Okay, has anyone else been having issues with google reader? I think it might be my computer, but it won't let me mark any of the blogs "as read" and therefor they keep piling up and I can't ever tell who has a new post. So, I apologize for my lack of commenting. I really do try and read them if I can figure out if they're new. So annoying.
Baby Stella came to see us! She is learning about Star Wars, thanks to Easton.
We've been spending LOTS of time outside since it's basically spring here. I LOOOOOVE IT!!! This is Easton showing off his saweet moves on his scooter. He wanted me to take a picture of his "tricks". He basically just jumps off, but is really proud of himself.
For some reason I pick the worst times to decide to start potty training. But, we did and got off to a bit of a rough start but now she is doing really well. I hope by the time the baby comes it will be official. Real proud of our girl though!
We went bowling a couple of weeks ago with some friends. I got one picture and my battery died. I was 32 weeks and had no business going bowling. I feel bad for all people who had to witness it. I was sore for days.

We had to say goodbye to our cute baby Anniston. She has been with us since October, but they moved to AZ. Carly still asks about her every day. She sure was cute and fun to have around, we'll miss her!
Dress up and tea parties!
34 weeks. This was at my recent trip to my sister's for her baby shower (more on that later). She is 35 1/2 weeks and so CUTE!!!
I just realized that Steve isn't in any of these pictures. Oops. He is definitely around and doing well. He is being super dad and taking over a lot since I am super prego and tired and sore all the time. I don't know if he's more excited for the baby to come because of the baby, or because it will mean I'm not pregnant anymore.
I feel like I should put a disclaimer on here about my pictures. Yes I got my great new camera for Christmas and have started the long process of learning how to use it. So, just go with it even if you see lots of over-exposed, blurry or dark pictures on here. I'm determined to learn. I've spent hours reading and watching you tube videos and bugging friends.
Easton is doing great in school and Carly really wants to give up her naps. Bummer.
I have never been more ready to be done being pregnant, but at the same time am not ready at all for this baby. 6 weeks feels like an eternity.
Stella looks enthralled :) It was so cute how he was reading to her though!
I can't wait for your baby to be here!!! I love that picture of you and Jenni :)
I'll tell you what I love about your new camera... all the pictures you keep posting!! KEEP THEM COMING! I LOVE that picture of the tea party. Carly looks so precious. Who is she with?! And Stella is so cute!! I need to see more of her. I am so glad you came this weekend. SO SO GLAD. and I cant wait until next time I get to see you... we'll both have babies! Love you!
Ok. Somehow I had NO IDEA you were this far along! I thought you still had a few months! Holy cow! It's so soon!!!! Great pics. Your kids are huge and old. I wonder what the next one will look like. It's been so long since you've had a little baby! Potty training. Yikes. That sounds so advanced. I suppose I don't need to think about that for another year or so.
How can you possibly only have a handful of weeks left?! I suppose, had I actually been commenting on posts (I do read them!) this may have set it a little more. How exciting! I still can't believe you will have THREE!!
I LOVE the belly to belly picture with Jenni. :)
Oh, and it JUST clicked who Stella is! Duh!! (Sorry, Christi!) I'm even related to her...
I'm with Jenni, I am loving the plethora of pictures! Potty training, I'm scared of that, but also really excited because changing diapers STINKS! Looking forward to our visit, springtime weather?! Yes please!
That's a rough spot to be in: so sick of pregnancy but in no way ready to take on the newborn challenges. I've been there. Good thing you've got super dad around!
Easton is so big on his razor scooter. He looks like a pro! And Carly is so big on the potty and having her tea parties.
Best picture ever of you and Jenni at her shower. So awesome of you to get there for that.
Oh, Carly! I love the picture of her in her pink sweater and her hair all fixed so adorable and the tea party picture is to die for. Are you positive she is your daughter? Pictures of you at the age are with a hat and ball of some kind.
I feel for you, this last bit of pregnancy can seem so long especially when you have a family to care for. One month go, wow.
I hope Carly continues to do well as the potty princess, it will be so helpful when the baby comes and you start all over. Moms are awesome, you are awesome! Oh, and I was just thinking how great you pictures are, keep learning and teach me.
Oh, Carly! I love the picture of her in her pink sweater and her hair all fixed so adorable and the tea party picture is to die for. Are you positive she is your daughter? Pictures of you at the age are with a hat and ball of some kind.
I feel for you, this last bit of pregnancy can seem so long especially when you have a family to care for. One month go, wow.
I hope Carly continues to do well as the potty princess, it will be so helpful when the baby comes and you start all over. Moms are awesome, you are awesome! Oh, and I was just thinking how great you pictures are, keep learning and teach me.
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