Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sunday Baby

I know that MANY of you can relate to this. We now have church at 1:00 pm, which would have been cool if I were 14 and was sleeping 16 hours a night, but now that I'm all grown up, I'm not a big fan of late church. Especially with a baby! Easton takes a great morning nap, which is really nice, but by about Relief Society/Priesthood time, he just can't handle it anymore. I used to be able to get him to fall asleep in my arms if he was tired enough, but that didn't work today. It's hard when I think ,"hmm, I can stay here and have a whiney, overtired baby, or I could leave early and put him down for a nice, peaceful nap." I obviously know the right choice to make, but the other one is soooo tempting sometimes.

It was especially tempting today because I didn't get a thing out of either lesson. The lady in Sunday School was talking about a quilt she was making, and I never opened my scriptures and had no clue what she was talking about the whole time! And in RS, the lesson was apparently on reverence, but she was talking about TV Evangelists and how much money they make, and how Elvis wishes that his daughter Lisa would join the church. Seriously, it was weird. But Sacrament meeting was good, so church wasn't a complete waste. It was our first real Sunday at this ward and people seemed pretty normal (except the 2 teachers), so hopefully we will fit right in and get to know some people.

Okay back to the topic I started with...
I guess we'll just have to try some new things to get him through Sundays, and then by the time he has it down we'll switch to 9:00 church and we'll get to start all over. If anyone has suggestions send them my way!


Megan and Greg said...

That is so funny. I feel bad 'cause I can't stand one of our new Sunday School Teachers. I get NOTHING from his lessons. Sorry Easton's hard to deal with during church, can't relate. Just give him to Steve 1/2 the time.

Anonymous said...

This is my feeling on the topic. The BEST choice isn't to stay at church, it is to go home. Not only is it the best choice, it is the right choice. Why is it better to hold a crying kid in the halls (not getting ANYTHING out of church, just being there) than to go home so the kid can sleep? I think this is where the "spirit of the law" comes in.

Christi said...

Sorry Emily I can't help you out here. Reagan is so good at church for me. She lets me sit through all 3 hours with her arms folded! It really is amazing.
I think we should all go home after sacrament and have nap time.

P.S. My favorite hymn is How Great Thou Art by Elvis

Emily said...

Seriously, Reagan IS good at church! Oh man that song was too funny. Elvis ROCKS!

the splendid life of us... said...

Sorry that church with E is at a hard stage. Keep on truckin' till nursery!

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

we're coming up on afternoon church so now you've got me nervous! I hope it's just all the newness of things and he gets used to missing him afternoon naps once a week. Good luck! And how's the running going? Wanna chat today?

Alifinale said...

Emery was E's age when we got called to Nursery. While Nursery isn't the funnest calling - it really is the best place (other than home) when you have a kid that age. Should I tell the Primary Pres. to call you instead?

And I will agree with you...very um..interesting lessons yesterday.

Ilene said...

From the age of 12 months to 18 months, church is tough. Remember when I brought Jackson's monkey leash to church? That was a life saver despite all the looks I got. Fruit snacks and goldfish helped keep him occupied and a bag full of books and various toys.

I figure this kids at church thing is all part of the refining process. I remember listening to the general RS president at our last stake conference and she shared memories of walking the halls at church with her kids. She didn't turn out to be such a bad person so I figure I can survive walking the halls too. I also hope that somehow this will instill in my children the instinct to stay at church later in life. Here's to hoping, anyway.

Lizzie said...

No suggestions for you. I think that all times of church (9am 11am and 1pm) of sucks when you have a baby/toddler. It always seems to be when they should be napping. My favorite is when they are peacefully taking a nap and you have to wake them up to go to church. I do have to admit though, sometimes, if it is really bad and Tanner is out of control because he's so tired, and I am only in the hall, I take him home and have Shad get a ride home. Hopefully he likes nursery when he gets to go. Tanner has been in there 1 year and we STILL have to sit with him in nursery.

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

okay, you are probably doing all the things I am going to say, but just in case- Pres. Martin gave this great talk on reverence when Jake was a baby. He said you do whatever it takes to make church a fun place cheerios, sugar cereal, fruit snacks, any kind of quiet toy possible. Make the foyer a not fun place. All the good stuff is in the room you are supposed to be in. Now that works in sacrament and sometimes the other ones. But reality is 3 hours is eternity for a toddler. So I always made my kids be good during Sacrament and let them run during the others. I tried to stay in SS and RS, but it didn't always work. And as far as feeling like, why am I here? Because if you stop, when do you start again, and the blessings of obedience go a longggggg way with Heavenly Father. I know you were'nt really thinking of skipping, but I think it helps to remind yourself that you get blessings for obedience even if it seems like there is nothing gained from it. The other thing I would remind myself is this doesn't last forever. It's like being pregant, there comes a time when you start to believe the baby is never going to come out. You know with your head that the baby has to come out, but emotionally you don't believe it, you think you are going to be pregnant forever!!! The toddler years are like that. But they do end, and sometimes when you are up at midnight wondering where your teenager is you think, what happened to that little baby that was in his crib and wanted me more than anyone else.

Steve and I took turns with the toddler also so the other person could go to at least one of the meetings w/o the baby.

So now that I have lectured/showed compassion, I know you know all this, it's just those things helped me to think about when I thought it was never going to get better.

On another subject Steve replied to your comment on our page


Ok I don't have time to read anymore- so i will later- but I just had to comment on what you said to my dad- that was hilarious- about your dad bringing 3 shirts- hahah- I love it. I haven't read any of your blog, but will soon. (and no you aren't an obligation, I just have to go right now)

Lindsay Coudron said...

We have 1:00 church also it is really hard. We just put our kids to bed really early on Sunday night. I can't even tell you the last time that I really got to listen to and enjoy a full lesson in church. I think there are the interesting teachers in every ward. We had one answer her cell phone during her lesson in Relief Society a few weeks ago and she talked for about 30 seconds, it was so funny, but not at the same time:) I promise church gets better once they go to nursery.

Brianne said...

I hate 1pm church with a passion! I'm just lucky that Austin's in nursery and they have to deal with him. But of course they say he's an angel and when we get home at 4:30pm (thank you very much) he's a crab until bedtime. Most of the time we even go to a friend's house for dinner or have someone over so he doesn't seem to get to bed as early as he should. Ouch!! I can't really symphathize, but give me a little longer before Cali starts running loose in the halls, then we'll talk.


Ok first of all- That is hilarious about your teacher saying that Elvis wishes his daughter would join the church-hahhahahah. That is hilarious. I hate it and love it when teachers go off topic and say crazy things. But it is annoying when you have taken the time to come to church and they are wasting your time. Ok- about Easton. Obviously I don't know anything. But i remember I asked my mom one day "what's the point in parents even coming to church when they just have to hang out in the hall way?" And she said, "It is important because the child learns the importance of going to church nomatter what. Parents are examples to their children." Sorry you have to deal with that- I have to admit though- I can't imagine him being fussy- he is such a good baby- but i've only been around him a few times. He is so adorable.

Anonymous said...

hahahahaaaaaaa! i wish i could hear those lessons!!! sounds similar to our special ward. and i'm obsessed with steve's comment... he would say that, and i'm in complete agreeance (however you spell that)!!!

Anonymous said...

Amen to Sharon and ilene. Thanks for being the Mom so I don't have to. But I will just a little anyway:)

It all makes you tough Em, so you can make it through his teen age years. Going home is the easy way out and will teach him that mom will take me home if I put up enough fight. I have a sister on my route that is sorry she did that now and her 5 year old actually decides if they stay at church or not.

I do feel your pain and remember the struggle and it is hard. He needs his grandma to snuggle him to sleep.

Anonymous said...

Amen to Sharon and ilene. Thanks for being the Mom so I don't have to. But I will just a little anyway:)

It all makes you tough Em, so you can make it through his teen age years. Going home is the easy way out and will teach him that mom will take me home if I put up enough fight. I have a sister on my route that is sorry she did that now and her 5 year old actually decides if they stay at church or not.

I do feel your pain and remember the struggle and it is hard. He needs his grandma to snuggle him to sleep.