So glad there wasn't an accident on top of the lock out.

*Stephanie Lance* said...

hahahahahha i'm cracking up right now!! haha that's awesome! That story just made my day! what a cute little bugger! I'm glad you got in and everything was ok!! ha! love you!

Matt and Shannon said...

Too funny! Good thing Steve could come as quickly as he did... at least you know one of your neighbors now :)

Kim said...

Oh my goodness, I think every mother needs to experience a good "locked out" situation. You will definitely look back on that and laugh. How adorable that he got his tools to help him out! :o)